The Current of Time

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:07 pm


3E427: Dagoth Ur rises.

3E433: The Jaws of Oblivion open.

4E201: Alduin awakens.

As the Elder Scrolls foretold, every time an Ancient Evil awakened, a Hero would rise. The Nerevarine, The Champion of Cyrodiil and now, the Dovakiin. Each Hero would eventually thwart the darkness, although not always without a price. However with the awakening of Alduin, another evil was formed. A darkness which hopes to change the very flow of time itself. This shadow stole an Elder Scroll and has began to use it to wound time and travel backwards in order to stop the great heroes, or at least that is what most think.

However, by wounding time the darkness has triggered events that will eventually lead to it’s downfall, or Nirn’s. Throughout Tamriel wounds in time have began to appear, each allowing anyone to enter and go back or forward to one of three fixed points in time,3E427, 3E433 or 4E201.

You are one of the few who have stumbled upon these wounds in time and have fallen through and survived. How you got here is unknown but you have arrived at Time’s End, a strange floating island which seems to hang in an abyss of nothing. In the centre of the island sits an old Altmer reading…

Time can be rewritten.

You are free to be from any of the times, and the first place to be visited is Morrowind, so even if you don't have Skyrim we won't be visiting there for a while anyway.

Main Story:

I'm going to write up the 'storyline', for this RP here so that even if I disappear for a while everyone can still continue on and my character Arundil will just return to the End Time while I'm gone.

Character Sheet:

Time: (3E327, 3E334, 4E401)



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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:17 am


Tobasco as Dres Nibarrab Sendal.

Name: Dres Nibarrab Sendal
Race: Dunmer
Birthsign: The Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 57
Time: 3E427

Class: Hunter
Skills: Stealth, tracking, non-lethal combat, survival skills, bladed weapons

Nibarrab is quite striking, even for a Dunmer, although in a fashion that very few would call good-looking. His features are very sharp: pointed chin, very long, sharp ears, prominent cheekbones and a hooked nose. His hair is a long red mane that is usually swept back from his forehead and tucked behind his formidable ears. His face is clean-shaven, and has two tattoos: a Hand of the Tribunal on his left cheek, and a centimeter-wide black stripe going from the center of his lower lip down to his throat. The only thing that's average about him is his build: he's neither remarkably tall nor short, lean nor muscular, slim nor fat.
Usually wears voluminous, flowing robes in the House Dres style. When hunting or in combat, wears tan-colored chitin armor with a helmet like Also has an enchanted amulet that allows him to turn invisible.
Several. On his belt, Nibarrab carries a glass sword and a dagger. Strapped to his back are three javelins. He's also quite adept with his hands, rendering his prey unconscious with ease.
A tinderbox, dried meats, two healing potions, maps of northern Argonia, a purse of some gold.
Quite reserved and aloof. Nibarrab has difficulty with making friends, but once he trusts someone, he's fiercely loyal to the end. However, his arrogance and disdain for other races have ensured that few have reached this status.
Born to minor noble parents in Tear, Nibarrab has dedicated his life to House Dres from young age. First a soldier, he found the position less than rewarding, until he was recruited into a slave hunter party. As such, he has made countless illegal raids into Argonia, having one of the highest tallies of captured slaves among hunters of his age.
It was one of these raids that got Nibarrab into this "wound in time". His party was ambushed by local Argonian irregulars. He saw foes leaping from trees onto his comrades, and when he blacked out, he was certain he was going to die. However, he woke up in this strange dimension, unknowing how much time had passed.

Athell is Aster Faris

Name: Aster Faris
Race: Yokudan
Birthsign: The Serpent
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Time: 3E433

Class: Mercenary
Skills: Blade, Block (but not with a shield), Unarmoured

Appearance: Aster is quite stocky but not in such a way as to appear fat. He is around 5’9” so slightly shorter than most. His left cheek is covered entirely by a red tattoo of The Serpent which has its tail below his left ear and its mouth just next to his mouth. Other than that his face is rather ordinary, his brown hair is kept short and he has no facial hair.

Clothing: Aster wears a red shirt with an attached hood and a pair of black trousers. Over these he has bit of armour strapped on, his right shoulder is covered by a teardrop shaped steel pauldron, he has a steel bracer on his left forearm which extends into something similar to a gauntlet covering the outside of his hand whilst leaving his palm clear, he uses this bracer instead of a shield and it has been thickened and tempered appropriately. Other than these items Aster wears no armour sacrificing defence for greater mobility in attack.

