Ah, Jesus, enough with the ellipsis points. They are not a stand-in for periods, you know. This thread is quite blatantly a lore thread. It does not talk about future gameplay mechanics, or where you think the next one will be (Skyrim seems most likely, which if true would be a disappointment because we've seen enough damn snow already), or what you want to see in the new chargen or anything of that nature, you're just asking them to talk more about the Daedra in the next game, which we all know is going to happen anyway. With luck they'll get Kirkbride or somebody as talented as him to improve the writing in TES5, since Oblivion's svcked for the most part.
But yeah, explaining everything about the Daedra (or the Aedra for that matter) would destroy their appeal, since the mystery is part of it. When you explain a mystery, there is no more mystery. More tidbits, more answers that just raise more questions, those are what we need, not a dry explication of the nature of Daedra with a handwritten Word of God from the devs that "there is this many daedra, no more and no less." If that doesn't please you, then here's something to keep in mind: every time you summon a Bound item, you're actually summoning a Daedra to assist you. That dagger you're holding for half a minute is a living thing, a spirit briefly given physical form by your character's manipulation of Magicka. Try to imagine all the countless types of unintelligent, bodiless Daedra that float in the void of Oblivion, emotional, reactive beasts or simply mindless bits of nothingness that are scattered throughout the heavens and used by the Princes and their servants at their leisure. Imagine all the cabals of intelligent Daedra that bind themselves to no Prince and have no desire or need to have any contact with Mundus, or the wars taking place in Oblivion itself between rival Princes. When they say "you cannot comprehend it" what they really mean is that you cannot comprehend it. It's like the threads we get in here about Sithis: who and what the hell is "he?" The answer is simply that there is no single answer that explains everything. That's the appeal of it. It's much more interesting that way.
Ignoring the mild insult you opened with, as it discusses things I would like to see in future games, from more actual Daedra and opportunities for Daedra involvement (sidequest related is fine, I don't ask for an Oblivion redux) and, yes, for more Daedric lore. . . and, just as all the other "wants" for future games, it would fit into TES General. . . which is not solely intended to be for future game feature requests anyway. This deals with lore, but it is not exclusively an internal lore debate . . . not remotely.
And I did not ask that all things Daedra be explained. . . only MORE information, specifically about the lesser Daedr, and most pressingly the Highly Intelligent Lesser Daedra, and the Daedra of Sanguine, whom I would imagine to be intelligent. . . but we will see. And of course, a greater focus on those who actually interact, or have at some point or else are more likely than some others to do so in the future, with The Princes or with Mundus. I am not trying to pierce the unknowable or pull up the robes of Sithis to reveal his buttocks to Nirn. . . I just want to know the things that can be learned from visiting Known Oblivion, or through more extensive dealings with those residents already known and contacted. . . sometimes even Bound in Mundus.
And as to the bit I read later about Sanguine's realm . . . I would like to know the details, specifically because the generalities make it sound like a real winner. Lol. And Prowler, please tell us more, if you can, about this interaction between The Realm of Sanguine and The Imperial Palace. Or were you just being facetious?