Every time a new change is announced, one of the first responses I see is "Great, now I can't RP the way I want because X is gone".
Disappointment is understandable, especially when it comes to this series because we are all so close to it. Most of us have put hundreds of hours of gameplay into TES and have certain expectations. But please...stop using roleplay as the excuse. I'm starting to turn into Inigo Montoya every time I see this in a thread- "You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means".
Roleplaying is PRETEND. It's the fantasy you create with your character. In that fashion, if you are decent at role playing, you should be able to role play ANYTHING. Remember when you were a kid and the floor in the living room was hot lava? Seriously, just because mom moved the comfy chair doesn't mean that the role play was doomed, it meant you had to find a different pirate ship to get across the lava!
As a fan of role play myself, I am constantly surprised at how limited some of the TES fans are. They took birthsigns out of the game, your roleplay is now broken? You can't roleplay that you are under a certain sign? Really? There is now slow regen of health. You can't role play your character has had a special gift since birth, bestowed upon him/her by a mysterious cleric who visited your mother in a dark winter storm? Come on, I just made that up like, right now.
So, if you want to be disappointed in game mechanics and changes, have at it. But please, stop using pretend as an excuse. Because what it really sounds like is "I'm not that imaginative and can't pretend my way out of this simple scenario".
I get what you are saying, Inigo, but it seems you are attempting Sicilian wit here. Lol.
After a fashion, you are of course correct, HOWEVER, part of the power of video game RPGs is to give visual representation to the roleplay you are imagining. When certain features are ommitted, you end up right back to where you were when you were superimposing The Forest of Mirkwood over the living room floor. . . having to visualize things that just aren't there to be seen.
The really advanced RPG games like Elder Scrolls is that so much of the visual representation is well taken care of, that the main thing you have to entirely imagine and roleplay the type of person you are, and your backstory prior to entering the game. The game offers you visual support for roleplaying much of the rest.
Not being able to jump very high, or not being able to merge certain spells, or not being able to wear just a cuirass and no pants, or just greaves and no upperbody apparel, detracts from that visual aspect.
Its like. . . if you are roleplaying old school with toys, yes you CAN pretend that a My Little Pony is Conan the Barbarian. . . . but that pretend is much more convincingly backed up with a He-Man action figure, who at least looks the part. Likewise, if you want a Pegasus representation, then the My Little Pony is much better suited to the role then Cobra Commander from G.I. Joe. lol