The GTX 570 just are all over the place too. Check it out.
The Q6600 can certainly be a bottleneck though depending on application, but that chip is also highly overclockable if you're willing to do so.
Thanks for the tip, I've decided to go with the 570 in the end. Looks like a real nice card.

I have a follow-up question I've been mulling over, though: I've started considering an upgrade for the rest of my rig as well, from a Q6600/P45 to either an i5 760/P55 or an i7 950/X58, but I'm having trouble deciding between the two. The 760 option is cheaper (but only by about £100 in this case) and offers near-similar performance-per-price as the 950 for less power draw and heat. The 950, however, has better support for SLI should I decide to go that route in the future, with the X58 board offering two 16x PCI-e lanes instead of only 8x for the P55, but I'm not sure if that wouldn't be overkill for general gameplay anyway, where 8x lanes might suffice. I'm trying to put together a fairly future-proofed machine (at least for the next few years) with the possibility of going SLI for a boost later on, so my question is: does the i7 950 offer a sensible investment for the price with its potential for better SLI support, or would I see a similar level of performance from the i5 760 over the next few years of gaming?
Tough question maybe, I know, but I've been poring over dozens of reviews and benchmarks all day trying to get a clear answer... :read:
(edited for clarity)