Weapons: A steel Falchion and a steel dagger he keeps in his boot. The nature of his weapon allows him to maintain an edge on it that would be considered inappropriate one a dual bladed weapon.

Pack: A small pouch of Septims, two moderate healing potions, a fresh loaf of bread, a small block of cheese and a whetstone.
Personality: Aster is confident in his abilities and this confidence is often interpreted as arrogance by those around him. Due to his past he considers himself to be above your average swordsman and will never reject a duel when offered. Before Aster will fight with any man he must trust this man to gain Asters trust is not easy but it is far easier to lose it.

Background: Aster grew up in Sentinel under the rule of the Forebears. At the tender age of five he was tested for his ability to wield a sword. He was one of the best children who were from a non-noble background and so was taken from his family. He was taken to one of the military camps along the coast where he was trained in the techniques of swordsmanship. Aster spent thirteen years training leaning as much as he could from the masters in the camp, when the time came to be tested to enter military service he failed. His failure was not through his lack of ability he was still considered to be one of the best swordsmen they had trained however he had no grasp of future events, in battle he thought only of the moment and never of the subsequent movements. Disgusted by his failure he left Hammerfell and became a wandering Mercenary, working only when he had to.

Whilst he wasn’t working he spent his time training but he had learnt from his past mistakes and his training now included playing strategic board games with the old men in towns. Slowly he taught himself to examine others and use it to his advantage in battle by predicting their movements based on his knowledge of them.

It was on one of his missions that he discovered the rip in time. He saw it out of the corner of his eye first, the shimmer you would expect to see above a fire however, Aster could see no flames. Cautiously he waved the tip of his blade through the rip, when he had determined it appeared to be safe he walked into it.

Werewolf&Vampire is Vera Castius Darksky

Name: Vera Castius Darksky:

Race: Imperial

Birthsign: The Warrior

Gender: Female

Age: Young, appearing in her late twenties.

Time: 4E201

Class: Bounty Hunter, HOH.

Skills: Archery, blunt weapons such as axe and maces. Shows proficient skill in Hand to Hand and is able to disarm and subdue enemies. Expert in tracking and survival skills, also is efficient in Guile, the act of outwitting her prey. Vera's lithe body and muscular legs aid her in her speed as well as strength and her sharp cunning mind gives her advantage over the less experienced individual, enemy or ally. Vera kept herself in prime condition, maintaining the habit of practicing sometimes with her equipment. During her life she displayed prudence and skills in tactics.

Apperance: Vera grew into an athletically built, axe wielding young woman of average height, with long, blond strands of hair and eyamber colored eyes. She was often looked upon by those whom she came across as potentially beautiful, but her savage behavior and lack of personal pampering makes them think twice before attempting to woo her. Vera has some exceptional strength, which is evident by her legs and her stomach section which displays a ripped and well-built midsection over the years of running.

Clothing: Vera's armor was constructed from steel, allowing it to sustain some damage sans degrading. Her armor also has two shoulder pads which were black, as was her kneepads. Both black shoulder pads has a tribal symbol on it. In more temperate climates, she wears a set of armor which has steel bracers, beneath her chest-padded steel plating was a fur covering that was beneath her armor which was exposed below her chest and stomach area. Her third armor which she rarely uses is a more open and less protective one which she uses for hunting game and prey such as animals and creatures.

Weapons: Vera Darksky carries simple, but effective weapons which she is confident she will rely on in times of need; Poison arrows for paralyzing and slowing down enemies, a sharp battle axe good for cleaving the skulls of wanted enemies or dangerous creatures in two. She heavily relies on her bow and arrows for hunting whenever she runs out of crossbow bolts. She also carries a silver dagger and a hunting knife which she conceales in her boot.

Pack: Raw and dried pieces of horker meat, rabbit legs and venison. Few herbs as well. She carries a small sack of gold for her travels, as well as a map of the province in which she is staying. Among her gear is a small statuette of the Patron of Hunting and the Sacrifice of Mortals. A bottle of water if she is in dry climates such as Hammerfell, and fur gloves if she is in cold places such as Skyrim.

