I'm looking for a Core2Quad processor, and I need a little help deciding. Would I be suffering much if I went with the http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115057, or should I splurge and go for the http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115041?
My GPU is an HD4890 and I feel that my current processor is holding me back.
Well what is your current processor? I'm currently in the same boat as you trying to milk LGA775 and decided on the Q9550, but I'm upgrading from my E6750 @ 3.2GHz. The Q8400 wouldn't have made much of a difference for me and it lacks the cache. The Q9550 will give me similar performance at stock speeds, I plan to overclock to somewhere between 3.4-3.8GHz to get me near the Core i7 920 performance. The pointis making the jump to a quad without downgrading on the dual side.
Keep in mind that while you can get a Core i5 chip with a LGA 1156 motherboard, this path is officially going to be a dead-end. Intel just released their Sandybridge Chips and those require entirely new sockets (LGA 1155 and LGA 1356). The current LGA 1366 will be dead-end as well. Getting rather annoyed with Intel's socket changing.
BTW...I'm getting my Q9550 used. I refuse to pay more than $175 for one and I'm pending a sale right now through a member on another forum. Just keep in mind that the chip can be found for that little if you shop hard enough...well for a used one anyways.
Now for my question.
I'm building an HTPC/gamer out of my spare parts after several other upgrades. I've never used SLI. What would be "better"?
3-way SLI with GTX260/216s
SLI 2x GTS450 with 8800 GTS 512 for PhysX
OS will be W7 64 and I don't run brand new bells-and-whistles games. This will be TV, movies, TES-level gaming and folding when I don't need it.
I'd say 3-way SLI with the GTX 260's is going to get you more with the folding. Power consumption is more, but heat dissipation will be less. TES level games haven't always been friendly to SLI, but a single GTX 260 will have you lookin better in those cases.