Thank you all for your replies! Talonfire and Longknife, you two make a lot of sense! Same as Colonel Martyr and Styles, it was JUST a simple delivery for the courier, although Ulysses makes it sound as if the Courier had been to that place often.
I know right, Tranquillus? I guess I would have felt less guilty if my courier had full blown amnesia LOL
True Gingy, I guess I wouldn't recognize my home, if it were nuked! lol
Whiteguy - another piece of the puzzle, yea, I guess for the Courier it was just a "thoroughfare", nothing special. Well, at first I think they thought it was earthquakes, because the nukes ripped the earth apart. The freak storms were caused by Big MT experiments though.
For the Courier, Hopeville was just a town, but for Ulysses it was much, much more. That makes a whole lot of sense.
And yea, I didn't mean to imply that the Courier actually had amnesia. I was just wondering how in the blazes could something so huge go on and not be noticed, IF THE Courier had placed as much value on the place as Ulysses. The Courier probably heard about it, shrugged and went his merry way.
OK, I'll go with that then!

I just love to talk about the Divide. I don't know, it captures my imagination like nothing else (same with Ulysses!)
Thank you all for sharing your interesting thoughts!