» Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:43 pm
I think the compass should have a toggle ON / OFF switch. Example: Pressing the L3 would allow a very rudimentary icon that would only give us N S E W, with no extra markers added to it besides ones set yourself. It was weird knowing exactly where characters were when on assassination missions, knowing their exact position as the moved around in a house or in a dungeon. Because of this you can ignore a lot of your surroundings and find yourself focusing on the arrow to get to your destination.
Also, I felt fast traveling was something like cheating in Oblivion. I enjoyed the walk between areas, seeing the wildlife or bashing a few thieves and retrieving their stolen goods to barter off to a dirty Inn merchant further down the road for a place to sleep & food. With the ability to skip all of that, it really makes the game shorter than it should be.I know you can say to just not use it, but its so tempting when you're after a killer item or engrossed in the story. You miss out on the experience you could have had traveling between point A & B, and taking in the area yourself. Without the markers it would take some thinking and field exploration to find the place you are looking for, and I feel that's the best kind of satisfaction when you finally do. If they do have a form of fast travel, I would hope they'd take Red Dead Redemption's idea of keeping the character in the world (third person or first) as they travel with the ability to exit at any time along the ride. Doing this allows the player to really let the world sink into their mind, and if they happen to see something of interest along the way, they can choose to investigate, or ignore it.