I can only hope that this time they're more of a group of assassins than a comedy troupe.
yeah..........the DB questline was the best in oblivion but the DB members with the exception of vicente and lucien were all psychotic nutjobs.......and we all know that psychotic nutjobs are the most reliable employees. :bonk:
i hope they make the next chapter of the DB more like the morag tong from morrowind. those were professional assassins who treated their jobs like.......jobs. not a part time hobby. some of them didnt even make sense ingame. the orc supposedly killed everyone at a birthday party. im not a lore freak but last time i checked the best DB murders were the ones that they had suspicions about but couldnt prove. why would you have someone that unreliable and unprofessional on your team to begin with. i was really disappointed cause the DB was the guild that i wanted to like the most since i play those types of characters.
it would be nice if they had a morag tong vs DB questline since dumner are supposedly moving into skyrim in droves. i would gladly help the morag tong wipe out the amateurish DB.