The demo worked for me, the freshly installed crysis 2 worked for me... but after these 2 useless/worthless patches my multiplayer still remains broken and unplayable! This my friends is not funny anymore... its been almost a month since ive could play a normal game in Crysis 2 Mp. Its because of you Crytek that im still not able to play this game properly ( still rank 7 wtf!!) ... i think you should first try to make the game work for everyone who purchased it and then care about everything else... one more month.. if the game doesnt work then...i will take a trip to Frankfurt to get some answers.
And dont come along with try this and that on your router or workaround B$ on me!
EVERY other game works and i will not change a running configuration for a bug ridden game!
Even Crysis wars still works properly... oh god Crytek what happened to you guys ?