Personality: "I enjoy wealth and material goods, but such things palls before power and purpose. With power, whatever you desire can be obtained and taken. With purpose, life has meaning. I live and breathe glory; The feast, the Chase and the what I live for."

Vera is instinctive, intelligent and ruthless when it came to her Bounty Hunting profession, but she was shows an amable side for the very few people she cares about in life. She was often motivated by coin, and as such her trust was to the highest paying customer. She became known in areas around Hammefell, Morrowind and Skyrim as well as Cyrodiil that even authorities secretly hired her. She has an insatiable lust for life, she also does not express any gentleness with tragedy or grief and is battle-hardened.

Most of the time, she kept a calm demeanor when calculating her every move, always planning to triumph or survive. When not on the job of hunting down prey, for profit or for glory, Vera often squandered her earnings in taverns purchasing Cyrodilic Brandy and various assortments of meats and spices to sate her hunger. From even a younger age, Vera had a dry sarcastic humor and wit. She was not far from being considered tougher than some guys, going as far as to arm wrestle large brutish orcs and nords in shady taverns and winning. Her clients who require bounty hunting service range from the low-life cast to the civilized and snotty noble. As long as the pay was good, she was the right woman for the task.

Having a sense of devout worship, Vera was religiously mindful of a few Daedric Princes. Although she only kept one in high respect. Her and the Nine do not tread common ground.

Background: Vera's past is shrouded in mystery from the outside world, only a few selected people are aware of her past. Vera's homeland is Cyrodiil and that she was born near the Great Forest. Vera belonged to a family of aristocratic nobles, living the high life in Darksky Manor. While it may seem to everyone else that her family was happy, she knew the truth was cloaked in lies. Her family had an embarrasing financial issue, her mother passed away from an animal attack and following her death, Vera's father married another woman whom Vera loathed. She became rebellious and got in trouble often, so much that a captain of the Imperial Legion wanted to imprison her for petty theft and assault. Instead of jail, she was sent to the Imperial Legion camp to train as an officer. Vera was expelled the same month for brutally damaging another woman in the barracks after a verbal confrontation. Upon returning home, she grew attached to her mysterious grandfather. He took the young Vera for walks in the forest at some times at night and trained her with archery and hand to hand combat.

As the years passed and more darker problems arose in her family, Vera decided to move on with her life and got involved in more criminal problems. In Bravil, she got involved in the Skooma trade and began to understand how the mind of a thief and criminal works. There she made various friends whom were also young dilinquents. A years had passed and Vera's closest friend died at the hands of a thug who overlooked the drug trade in Bravil at the time. Vera, eager to avenge her friend, decided to pursue the man while he was en route to Elsweyr. She captured him and decided to kill him by seperating his head from his body. Remembering the wanted posters, Vera took his head and returned to the Imperial fort and claimed her coin. Enjoying the chase and the hunt of the mundane, she sought to make a living off of Bounty Hunting.

Crymson is Krindri

Name: Krindri
Race: Khajiit
Birthsign: The Thief
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Time: 3E433

Class: Martial Artist/Thief
Skills: Unarmed, Unarmored, Stealth, Lockpicking, Block

Appearance: A unique looking individual, even amongst her kind, Krindri's spotted fur makes this apparent. Unlike most of her kind, who sport a plainer hide, Kindri's distinctive spotted brown fur instantly sets her apart: It wouldn't be wrong to say that she resembled a Cheetah, at least, a cheetah given humanoid form. Her face would match this description, sharp and fierce, her amber eyes lined with black fur that runs down her nose in a dark streak. Krindri's tawny-brown hair is pulled back from her face, reaching neatly down to her shoulders. Standing at 5 ft 3, Krindri's lack of height is immediately obvious, a fact that many would write Krindri off as unimportant, or weak, and coupled with the bigotry of most other races, it is a view often taken. But looking past the fur, its readily apparent from her lightly muscular build and the self-assured way with which she carries herself that it would be a mistake to underestimate this cat.

Clothing: Krindri wears a simple beige vest around her chest along with loose, flowing pants while her feet are encased in practical leather boots. Wrapped around her forearms and across her hands are leather half-gloves, with sharp steel studs protruding above each knuckle: The knowledgeable would recognize the weapon as a cestus. The fact that the gloves leave her fingers free also allows her natural claws to be utilized in addition to her knuckles.

