» Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:44 pm
In the http://www.gameinformer.com/b/podcasts/archive/2011/02/03/toddhowardse.aspx, Todd Howard confirms Alchemy is in the Stealth category. 13:00 is a good place to start. He also confirms that Mysticism is out at about 16:47.
This http://cdnstatic.gamesas.com/akqacms/files/tes/screenshots/SkillsMenu_wLegal.jpg shows the 6 Magic skills: Illusion, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Alteration, Enchanting, as well as Speechcraft and Alchemy(stealth) and Smithing (Combat).
The http://bethblog.com/index.php/2011/06/16/skyrim-e3-2011-roundup/ shows the magic skills previously mentioned as well as all 6 Combat skills (approximately 4:15): Smithing, Heavy Armor, Block, Two-Handed, One Handed, and Archery. It also shows Light Armor (stealth).
Sneak is confirmed in http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1189517-part-02-todd-howard-interview-norwegian-magazine-gamerno/ of a Todd Howard interview. A link to the original article is provided there.
Most, if not all, of these are also confirmed elsewhere, but it should be clear that the only speculation at this point involves the last 2 Stealth skills.