Hey guys! My name’s ImTheIndianGuy, but you can call me Frog for short (as per my PSN: frogman_411). Anyway, I’m new to the community, never played Crysis or Crysis 2, but I absolutely loved the Crysis 3 beta, so I decided to get the game. The campaign’s essentially the run-of-the-mill shooter SP, mission based, kill enemies, move to another location, kill those enemies, and obtain the objective. But the MP is great, dynamic, fast paced, and complies with most if not all player types, strategic of Rambo. Of course there are problems, but they can be fixed if the Developers listen to the community, which they seem to be doing. But like I said, I’m new the community, I hail from a small community of Uncharted players, Uncharted is a PS3 exclusive franchise, most people know each other, and the odds that you’ll get into a random pub match with your friend on the other team is fairly likely. Keep that in mind as you read this, because it’s essential to what I’m about to say.
So what’s my goal? Well it’s simple: To make the community stronger and more involved. Now the concept is a bit abstract or idealistic, what’s strengthening the community going to do? Well:
? Prolongs the game. People will keep playing with their friends, they’re going to come back as the Devs add or fix aspects to the game. It’s going to keep people grounded to the game, just like how the Uncharted community is alive and kicking while games like Battlefield 3, Max Payne 3, Borderlands 2, Diablo 3, Assassin’s Creed III, Halo 4, and Black Op II came out earlier.
? Improves Gameplay. As the Devs see that people still care about the game, they’re going to want to make changes and improve the game (either that or they’re working on Crysis 4 like NaughtyDog did with Uncharted 3 haha). But essentially with an active community, people are going to call out problems so that the Devs will patch them. Be Warned the Devs have to listen to us! I cannot stress how important it is that Devs fix problems, NaughtyDog didn’t listen to the complaints of the community before it was too late, and thousands of players stopped playing, that’s not something Crytek wants to happen.
? Brings new people to the community. When outsiders see that community members and Devs are constantly active and the YouTube side is growing (I’ll more into that later, it’s critical), people are going to be naturally curious and try out the game. This will help solidify the community.
Now that sounds great and all, but so what? How is that going to happen? Well it’s going to take time, but there is some sort of outline, and it revolves around YOU, that you get involved.
? First up is YouTube, which is crucial to the development of the community. It brings people together to a channel or a person over a game they commonly like. It does three essential things:
o Creates quality entertainment for anyone to watch, including people that happen to stumble on to the video and decide to get the game.
o The opportunity to learn more about the game while watching a Pro play. As stupid as this sound, there’s a guy in the Uncharted community that people claim literally taught them how to play the game just by watching him! Just like I pick up a few tips here and there by watching LevelCapGaming’s gameplay of Crysis.
o Allows for a bunch of new and exciting YouTube series. I started a Would You Rather series with a friend of mine, completely unrelated to Uncharted, but we had it as gameplay in the background, and it got a lot of attention, and thus, so did the gameplay that was playing in the background.
Also (and this is a bit cynical) it creates this feeling of a celebrity that can keep the community together because people like this person, but nonetheless, how great would if be if you could meet someone like Seanners, WhiteBoy7thST, Pwnstar, or your other favorite YouTubers?!
So start making YouTube videos, commentaries, or just gameplay. Whatever you can or want to. Crysis has the ability to become successful on YouTube. It’s a game that is not only fun to play, but entertaining to watch, which is a big plus. And for those of you, who plan on making videos or already do, reach out to other YTers, collaborate with them! Anyone with a channel will realize how important YT friends are for growth. For example, I’m looking for a group of YT friends to play with, that way we can help each other grow. By playing and uploading together, we’ll have much more support than individually, and at the same time, will increase the number of people that are watching Crysis gameplay, which is only helping the community. So get on it! Start making those videos, or find some YTers you’d like to collaborate with, it will never hurt you!
? Second, after that long spiel, is a FaceBook group. I know there’s a FaceBook group for PS3, but it’s a bit unruly. I’m not sure if there is another one; so correct me if I’m wrong. A FaceBook group is the most productive way to meet friends if you’re actively involved, build bonds, immediately talk about the game, and be in a more casual mindset as opposed to the forums. It’s a bit minor, but every bit helps.
? Talk on the forums! The best way to discuss problems with the game is on the forums and it’s the best way for the Devs to know what to fix (like they did with the Typhoon and hopefully with the Alpha Jackal in the near future

? Finally (from what I can think of right now) is the competitive side to the community. Ya sure, we have a few clans getting together, a few clan matches here and there, but we’re at the recruitment phase from what I can see on the forums, and that’s fine! The game just came out, so I don’t expect anyone to be scheduling many clan battles, but regardless, it’s important. By being part of a clan, it gives you a reason to play the game aside for just fun. That’s another big factor people leave a community, because they lose purpose in playing, so being part of a clan gives you a reason to play more often. And for those of you who aren’t the best players out there, the prospect of being part of a clan can give you the reason to step up your game in hopes of being part of a clan eventually. And uploading Clan Battles is a great way to way to expand the YT part of the community. Clan Battles will provide great gameplay that will entertain the more adept players at the game.
Anyway, that’s my 1200+ word essay about the community. I really hope you guys take into account what I’ve said. The result won’t be immediate, but over a couple months, you’ll see how the community will grow if you take into account the basics. If you guys want to contact me, I have a bunch of ways of being contacted.
Skype: ImTheIndianGuy