The Dead Is Dead Thread #6

Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:57 pm

Time for another new one. It's late here, so I'll double check the last thread and add the dead to the honor roll tomorrow. Thanks to all that have contributed.

Previous threads:§ion=findpost&pid=17841204§ion=findpost&pid=17914892§ion=findpost&pid=17998446


Billy Mays Hayes, 12/13/2281
Dr. Homey, M.D. 10/26/2281
Dr. Ling Ling, M.D. 11/23/2281
Fronkensteen's Monster 10/19/2281, 10/19/2281, 10/19/2281, 10/19/2281, 10/19/2281, 10/22/2281, 10/24/2281

Guy Fieri

George Hammond

Minature Stallion:
Mimieux Jr.

Warden II

Raynold Chateon
Julius Oppenheiimer

Sgt. Yakman

The Master Thief:

Ch1ck3n H8r:
The Currier


dike Dastardly:

Lieutenant Banana:
Tuck Mak Mufin, 12/11/2281


II The Rook II:
Sarah Lyons

General Eel Revilo:
Raddy Gervais

Duke Nukem

Paladin Dune:
Johnny Rotten
Conan the Barbarian, 10/28//2281
Leon Raven, 11/19/2281
Willem Young, 11/29/2281
Harvey Jack

Dirty Dan:
Mr. Cuddlesworth


Carla Chamomile

Curtis Twigg



Dr. Nigel Monroe

NCR Soldier


Senior Cinco:
Sandwich Head, 08/25/2281
Tela Vasir, 8/27/2281

Atlas, 10/3/2281
Griffin, 10/24/2281
Elijah Wood, 10/20/2281
Joseph Redwood, 11/14/2281

Undead Fiend:
Robert House 2
Gill Rile
Eli Bone


PFC John Johnson

Exploding Note Dude
Dyce, 12/7/2281

Darktrooper, 7/18/2282
Stormtrooper Alpha, 10/20/2281
Stormtrooper Theta, 10/19/2281
Jail guard Johnny, 2/25/2282

Ceit Mhoir

Powder Popper, 10/23/2281

Nut Sack Jack

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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:30 pm

Harvey Jack just got his hands on some dorky eye glasses and a King's Leather jacket outfit. He did some work at the Mojave Outpost, Rose of Sharon Cassidy recommended he do some work at Crimson Caravan where he just arrived. On his way to Crimson Caravan he helped out some sniper named Boone and got a wicked beret. Harvey is considering making Ranger Station Charlie his new home...he thinks it might have a campfire and is located not too far from any major outposts, settlements, or traders.
He's staying close to civilization and doing jobs that are not too risky until he is better experienced.

Just a recap from the last thread. Harvey is currently level 3...Charisma 10-Strictly Guns character- No Fast Travel, No DLC's....although I am running more than half a dozen mods so there is no shortage of difficulty in the Mojave for him.

I just got Big Boomer (unique sawed off shotgun) from Old Lady Gibson. LoL, I shot it out of her hands and she and her dogs were attacking me, I picked up the weapon and holstered my weapon and she forgave me.
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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:05 pm

I just got Big Boomer (unique sawed off shotgun) from Old Lady Gibson. LoL, I shot it out of her hands and she and her dogs were attacking me, I picked up the weapon and holstered my weapon and she forgave me.

That is bad[cernsored] actually...
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marie breen
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:10 pm

Time to post my casulty list.


Stormtrooper Alpha-KIA-20/10/2281

Stormtrooper Theta-KIA-19/10/2281

Jail guard Johnny-MIA-25/2/2282

May all the brave Dead is Dead souls R.I.P.

The Black disciple is trapped by an NCR ambush in Nipton.
Running low on ammo for his flamer and is very dehyrdrated.
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:32 pm

Harvey Jack killed by Legion Assassins. He was no match for them.
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:03 pm

1 Giant Yao Guai too many and it's over. [censored]! crap! Dyce died 12.07.81 at lvl 21 near the crashed school bus.

3 of those bastards was just 2 much, and I guess I just got cheeky because I was running around with a damn silenced 12.7mm pistol. Managed to take down 2 but that last 1 jumped me from behind, should've switched to Vance's 9mm but I was low on 9mm ammo.

Will take those lessons to my next DID who will probably be less experimental in nature :P
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James Shaw
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:44 pm

Allright new DID run! Say hello to Psycho D. :cool:

SPECIAL: 7/6/8/2/6/6/5

Traits: Build to Destroy & Kamikazi

Tags: Unarmed, Speech & Lockpick

Additional rules:
Very Hard/hardcoe

Inventory: 1 pack of smokes, all the psycho available, a bottle of scotch.

During fights Psycho must be used if available, Psycho must be bought first with all vendors.

All violence enhancing perks must be selected, first and foremost Bloody Mess

Unarmed is primary, Guns are secondary (only automatic weapons - SMG, Assault Rifles, Minigun)

Avid collector of Pre-War books and a hoarder of Pre-War money.