Weapons: Most of the time, Krindri can be seen wearing her steel-studded cestus, but she also carries a second pair of gloves that have silver spikes rather than steel, undoubtedly for handling creatures that are unaffected by more mundane materials.

Pack: Carried on her belt and within her small, unobtrusive pouch (Also on her belt) are:
A 'borrowed' Emerald, Ruby and Sapphire. Various bits of food and a flask containing water. About 100 gold pieces. Three lockpicks and two probes for traps. A coil of rope.

Personality: Krindri views the world with usual Khajiiti playfulness: She seeks amusemant and adventure, to live in the moment, whether or not that involves theivery, combat or tomb-raiding is acceptable, as long as its thrilling. Despite this reckless attitude, Krindri also carries herself with confidence and pride (Although her idea of pride more often than not differs to that of the other races), reflecting her past spent in the within Northern Anequinia and the nomadic tribes within.

Background: Krindri was raised within a family of Khajiit practitioners of the martial art of Whispering Claw. Almost as soon as she could walk, Krindri was taught the fundamentals of combat and it was no wonder that she was. As her family operated as travelling merchants, they would often travel across Tamriel in their wagons. Because they were Khajiit, and also because they traveled using caravans, they were preyed upon by bandit and townsfolk alike. Of course, the fact that things often tended to disappear when the Krindri's family were around might have explained the hostility of the locals, though nevertheless they still received business from the folk they met.

It was during their journey to Leyawiin that they were ambushed by a horde of daedra spilling forth from an Oblivion Gate. Although they slew at least half a dozen of the fiends, there were simply too many for the Khajiit to handle, forcing the troupe to scatter and hope that they would be able to reunite later. It was while she was fleeing that Krindri found a small cave, which she dashed within. Running blindly for what felt minutes, she eventually stopped and saw before her a jagged tear in the stone, filled with an infinite blackness that not even her feline eyes could pierce. Hesitating only a moment, she plunged into the rift.

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Kelly James
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:11 pm

I'm guessing this is a Skyrim players only RP then?
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:30 am

No, not at all. Sorry, I posted the OP but it isn't finished. You can be from any of the three times. :)
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:52 am

Now that is wonderful. Please can I go down as a reserved then good sir?

Edit: Out of interest why aren't the events of Daggerfall and Arena mentioned?
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:49 am

I didn't think anyone would want to visit those times, so I decided that the 'Warp in the West' made it impossible to go back before then.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:09 pm

I didn't think anyone would want to visit those times, so I decided that the 'Warp in the West' made it impossible to go back before then.

But... but... Why not? I like the Daggerfall era!
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:11 pm

But... but... Why not? I like the Daggerfall era!

Whilst I think the Daggerfall era was cool from what I can tell adding in Arena and Daggerfall would almost double the possible lifetime of this RP. Also a lot of us Newbies would find keeping up with the lore and the setting while we were in those timezones difficult. I've played Daggerfall but never completed it and Arena came out before I was born and I find it almost impossible to play.
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:09 am

So what would be the chances of this RP lasting like the "War of Tamriel" did?
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:09 am

So what would be the chances of this RP lasting like the "War of Tamriel" did?

If Gavril joins then he and I shall keep it alive long after everyone else has left.

On a serious note. Surely that's the same as it would be for any other RP? It depends on the chances of the players sticking around.
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Post » Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:32 pm

let me think about it :) I'm not sure how much time I'll have now that skyrim is out and in my ps3.
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Janine Rose
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:08 am

One question: Can I use Dragonshouts?

Or will I have to play a Draugr to do so? (And yes, I will submit an Undead character for this RP if I have to: never know what kind of folk become adventurers.)
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:54 am

Sounds really interesting. I'll give it a shot.

