Sondil, the Dancing Guar, Balmora.Sondil was not sure if he liked social function at all; first people looked at him strange and he could almost swear two of the mysterious patrons the Oberon was fixated on where talking about him, he felt uncomfortable to say the least.
The thing he disliked most about his venture into the normal world was the sudden violence, he could handle himself very well in a pinch, very well indeed, but he did not enjoy the noise or the chaos or the lack or personal space. It made him feel trapped, which often led him to bursts of uncharacteristic rage and paranoia, not an occurrence many would want to witness, the last time it had happened he left ten people dead and reduced half a building to rubble then fell into a two-day coma -- waking up in a psychiatric facility a changed man.
Oberon growled and reared his over large head as an Orc began waving a loaded weapon around like a mad man, taking aim at the marble eyed man only to have his cross bow knocked aside by his Redguard companion. Sondil was mildly surprised as a sudden silence fell over the occupants of the Dancing guard, he looked around trying to figure out why they had stopped their celebrations, it didn't take him long to spot the singer pinned to the wall by a thick bolt, blood dripped from the feathered end and curdled onto the stage in a fashion he imagined to be quite tantalising for any vampires.
"Keep an eye out Oberon, we might just find one." He muttered, bending down to pat the dogs head, not noticing as a wine bottle went whizzing past where his head was moments before. Then without warning a body crashed into him, the smell of sweat was over powering, he heard Oberon lashing out and a gasp of pain as the fangs sunk into the leg of whoever had assaulted his master.
"You did this! You and that wretched dog!" A familiar voice shouted as the doorman dragged Sondils face up to look at him, the Nord was very mad indeed, and half covered in whatever he had fallen into after Sondil had paralysed him. "I'll gut you like a squib!"
"No, I didn't do anything actually. It was the Orc." It was a fact, nothing more, he didn't feel scared or intimidated, just wrongfully accused and misunderstood. Oh how he hated unintelligent people. "I request that you remove yourself from my personal space before either myself or Oberon is forced to do so by methods considered less than gentle."
"Are you taking the piss? How about this!" He said as he aimed a kick at Oberon, who yelped as the thick leather boot made contact with his ribs. All of a sudden a flickering ember of quiet anger that forever burned in Sondils chest, overshadowed by his sense of rationality and logic, suddenly burst into a torrent of flames at the sight of his Dog cowering away in pain.
A flash of light and a sudden heat wave passed between them as thunder shot from Sondils fingertips into the Nords chest, his eyes opened wide as his organs where cooked from within, he gave little fight and made not even the faintest of noises as he collapsed to the floor in a lifeless heap with smoke curling up out of his mouth.
"Come Oberon, grab his legs." Sondil said as if he had no qualms or guilt over taking another's life, but then again, he didn't. He also didn't know why he bothered telling the dog to help carry the body, he didn't have arms to lift with.
Slowly Sondil edged across the room, pausing every few seconds to let drunken brawlers pass in a jumble of flailing arms and ill mannered curse words, he only had a vague idea of what he was doing, he had a keen ability to take in every detail of a room as soon as he entered, he put it down to keen intellect. In this case however he had spotted a door leading to a backroom, an establishment this size had to have a large stockroom of some sort, and perhaps something else.
"Aha!" Sondil said as he pushed open the door with his rear, dragging the corpse of the Nord by his legs now, he spotted a large cart full of barrels at the bottom of a stair well into the stockroom, the room itself was lined with kegs and crates of food and wine, but he was more focused on getting to the cart for now.
The Nords head bounded down onto each step as Sondil dragged the body clumsily down the flight of stairs, Oberon waiting at the top with an almost bemused demeanour, if a dog could have such a demeanour that is. "Come Oberon, Stand guard while I empty this cart." he shot to the dog, waving his hand at the door which slowly closed over with the encouragement of a very weak telekinesis spell, he had never been very good with telekinesis.
His method of emptying the cart was quite a simple one, he removed the wooden blocks from the back which kept the cart balanced in the absence of a horse and opened the back, leaving gravity to do the rest as the back end of the cart smashed down to the ground, pivoting against the wheels as the barrels rolled out across the stone floor, the contents of each leaking out creating a tangy combination of mead and wine.
Growling came from behind as Oberon began to drag the body inch by inch across the floor, he began to make a little more progress as Sondil lifted the body under the arms and shuffled backwards over the puddles of alcohol on the floor. With some difficulty and awkwardness on Oberons part they managed to push the body up the slanted cart and secure him in place by tying his belt to a hook used to secure tarp to protect cargo from the rain.
He spent the next ten or so minutes of brawling and fighting retrieving bodies, four in total. He had to kill the last one by holding his hand over the mans mouth while the other pinched his nose, luckily he couldn't fight back due to a weeping head injury that had knocked him unconscious. Sondil was tempted to return for the singer but things where kicking off in a scale that he didn't want to deal with, so instead he covered the bodies with a sheet and encouraged a horse from its pen and set about strapping it to the cart.
Once finished he pushed the large back door open, expecting to make a quick escape, but unfortunately found that the bar brawl had spilled out onto the streets, figures wearing the same style netch armour as the Orc and Redguard who had kicked off the riot could be seen fighting in the crowd.
"What do you think Oberon? Yes, trampling them would be a good idea but I don't think the guard would let us get that far if I did. No I don't want to wait. No I don't. What do you mean chicken? Fine, I'll show you who'd chicken." Sondil said, whipping the back of the horse viciously. They immediately shot forwards towards the crowd, Oberon barking loudly as if he was an early warning system for collisions.
OOC: Checked with Halfy to see if it was ok to steal some bodies

I have no idea why i wanted to do so though.