Psycho D. was born in New Reno, after his father died he got into boxing in New Reno. Drinking loads of scotch and using psycho before most of the fights turned him into a violent psychopath, however while only under the influence of scotch he can speak clearly and people enjoy his company. It is only when mixed with Psycho that the beast inside of him is released, not many fights in New Reno ended in KO... death was the usual outcome. One evening he got into a barfight and beat up one of the Salvatores so bad that they had to surgically re-attach most of his face. After sobering up a bit Pscyho D. realised the Salvatores would stop at nothing to kill him. So he decided to leave New Reno and head towards Vegas, hoping to one day shine in the ring once again.

He picked up a job as a courier to make some money before heading over to New Vegas. Little did he know that things would turn out very differently....
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:28 pm

Time to post my casulty list.


Stormtrooper Alpha-KIA-20/10/2281

Stormtrooper Theta-KIA-19/10/2281

Jail guard Johnny-MIA-25/2/2282

May all the brave Dead is Dead souls R.I.P.

The Black disciple is trapped by an NCR ambush in Nipton.
Running low on ammo for his flamer and is very dehyrdrated.
Harvey Jack killed by Legion Assassins. He was no match for them.
1 Giant Yao Guai too many and it's over. [censored]! crap! Dyce died 12.07.81 at lvl 21 near the crashed school bus.

3 of those bastards was just 2 much, and I guess I just got cheeky because I was running around with a damn silenced 12.7mm pistol. Managed to take down 2 but that last 1 jumped me from behind, should've switched to Vance's 9mm but I was low on 9mm ammo.

Will take those lessons to my next DID who will probably be less experimental in nature :P

Thanks, guys, my condolences. Going up on the Wall.

Edit: OK, I just got done checking through the last thread. I think I got everyone, but, please, if I missed someone, let me know here or PM me. I don't want to leave anyone out. Every DID character deserves to be remembered.
-gunny out.
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:21 pm

We have 73 people in our graveyard.

And by my count, the amount of people that are still alive and waiting for that final Lonesome Road before they attend the Second Battle of Hoover Dam is.....2.

Wow. xD
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CSar L
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Post » Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:02 am

I think I'm going to do a cl D.I.D on VH/hardcoe it's gona be my first one so I don't know if going to do well or not lol. I'm also not going to be using the HUD so wish me luck ha. Also wat do you guys think my special an traits should be?

I wan to RP as a thief. Does anyone have any suggested starting builds? I would make most of my money by stealing/pickpocketing without saves before.

These were a coupla posts that I didn't quote fast enough to carry over from the last thread. Wanted to make sure you guys' questions had a chance to get answered. How are the runs going? I'd give you some help, but I svck at creating builds. I usually just wing everything during character creation. My characters always have lots of flaws :facepalm:

We have 73 people in our graveyard.

And by my count, the amount of people that are still alive and waiting for that final Lonesome Road before they attend the Second Battle of Hoover Dam is.....2.

Wow. xD

There's been a lot more than that. There's a bunch of characters that folks have started then not posted the results and a bunch that were reported dead that had no name or date of death for me to put on the Roll. I've got to start another character soon. Once I get this last Brain Dead Fred run in, maybe I'll start a DID Brain Dead Fred. Think of him as a little bit smarter Fronkensteen's Monster. I really want to make an exclusively unarmed run work.

PS. I just added a poll on how many DID characters have died. You know I love my polls!

-Gunny out.
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keri seymour
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:37 pm

These were a coupla posts that I didn't quote fast enough to carry over from the last thread. Wanted to make sure you guys' questions had a chance to get answered. How are the runs going? I'd give you some help, but I svck at creating builds. I usually just wing everything during character creation. My characters always have lots of flaws :facepalm:

-Gunny out.

Legion playthrough demands high Endurance and STR. You need those for all the unarmed and melee perks, and you'll definitely want high endurance to make up for the fact that Legion doesn't use stimpacks, that is, if you wanna include that rule for yourself too, since Legion doesn't use meds. They don't even use RadAway, so on my playthrough I actually had reason to avoid radiation like the plague until I either got enough cave fungus from HH or until I hit level 28 to get the Rad Absorption perk (requires 8 endurance or so). Fairly high agility (7 agility) is also wise as it lets you get Slayer (unarmed perk) and it helps with reload speed so you're also capable with guns. Charisma isn't very important because Rex is like the only potential companion you can really have on a Legion playthrough and companions are DOOMED in Cazador swarms on Legion playthroughs since you don't have any stims to heal them.

