Well if you're still hiring, here's my character sheet

Name: Krindri
Race: Khajiit
Birthsign: The Thief
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Time: 3E433
Class: Martial Artist/Thief
Skills: Unarmed, Unarmored, Stealth, Lockpicking, Block
Appearance: A unique looking individual, even amongst her kind, Krindri's spotted fur makes this apparent. Unlike most of her kind, who sport a plainer hide, Kindri's distinctive spotted brown fur instantly sets her apart: It wouldn't be wrong to say that she resembled a Cheetah, at least, a cheetah given humanoid form. Her face would match this description, sharp and fierce, her amber eyes lined with black fur that runs down her nose in a dark streak. Krindri's tawny-brown hair is pulled back from her face, reaching neatly down to her shoulders. Standing at 5 ft 3, Krindri's lack of height is immediately obvious, a fact that many would write Krindri off as unimportant, or weak, and coupled with the bigotry of most other races, it is a view often taken. But looking past the fur, its readily apparent from her lightly muscular build and the self-assured way with which she carries herself that it would be a mistake to underestimate this cat.
Clothing: Krindri wears a simple beige vest around her chest along with loose, flowing pants while her feet are encased in practical leather boots. Wrapped around her forearms and across her hands are leather half-gloves, with sharp steel studs protruding above each knuckle: The knowledgeable would recognize the weapon as a cestus. The fact that the gloves leave her fingers free also allows her natural claws to be utilized in addition to her knuckles.
Weapons: Most of the time, Krindri can be seen wearing her steel-studded cestus, but she also carries a second pair of gloves that have silver spikes rather than steel, undoubtedly for handling creatures that are unaffected by more mundane materials.
Pack: Carried on her belt and within her small, unobtrusive pouch (Also on her belt) are:
A 'borrowed' Emerald, Ruby and Sapphire. Various bits of food and a flask containing water. About 100 gold pieces. Three lockpicks and two probes for traps. A coil of rope.
Personality: Krindri views the world with usual Khajiiti playfulness: She seeks amusemant and adventure, to live in the moment, whether or not that involves theivery, combat or tomb-raiding is acceptable, as long as its thrilling. Despite this reckless attitude, Krindri also carries herself with confidence and pride (Although her idea of pride more often than not differs to that of the other races), reflecting her past spent in the within Northern Anequinia and the nomadic tribes within.
Background: Krindri was raised within a family of Khajiit practitioners of the martial art of Whispering Claw. Almost as soon as she could walk, Krindri was taught the fundamentals of combat and it was no wonder that she was. As her family operated as travelling merchants, they would often travel across Tamriel in their wagons. Because they were Khajiit, and also because they traveled using caravans, they were preyed upon by bandit and townsfolk alike. Of course, the fact that things often tended to disappear when the Krindri's family were around might have explained the hostility of the locals, though nevertheless they still received business from the folk they met.
It was during their journey to Leyawiin that they were ambushed by a horde of daedra spilling forth from an Oblivion Gate. Although they slew at least half a dozen of the fiends, there were simply too many for the Khajiit to handle, forcing the troupe to scatter and hope that they would be able to reunite later. It was while she was fleeing that Krindri found a small cave, which she dashed within. Running blindly for what felt minutes, she eventually stopped and saw before her a jagged tear in the stone, filled with an infinite blackness that not even her feline eyes could pierce. Hesitating only a moment, she plunged into the rift.