It's been literally years since I've been active on the forums. I'm a huge fan of the series and was very active on the forums during fallout 3 and new Vegas era. Something magical about a bunch of people loving on the same thing. So after skyrim was out for about a year, I kept expecting bethesda to announce a new fallout. Year after year nothing happened. I would check back on the site/forums/google about every 6 months and nothing... Every year I'd tune into E3 specifically to see if this was the year and like before, I was disappointed. It's weird because I've never in my life been a single player game kinda gamer. Always multiplayer. Fallout 3 changed that and after I spent 4 straight years in the hospital with no internet for multiplayer game on my xbox at the time, i started playing fallout 3. Dove into from sun up to sun down. Now I was no longer watching reruns of the first 48 all day on A&E, I'm just keeping busy with so much to do in this massive game. Now people will argue you can't do EVERYTHING in a fallout game but every serious fallout fan knows the feeling of which you feel like you've got your money's worth and have juiced every drop out of the game. Fallout new Vegas came out and I loved it just as much. Classic instantly to me. And once again I got my money's worth. And then life went on and my life went in different directions and the day finally came....
They announced fallout 4. And truthfully, I did not feel the passion/excitement that I should of. I had waitied so long and when the day came I was excited but like not nearly as interested in gaming as much in the past years. Then they released the gameplay, and it go me excited.
Here we are like a week away and it's time to get to business. Fallout 4 is responsible for getting my drive back and I'm ready to get back to it.
Here we go folks. Get ready to not be seen for months! It's Fallout time