Real quick, to the moderators; I wasn't sure where to post this, as it isn't directly related to any mod content. However, the people I want to read this are those who use this forum so I figured it was the best spot to post it. I 100% absolutely understand if this gets locked!
So, on to the reason for this post. I'm very excited to announce that I've accepted an Associate Designer position at Bungie, Inc. I cannot express how excited I am for this. But this thread isn't about me. This is about me thanking you; The Community.
Modding has been ~90% of my life for over four years now, and all throughout you were there to support me. I know this will sound weird since this is an open community composed largely of random anonymous people from 'The Internet', but you're kind of like my second family. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank every person who ever provided feedback on a mod, support, help, or something as simple as a "Cant wait!" or "Great job." Every single one of you made this possible. From driving me to work throughout development, to providing astounding amounts of feedback and support to help learn and improve after releases. I owe it to all of you.
Without the incredible support of this community over the years I doubt I'd be anywhere noteworthy right now. I'd love to name specific people, but there's no way I could list you all, and of course I'd hate to leave anyone out. Everyone who helped me when I was getting started. Answering a question, providing support and ideas, and even a few of you who sort of took me under your wing. You fostered my passion for design, and unlocked the door so I could storm out into the world of modding.
I want to thank even those who did 'simple' things; liking a video, endorsing a mod, or providing feedback (Positive and negative alike). I don't think I can really express how thankful I am without blabbering on and getting super repetitive, so I suppose I'll leave it sweet and short.
Of course, all of this leaves me with one corny 'life lesson' that I'd like to extend to all of you. Never be afraid to try. I set my sights on a professional design job pretty early, I lowered my head, charged forward, and rarely looked back. Of course, I ensured what I was doing had a reasonable chance for success from time to time. But the most surprising of all, is who I've ended up with. I applied to many companies, and Bungie was in my, "Huge company that will completely ignore me." category. Well, they didn't and look what it got me. Bungie is an awesome company with an amazing team, and I'm very lucky that they've decided to give me a chance! Never be afraid to try. I spent the time it took to apply and the rewards are proving to be greater than I could have possible imagined.
I suppose I should have a FAQ of sorts for those interested in my future plans (Which I will probably post more about as things become clear), so see that below if you'd like; and again, thank you. To all of you. I mean it.
FAQ of sorts (I'll update it if anything else pops up):
Will you keep modding? This one is unsure. It's certainly still possible. While my professional work will be of utmost priority, I'll probably have some insatiable hunger to create pour over into more mod content.
Will you update/expand on Falskaar? Again, still entirely possible. I still have some plans that may very well come to fruition. It all depends on after I settle in if I have the time and will to continue.
Will you still make tutorials? Oh boy... tutorials; a subject that I fear has been more talk than show. As with the others, I'd certainly still like to. So, again (And I hate being so vague constantly) it's possible. I have a lot of tutorial content planned, and I'd very much like to catch up and get a lot of it out.
Will you mod future Bethesda games like Fallout 4? I got my serious design start in Fallout 3, so it's pretty likely that I won't be able to resist the draw of Fallout 4 and it's modding tools.
Will you disappear or stick around? Well, as I said above I owe pretty much everything to this awesome community. While I may not be as active as I have been in the past, I'd definitely like to hang around; providing help and input where necessary. Even if I don't continue modding the games (Which, again, I'd like to continue) I don't think I could ever completely abandon you ladies and gentlemen.