The Daily Grind & WTF DLC Not Working at all

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:51 am

Does anyone else find the multiplay a grind, I've put some serious hours into the MP, I'm no sharpshooter but enjoy it but is really starting to do my head in now, why is the XP required between each level so high, I've ground it out to 33 but am starting to lose interest, so I downloaded both DLC packs and thought it may keen me enthused a bit longer only to find I can't get a session in any of the game modes grrrrrrr.

Does anyone else find the XP required a little high , or is it just me, I love this game but its flaws are starting to get on my nerves now !

Also if anyone is recruiting for a squad I'd love to sign up I play alot and have never joined one before , it will maybe restore some love to the game !

Be patient / Be killed after emptying a full clip in someones head / be laggy !
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:26 pm

Well, I kinda agree. I just became lv 50, and realized I need another 77K Exp to reboot :[
But I guess the producers wanted it to be more difficult?
Ironically, the gameplay is much more difficult than some of the major FPS's out there. (Or at least that's what I've heard from my friends)

My friends and I always form a squad, and you are welcome.
However, the only downside is that the friends(2 ppl) are in West Coast (U.S.) and I am in Japan.
I doubt that our connection will fare well, but let me know.
We use Skype instead of voice chat on PS3
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Chrissie Pillinger
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