Jesu Christo. I step out for one cigar and see what happens? It's obvious that I'm just going to have to stage a coup and take over this place for it to run right. :hubbahubba:
Thanks to RR for starting a new one. At least it keeps some continuity with the proper thread name. If you think you're up to it, Ruined, maybe you could clip the text of the Honor Roll and add it to he first post? I feel it's a very important part of these threads that each DID character gets some recognition. Otherwise it's just a string of people's game updates.
Speaking of updates: LCPL Danny Kearney has become quite the asset to the NCR. He's helped out all of the NCR stations, secured the entire area of the Mojave, cleared all of the Legion from the west side of the Colorado, secured a truce with the BOS and eradicated all of the gangs from the area. He's now being sent out into the Mojave to help all of the communities consolidate their security and help in any way he can before he will be dispacted at the request of the new allies, the BOS, to find the rouge elder responsible for the fight at Helios One. He's level 28, doing very well, still only using Grunt perk weapons, but they've proven to be more than adequate. I did ditch the NCR armor and upgraded to MkII combat armor, since most of the time he's acting as a solo operator, not as part of an NCR unit. I think it's time for Danny to get promoted. Maybe he'll make corperal if he saves the President.
Here's what I would suggest guys: Try to play a character that is very different from what you usually play. Play a novelty build. A 1 IN Legion groupie. Or an eccentric wheeler and dealer who only cares about conning people out of their money. Or a mercenary mercenary who is bipolar and keeps changing sides. Just do something out of the ordinary so that it breaks the "I'm too attached to this character because I've built him/her so perfectly" mold. Make a flawed character on purpose and see how far you can make it work. That way, the character dying is almost the whole point of the build. Just see how long you can make it go before their faults finally undo them. You'll be less attached to them this way. The fun will be in making a unique character and seeing how differently the game plays out.
I can do that.

Again, sorry for the erm... less than par status of the thread starter, I was tired and just wanted to make sure it was up and running.
No problem at all!

I know a lot of people, including myself, love the particular challenge you posed.

Hmmm, I see your point Gunny. I will try this on my next playthrough.

Thank you for the tips!
EDIT - I added the Honor Roll to the first post, as you asked. If you feel anything else needs to be changed, please, let me know.

Or feel free to take over, seeing as it is your thread originally.