Yeah, I agree some changes where not great. I mostly miss features like Fame/Infamy (had nothing to do with perks), but the ammo crafting is a missed one as well.
Forgot about those entirely
Isnt cryolator sort of legendary, you cant scrap it can you?
Agreed, FO3 had some incredible 'WTF' quests...
Spoiler Harold and Bob the tree; The republic of Dave; Cannibal weirdo family near the outcasts... There where quite a few. This game has some aswell; the boy in the fridge, robots flying ships, etc. but 3 did them better IMO, and a wild wasteland perk could capitlize on the wacky further by making non-quest elements WTFish
Just an opinion. I've always preferred perks to do something specific, IE effect a specific group of weapons rather than an assortment of them. In my eyes perks are something your character learns, so learning how to use a rifle makes sense, but learning how to suddenly use a rifle, knives, handguns, explosives, etc. all in one go kinda feels weird. If these perks are reintroduced I wouldnt be opposed to it, just gives you the players more choice.
Would love to see Bethesda expand the array of abilities like this, but I feel like they would need animators for it all, and animations are not a strong point for BGS. Would be nice tho!
1) I sort of dislike this one just cause I feel like its something that should have been in the game without the need for perks to begin with. Shouldnt need its own perk.
2) This sounds kinda cool just for the dialogue element, but again feels like it should be integrated with the relevant perks to begin with. So 'I Have Skills (Medicine)' should just be a part of the medic skill.
3) Would be cool, especially if you can mod Codsworth, or add them in as settlement items (a few threads have suggested integrating something along these lines with the Robot Hacker perk).
4) Would take it! Would be fun to bully your way through the game without murdering everyone.
Smackdown - Yes freaking please. Drives me insane how rude some people are, especially that [censored] at cambridge police station (the guy who gives you the 'Cleansing' missions). Wanna punch him in the face every time he opens his mouth.
Never taken aquaboy but its caught my interest. Hopefully DLC will take advantage of the vast open waters, then I might take it!
Like a hardcoe perk? Would be useful IF you can turn it off.