For my Legionnaire I did:


As for a thief, you'd probably just want perception to detect people, agility simply because I THINK there's a perk that ties into sneaking with an agility requirement, and endurance to take hits for just in case if you get caught and need to run the hell away.
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:28 pm

Legion playthrough demands high Endurance and STR. You need those for all the unarmed and melee perks, and you'll definitely want high endurance to make up for the fact that Legion doesn't use stimpacks, that is, if you wanna include that rule for yourself too, since Legion doesn't use meds. They don't even use RadAway, so on my playthrough I actually had reason to avoid radiation like the plague until I either got enough cave fungus from HH or until I hit level 28 to get the Rad Absorption perk (requires 8 endurance or so). Fairly high agility (7 agility) is also wise as it lets you get Slayer (unarmed perk) and it helps with reload speed so you're also capable with guns. Charisma isn't very important because Rex is like the only potential companion you can really have on a Legion playthrough and companions are DOOMED in Cazador swarms on Legion playthroughs since you don't have any stims to heal them.

For my Legionnaire I did:


As for a thief, you'd probably just want perception to detect people, agility simply because I THINK there's a perk that ties into sneaking with an agility requirement, and endurance to take hits for just in case if you get caught and need to run the hell away.

There is, Silent Running requires 6 AGI and that you be at least L12.

I'm one of those whose character is waiting for LR, which is just as well since I have to restart my current EW user as the Vendortron has gone haywire and makes the game crash whenever I complete the sale on the current save. Had been considering doing so anyway, as her perks were a mess due to her experimental nature.

One thing I discovered that was kind of unexpected was that if you take Skilled at the start it stays chosen when you respec upon leaving Goodsprings for the first time. As a result you can have three traits rather than two, however any XP you earned while in Goodsprings is reduced again upon being re-awarded after you finish the process. This may be a glitch for that particular character, but since I have a perma-save of her at the 'border' I can apply it to all subsequent characters if I so choose.
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:22 pm

There is, Silent Running requires 6 AGI and that you be at least L12.

I'm one of those whose character is waiting for LR, which is just as well since I have to restart my current EW user as the Vendortron has gone haywire and makes the game crash whenever I complete the sale on the current save. Had been considering doing so anyway, as her perks were a mess due to her experimental nature.

One thing I discovered that was kind of unexpected was that if you take Skilled at the start it stays chosen when you respec upon leaving Goodsprings for the first time. As a result you can have three traits rather than two, however any XP you earned while in Goodsprings is reduced again upon being re-awarded after you finish the process. This may be a glitch for that particular character, but since I have a perma-save of her at the 'border' I can apply it to all subsequent characters if I so choose.

Yep, you were the other one I was thinking of. The other is my own Courier playthrough.

Here's to hoping niether of us die on the Lonesome Road, cause holy crap that'd be frustrating. :foodndrink:
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:56 pm

Ben "Barbie" Green.

Low endurance. Low strength. High luck. High charisma.

My cannibal character got rear-ended by cazadores, but I didn't update so [censored] him.
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:19 pm

We have 73 people in our graveyard.

In memoriam...
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Alba Casas
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Post » Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:12 am

Alright, here we go again.

The Guy- 5 5 1 6 6 7 10 Skills: Guns, Sneak, Survival

Exited Doc Mitchell's house. Doing good so far.
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:29 pm

Unfortunately, I've basically given up on DID gameplay. I have my combat tweaked to the point that DID is nigh impossible.
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remi lasisi
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Post » Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:46 am

Reached Primm, fighting with my bare hands is quite tedious on VH/hardcoe so I bought myself some shiny brass knuckles. Still waiting to get some fixes for Psycho soon, though I'm compensating by excessive Scotch consumption :cool:
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Post » Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:52 am

Legate lanius son S-8 P-5 E-10 C-1 I-4 A-6 L-6 VH/Harcore no HUD. This is my first D.I.D hope he gets far. Tag skills melee repair survival. trait built to destroy an skilled.
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:03 pm

Just had my first close call already. Ringo almost killed me checked my pip boy after he was dealt with and had 17 hp not looking good ha.
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:36 pm

Not sure how this is all supposed to work in terms of posting, but had a Dead is Dead character kind of forced on me lastnight lol. My only save left me in a rather unfortunate predicament, with no way out but death. So might as well add him to the list haha.

Scrowl 11/02/81:
After making some bad choices, well.. many bad choices throughout his 2nd chance at life.. but in particular it was the choices made while helping Veronica with her BoS issues that did him in. It's ironic that in trying to do some good for once led to the death of such a downright evil person.

He, Rex, and Veronica went to leave the BoS bunker behind with no hope of it ever changing, only to be face to face with a small platoon of paladins waiting outside. Lacking the required skills to weasel out of the conflict, the only outcome was a fight to the death.

Out numbered and with no where to run, there was no choice but to face them straight on. They only managed to kill one of them before another power-fisted Rex into the ground, followed by the same guy making Veronica choke on her own teeth. All alone and with his health failing faster than he could heal (on hardcoe btw) there was nothing that could be done but accept the inevitable.
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