While there are similar items in-game at the moment, most of the vanilla NV items are far from useful and leave you just flat out wondering why you bothered to repair it in the first place.
For the present, none of these items will be 'moddable', but that could change if I get deeply into the guts of the item modding system.
I am currently waiting on either gamesas, or the community, to address a serious animation issue with rifle-type weapons that affects a large segment of users, including myself. This is an error where rifle weapons seem to make the players arms (with weapon) sort of raise up or circle around oddly at random moments, and often causes the weapon to vanish until you enter iron sights mode.
Here is the (incomplete) list of what I intend to port over. More items will be added to the list as they are requested/I remember them/I work out their scripting.
-The Rose. This is one of the most powerful handguns ever created. Modeled after a Colt 18-- Army, which originally used ball and powder charges, but has been retrofitted for modern center/rimfire cartridges.
-The Big Iron. This is a cousin to The Rose. Slightly less powerful, but designed for armor piercing rounds and longer range accuracy.
-Repeating Rifle .32/.44/.223(5.56mm). These are the variant models of 'the rifle that won the west').
-18-- model pump action shotgun.
-Armored Cowpoke duds! These range from the traditional 'mud and dung' colored duster outfit the Sherrif of Megaton wore in FO3 (which gamesas has apparently included in NV) to more thematic outfits such as black on black, blue jeans and white shirt (chuck Norris anyone?), etc. Some may be further modified to include neck scarves at a later time.
Many of these 'cowpoke duds' will be available in clothing, light, and medium armor flavors, having been reinforced with the Fallout world's version of Kevlar fibers and metal plating.
-The P.I.M.P. Pipboy Integrated Medical Package. a 'one touch' solution to your failing health. Uses purchaseable/craftable packs of medical chems to heal small amounts over long periods of time. Useful to activate BEFORE stepping into a bullet storm.
-The Gold Watch (of The Girl, the Gold Watch, and Everything movie fame). Damaged by the ravages of time and exposure to background radiation, this mystical watch no longer allows the user to freely slip in and out of the timestream, but it's limited remaining functionality enables the user to selectively sideslip the timestream partially, rendering him completely immune to attacks and granting him a respite during which he can heal himself but not fight. (freezes player, makes player invulnerable, locks all controls except pip boy until deactivated or a time count expires).
-and More!