But as my character grows, and I level up, it actually becomes mroe and more awesome. The fights get a lot mor tactical when you encounter stronger enemies, and more importantly, when you invest your perks into combat skills. I′m a blocking combat-assassin Nord in light armor with one-handed weapons.
AKA the most demanding character for a good combat system. And I have to say that me fighting on level 20 is a whole new experience compared to me fighting at level 10. This comes mostly from the one-handed and blocking perks.
Now that I can behead people and ge those blocking slo-mos, there are almost no mindless-mashing-and-slashing-straight-forward fights, but engaging battles, mostly even with bigger enemies (aka dragons). The block-sow-mo perk is one of the greatest things I′ve ever seen in an elder scrolls game, and maybe it should′ve been implemented by default. I′m pretty sure less people would have complained, if it was. I can understand that msot people don′t want to invest into "Style"-perks, but it just makes the fights so much better! And there IS a practical use to it. Instead of only blocking you can now manually prepare your counter-attack while blocking just as in real life. I also invested into one-handed "style". Now I′m running around decapitating bandits and seriously... that′s always a shock when ti happens, because I totally forget about that ability always when I am in a fight! All these things combined with the finishers make the combat awesome. The Assassination-finishers are awesome as well, and they never get old!
I had a fantastic battle with a daugr ,yesterday or so, I think, sadly I didn′t record it. It went like this:
-Blade on blade blocking
-hit with shield
-blocking slow-mo
-diving under the blade and stabbing
-swing gets blocked
-swords are jammed
-mighty shield attack
-getting the blade free and attacking
-ending with a stab finisher
And this all happened within a few seconds!
It was actually the best video game sword fight I′ve ever had and I′d never thought this would be possible in Skyrim when I started playing the game.
Tl;dr: Combat doesn′t svck when you invest into combat skills; finishers are awesome!