Bleah, sorry, I confused the errors. This one I get during the sessions on these rare occasions when I actually manage to login. They aren't very often and I can re-login with no problem in most occasions, but if... say... I close the game and shut down my PC - after a few hours game won't let me login again, no matter how many attempts I make and how many times will I re-start the game.
This is the error I get during login. Sorry for mess - there's so many red screens I watch that I already got lost in which error appears where

I contacted EA support, unlocked ports on my router, checked PC for spyware & viruses using 2 different anti-vir soft, tried running game withouth firewall and antivirus, and... ermm... I don't recall what else, cause I spent really, really long time trying to make this game work.
I'm educated computer technician so... it's as much as one could make, though no result.
I use Win7 x64, ADSL Internet via wired connection to router TP-Link TD-W8910G.
If there's anything else you'd need from me and it'd help solving either of the problems - feel free to PM me.