Ok,first I have to say oblivion is my true love and skyrim is like a trist on the side.I love the game,but the combat is so terrible.One of the most annoying things is when you strike a person theres no reaction at all.If I come up quickly from behind a target and strike it with a heavy axe you bet your gonna feel it.I get so tired of getting into a battle and just hitting a guy over and over again with not so much as a flinch.Don't you just love it when a charector is still talking to you as the swords are already in them or when you just cut there head off.This needs to be fixed in future games.Combat should be fun and fluid and keep you coming back.If your an assasin and you sneek up to your target and hit them in the head with a arrow or bolt it should be game over dead.unless of course there a boss monster and can repell the arrow or if it perhaps couldn't pierce all the way.My point is that in combat we need realism.Also I think for kill cams we should be able to trigger them when we want by hitting two buttons at once like square and x.I know some of the die hard fans are going to say its ok.I feel like it needs some betterment.If you feel the same way pass it on to your freinds and voice it if you don't I respect that.Thanks guys.