Name: Dres Nibarrab Sendal
Race: Dunmer
Birthsign: The Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 57
Time: 3E327

Class: Hunter
Skills: Stealth, tracking, non-lethal combat, survival skills, bladed weapons

Nibarrab is quite striking, even for a Dunmer, although in a fashion that very few would call good-looking. His features are very sharp: pointed chin, very long, sharp ears, prominent cheekbones and a hooked nose. His hair is a long red mane that is usually swept back from his forehead and tucked behind his formidable ears. His face is clean-shaven, and has two tattoos: a Hand of the Tribunal on his left cheek, and a centimeter-wide black stripe going from the center of his lower lip down to his throat. The only thing that's average about him is his build: he's neither remarkably tall nor short, lean nor muscular, slim nor fat.
Usually wears voluminous, flowing robes in the House Dres style. When hunting or in combat, wears tan-colored chitin armor with a helmet like Also has an enchanted amulet that allows him to turn invisible.
Several. On his belt, Nibarrab carries a glass sword and a dagger. Strapped to his back are three javelins. He's also quite adept with his hands, rendering his prey unconscious with ease.
A tinderbox, dried meats, two healing potions, maps of northern Argonia, a purse of some gold.
Quite reserved and aloof. Nibarrab has difficulty with making friends, but once he trusts someone, he's fiercely loyal to the end. However, his arrogance and disdain for other races have ensured that few have reached this status.
Born to minor noble parents in Tear, Nibarrab has dedicated his life to House Dres from young age. First a soldier, he found the position less than rewarding, until he was recruited into a slave hunter party. As such, he has made countless illegal raids into Argonia, having one of the highest tallies of captured slaves among hunters of his age.
It was one of these raids that got Nibarrab into this "wound in time". His party was ambushed by local Argonian irregulars. He saw foes leaping from trees onto his comrades, and when he blacked out, he was certain he was going to die. However, he woke up in this strange dimension, unknowing how much time had passed.
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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:17 pm

@Scow2: Basically going back that far is, as Athell rightly said, very difficult, in that everyone would have to try to keep up with lore and they are extremely old games. If you role play a greybeard or a draugr, yes you could use Thu'um, however if you want to be a draugr you're going to have to come up with an amazing reason to keep everyone from murdering you.

Tobasco that looks good, one small thing, could you add how you ended up going through the wound in time please?
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alicia hillier
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:59 am

do you have to be a greybeard to use Thu'um? If I join I'd like to make a nord, who uses Thu'um.

but as I said I'm not sure yet, got to see with time management.
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Jason White
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:33 am

If you can come with a true reason why this nord would be able to use the Thu'um then yes you can.
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Michael Russ
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:43 pm

If it helps there's a piece of obscure lore that basically says anyone can use Thu'um. I'll have a CS ready soon.

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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:04 pm

So we aren't having any factions in the RP, right?
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:19 pm

do you have to be a greybeard to use Thu'um? If I join I'd like to make a nord, who uses Thu'um.

but as I said I'm not sure yet, got to see with time management.

I hope you have time, if you choose to be from the 3rd era instead of the 4th.

Out of curiosity... is ~200 years long enough for a Nord to become a Draugr?

I'm having a hard time coming up with an identity or pre-death background for my Draugr character. Being some kind of Dragon Cultist could explain your character's (limited) use of Thu'um. And, it would reduce the actual number of Dragon Shout-using heroes by one - separated by ~ 200 years.

@Scow2: Basically going back that far is, as Athell rightly said, very difficult, in that everyone would have to try to keep up with lore and they are extremely old games. If you role play a greybeard or a draugr, yes you could use Thu'um, however if you want to be a draugr you're going to have to come up with an amazing reason to keep everyone from murdering you.

Well, one of the main arguments to keep people from murdering him sounds sort of like
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P PoLlo
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:11 pm

This sounds... interesting :shifty:

I can see a lot of po-ten-tial in this which looks up my alley.

I think it may actually deserve a new character from me instead of one of my overused characters..... although i am really tempted to use Dro'Zar from the time of the Nerevarine.

If i do join i will also be more than willing to keep it going even if everyone else leaves :)

I'll work on a sheet in the next day or two
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:48 am

From what I have read from the ES wiki, Draugars form from the Nord committing Cannibalism in life.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:51 pm

Tobasco that looks good, one small thing, could you add how you ended up going through the wound in time please?

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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:39 am



Anyway, in order to get this RP underway I think we'll need at least five or six willing participants. The sooner we get the Character Sheets in, the sooner this begins :).
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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:03 am

I'm working mine now. It'll be done in an hour or so.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:45 pm

Ah good, I'll put my one up also and then we'll have to wait and see. However, I can see this not getting started for a while due to Skyrim.
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