Okay in oblivion we had "The shadow over hackdirt" That was based on "The Shadow over insmouth". Fallout 3 had the "The dunwich building" (Loosely Based on A Variety of mythos stories. Do you think In skyrim There could be a Quest based on Call of the cthlhu?
Definatly! Lovecraft is a legend and his mythos should be subtley referenced in Skyrim, the Shadow over Innsmouth quest and Dunwich building both gave an atmosphere of creepiness, a desire to explore further but caution that not all is as it should be.
There will be. Not Cthulu specifically, but Bethesda bases a quest / location in each game off of the Cthulu mythos. See: Dunwich Building, Deep Ones village in Oblivion, and ... fk, forgot where in Morrowind
That is like saying that Jimi Hendrix wasn't that good at playing guitar.
i think thats the perfect example! Jimi Hendrixs/ CoC, ohh hes good, but hes not the best and hes alittle over rated... yea thats actually a good example
Well they probably wouldn't actually call a creature by a name used in a Lovecraft story but they should absolutely do a quest based of a lovecraft story. Hackdirt was pretty cool (I cleaned that village of every single living soul besides Darma. Bunch of freaks!), and then there was that Ayleid ruin destroyed by Meridia (it always had a Lovecraftian feel to it, I thought).
He is remembered as one of the most innovative and talented guitarists in history, just like Lovecraft is remembered as one of the most creative and talented authors in history and also like Albert Einstein is remembered as one of the most incredible scientific minds in history. The list goes on.
Even if he isn't your cup of tea, you have to give him credit for what he helped inspire.
Well they probably wouldn't actually call a creature by a name used in a Lovecraft story but they should absolutely do a quest based of a lovecraft story. Hackdirt was pretty cool (I cleaned that village of every single living soul besides Darma. Bunch of freaks!), and then there was that Ayleid ruin destroyed by Meridia (it always had a Lovecraftian feel to it, I thought).
Yeah and that destryoed House! Reminded me about cambells "Note in a house"
Lol 3 people voted "What the hell is "call of the cthlhu". Is this the audience that Skyrim caters to? Just sad.
I'll tell you what's sad. Older generations chastising and berating the newest generation for not being familiar with all of the pop culture of the previous generations. That's sad.