Welcome! This is the the recruitment topic for the epic RP The Conspiracy of Verusius! If you are interested, these are the things you will need to participate: A basic knowledge of the world of Elder Scrolls, a thirst for adventure, and a vivid imagination. Now, The first thing you'll need to do is read the summary of events that have led up to this RP. This summary will be located in the next post, and you will need this to construct a character that fits into the story. Next, you should copy and this character sheet I've created and paste it into a Word document. Fill it out, and please do not add or remove anything on the format I've made. This character sheet was created so it will be easier to visualize a character, as they all have the same ways of description. It would be wise to create your character according to the story, so he or she won't look like too much of an outsider. Once you have finished filling out the character sheet PM it to me, if I approve it, post it on this topic. [Below is the character sheet format]
Elder Scrolls Role-playing Game Character Sheet [format]
Birth sign:
Physical Description
-Skin Color:
Short Bio:
Once you have done this, read up a little on Elder Scrolls lore associated with this RP. [Some great sites for Elder Scrolls reference are: UESP.net, Imperial Library, and Chorrol.com]
If you do all these things, you're set up to take part in an epic that will captivate you!