» Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:35 pm
Hey guys, The game works fine but for the disconnection problems, i have several actually.
You have lost connection to your opponent, logging out.
you have lost connection to the game server, logging out.
You have lost connection to the server, returning you to the main menu.
The opponent one ends up happening in game just as i get a kill and the game server one happens at the end of a game and the returning to main menu happens in a lobby. i have checked my connection and it is fine, 3 mbps downstream and 727 kbps upstream on a Belkin PLAY MAX wireless n router, i am running my computer via wireless n 300 mbps. when i get logged out though steam seems to still be fine and everything else.
if my hardware matters here it is, amd 720 BE unlocked to a 4 core AMD Phenom II x4 20, GTX 570 EVGA superclocked edition, and some asus mobo (wouldent know what one) a 250 gb 7200 rpm HDD and a 1TB 7200 rpm HDD, windows on the 250 and crysis 2 on the 1TB, i have no idea why this is happening because i was playing the demo flawlessly all through out the time period it was live, got the game and all these troubles happened. i can still play all other game fine, black ops, bfbc2, bf2, left4dead, l3d2, medal of honour 2010.