OOC: Thank you for changing that Ringman

And now that everyone has made a few posts, I shall go ahead and bring Lamae into the story.
The were-creatures don't know they can change at will, and the vampires don't know about their new powers, so the only way for them to find out is by accident at the moment. For example if a were-creature suddenly feels a rush of anger or adrenalin or thinks strongly about hunting... something along these lines it will cause them to change, which will make things interesting as it is a night too early. (I was wrong before I did write 1 night not 2 XD) The same sort of thing goes for the vampires; the Vampires only discover their greater powers by accident although they may notice a sudden change in themselves, as my character is about to.
As long as everyone doesn't discover their new power or change at will all at the same time. I would prefer it to be a little more gradual.
Lamae: Skyrim: RiftenOn the other side of the Jerall mountains, the snow was not falling lightly, there was a snow storm and a howling gale. It was almost as if screams travelled on the wind whistling past the snowy peaks.
Deep beneath the surface of the ground a woman was buried, she had long thinning black hair that was filled with grime and dirt, her skin was so sunken into her skeleton that it looked like canvas stretched over bones, her eyes were as black as tunnels leading into the centre of the earth, the inside of her mouth was black as well, like cracked charcoal, and to really complete her appearance she was completely covered in wrinkles and dirt.
Lamae was her name and she had been slowly waking for many months now, svcking the life out of the ground she was buried in to give herself energy. The area around her was completely void of anything living, no worms, no tufts of grass, no tiny insects or bacteria, she had fed of their lives and tonight. This night. She was strong enough to get to the surface.
She has been scratching her way through the dirt and rock all evening, her long nails digging away great chunks of solid dead earth, it was draining her strength rapidly.
Lamae could barely think straight, she just knew she had to reach the surface and she had to kill something and take its blood for herself.
The people of Riften had absolutely no idea what was happening so close to their town. Or that they had had a vampire/were-creature sleeping beneath them for thousands of years.
Lamae lay upon the snow covered ground feeling the beautiful cold flood her body, the screaming wind blew through her hair and snow billowed around her.
It took her a few attempts to stand up as she was so weak from using her energy to dig her way out of the ground. On the fourth attempt she stood up, her thin body trembling in the storm, she was so starved of blood that the clothes she had worn when she buried herself were several times too big for her now.
Lamae undressed herself and prowled towards the scent of warmth and blood. To Riften.
Merely an hour later a woman emerged from a house, inside the house were 5 dead bodies, the corpses of a family drained of all blood and left to die.
Lamae's skin was full and there were pink patches on her cheeks where the warm blood pumped through her body. Her hair fell to her waist in thick black waves and her eyes were a striking blue. She let laughter rise from her mouth as she turned to face the sky, snow fell on her and her laughter turned to screams as she forced herself to change. Fur sprouted from her skin, she grew bigger and thicker, pads pushed their way through her palms and her fingers turned to claws.
As the screams changed to a bellowing roar a black were-bear stood looking around at the houses, it shook its head and turned away running into the storm.
Sirius: Morrowind: Balmora underground"Vampires, untrustworthy?" Sirius mused, looking thoughtfully at the rose Maglir had just conjured. "A vampires business is a vampire's business we have no imperial legion and no guards so each vampire can do as they will. Some of our kind are very cruel, unnecessarily so, which gives us a bad reputation. We're not all bad." Sirius grinned, flashing his fangs.
Suddenly he was overcome by a very unfamiliar feeling, a sickness deep in his stomach that he hadn't felt since he had been human. It was like an adrenalin rush, but that was physically impossible as he had no adrenalin and no blood of his own.
"How... interesting." He said, resting one arm over his stomach.
He comes here to tell me about a power flux and I feel something similar..."I may need to look into this a little more, I hope you're not planning on going anywhere in the next few days. So, how did you hear about my guild and why do you want to join it?" Sirius asked the Imperial vampire while pondering what had just happened.