[WIPz] - The Craftsman's Candyland

Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:11 am

Mod Title: The Craftsman's Candyland
Status: WIP
Team: morerunes

"As you approach Cheydinhal, you notice a crowd of people and a strange swirling vortex..."

Candyland starts out with the player discovering a strange portal outside Cheydinhal. Upon further inspection, it becomes apparent that the portal and its surroundings are made of, however strange it may be, candy. Candy crystals have grown around the base of the portal, a swirling pool of color. You talk to a person in the crowd and are informed that this is the third time such a portal has appeared, and each time fifty people have gone through. Yet to this date, nobody has returned, and they are looking for somebody to go in and scope it out and bring back their friends and family members. Once you have entered the candy portal, you are greeted by a brilliant land of candy and sweets. A trail of peppermint, lollipops and gumdrops greets you, leading to a town of gingerbread houses and a castle glinting in the light. But you soon find out, a world of candy is not as glorious as it would seem... the candy portal only goes one way, and you had better like the taste of sweets.

Candyland is a decently large world and quest mod, where the player has to help The Architect to save their little town and find a way to reverse the flow of the candy portal. Everything you bring to Candyland can turn to candy if you do not take care, and keep your items inside whenever possible. Food is a commodity, and the people there are under constant threat of Candyfication, which affects everything from apples to creatures to people.

Travel through Lollipop Lane, on through the Candycane Forest and the Gingerbread Swamp. Or traverse the treacherous Crunchy Badlands, full of Rock Candy Golems and Gingerbread Men. Fend off Jelly Bears in Candycane forest, or collect peppermint and gumdrops for a new and unique alchemical experience.


I plan to release and alpha in the next month or so. I've got to do a little more decorating around Lollipop Lane, add more people to the area, finish scripting and interior design, add some more weather, create a map and add quest dialogue. I should then be able to release Alpha 1, which will just be Lollipop Lane and its immediate surroundings.

Screenshots: (see my website: http://www.morerunes.com/)

Lots of custom meshes and textures!

I'm having some trouble making a world map, but I can fix that later.

Please comment and let me know what you think!
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Dalton Greynolds
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Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:12 pm

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