The Dead Is Dead Thread #7

Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:49 am

Continuing Gunny's topic on DID and discussing your DID playthroughs.

Sorry if in advance if I step on any toes Gunny, just didn't want the thread to be lost cause of the merge. :sadvaultboy: (which I feel responsible for, will PM you Gunny if you want me to elaborate.)

NOTE: Not hijacking Gunny's series of threads, just making sure it stays alive. :)

That being said, please continue the discussion of your DiD Playthroughs... reminds me... I need to start the DiD I said I would 6 threads ago. :facepalm:

Previous threads (courtesy of megyaronny):

The Graveyard.
Handcrafted by Gunny

'Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho' the soldiers knew
? Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
? Rode the six hundred.
-Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Morituri te salutant


Billy Mays Hayes, 12/13/2281
Dr. Homey, M.D. 10/26/2281
Dr. Ling Ling, M.D. 11/23/2281
Fronkensteen's Monster, 10/19/2281
Fronkensteen's Monster 2, 10/19/2281
Fronkensteen's Monster 3, 10/19/2281
Fronkensteen's Monster 4, 10/19/2281
Fronkensteen's Monster 5, 10/19/2281
Fronkensteen's Monster 6, 10/22/2281
Fronkensteen's Monster 7, 10/24/2281
Beauregard Jackson "Simple Ed" Bedford, 11/1/2281

Guy Fieri

George Hammond

Minature Stallion:
Mimieux Jr.

Warden II

Raynold Chateon
Julius Oppenheiimer

Sgt. Yakman

The Master Thief:

Ch1ck3n H8r:
The Currier


dike Dastardly:

Lieutenant Banana:
Tuck Mak Mufin, 12/11/2281


II The Rook II:
Sarah Lyons

General Eel Revilo:
Raddy Gervais

Duke Nukem

Paladin Dune:
Johnny Rotten
Conan the Barbarian, 10/28//2281
Leon Raven, 11/19/2281
Willem Young, 11/29/2281
Harvey Jack

Dirty Dan:
Mr. Cuddlesworth


Carla Chamomile

Curtis Twigg



Dr. Nigel Monroe

NCR Soldier


Senior Cinco:
Sandwich Head, 08/25/2281
Tela Vasir, 8/27/2281

Atlas, 10/3/2281
Griffin, 10/24/2281
Elijah Wood, 10/20/2281
Joseph Redwood, 11/14/2281

Undead Fiend:
Robert House 2
Gill Rile
Eli Bone
Nick House, 9/27/2281


PFC John Johnson

Exploding Note Dude
Dyce, 12/7/2281
Psycho D, 10/26/2281

Darktrooper, 7/18/2282
Stormtrooper Alpha, 10/20/2281
Stormtrooper Theta, 10/19/2281
Jail guard Johnny, 2/25/2282
"The Nod Milita", all 7 died on 23/11/2281

Ceit Mhoir

Powder Popper, 10/23/2281


Nut Sack Jack

Scrow, 11/02/2281

Qa-qa, 1/4/2282


Zaeed Smith
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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:05 pm

I've thought about making a DID character since Gunny started making these threads a few months ago, but honestly I just don't think I could put up with putting 20 hours into him and then die on some fluke or my own dumbness getting me into trouble.
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:43 am

I've thought about making a DID character since Gunny started making these threads a few months ago, but honestly I just don't think I could put up with putting 20 hours into him and then die on some fluke or my own dumbness getting me into trouble.

I'm the same way. :hehe: I've made 5 "attempts" so far but got too attatched... :cryvaultboy:
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:03 pm

Still locking and loading for playthrough for the Courier.

One final road, then I've done it all.... All my other characters are dead, but one man remains standing, and it's the one that was intended to be the Courier from the get-go. It seems so fitting that only the character DESIGNED to be the actual Courier has survived to walk the Lonesome Road. This'll be the FIRST game where my canonical DID playthrough actually survived, if I succeed.
Just looking at my character, planning carefully. I tried getting as many skillpoints as possible, so some of my main skills I always use, such as Survival and guns, are actually sitting at 96, waiting to see if there's any skill books. Looking at what my finalized stats might look like, thinking about what perks I want to take if the Lonesome Road doesn't offer any other good ones.

And deciding on an ending. Making a concrete decision about what ending I see as canon. Did a LOT of thinking, but I've finally decided: I'm going with House. I'm gonna walk in the Divide with House's quest to destroy the Brotherhood on my PIPBoy, and unless Ulysses makes any blatant statements speaking out against a House regime or supporting total anarchy with a compelling argument, I'm sticking with House.

23 shots of Med-x, 20 swigs of battle brew, 30 shots of Slasher, 20 Turbo doses, plenty of .357 magnum and .45-70 Gov't custom load, some .308 with Christine's Sniper rifle, wearing Pushy on my hand, contemplating on whether I should take the K9000 or the assault carbine (judging from the trailer, 5mm ammo might be present in the Divide, but then again, a unique assault carbine might be aswell), and just getting my game-face on. :toughninja:
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:49 am

What is DiD?
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jennie xhx
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Post » Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:09 pm

What is DiD?

The practice of treating the game as real to the point where if your character dies, it's truly dead. There's no such thing as reloading or an "alternate universe/timeline" that allows for your character to live again: you just saw them die.
Playing the game like this gives the playthrough more substance, more difficulty and more emotion. You develop a reason to fear the Brotherhood of Steel, you approach a situation carefully and new difficulty arises with bad luck, you actually feel like you've accomplished something when you manage to get the weapon Mercy without a death.

I can't play non-DID playthroughs anymore because they feel too easy, and I truly do feel as though there's no point in continuing my character when it dies, because I know his true fate led him to death on that day, and that any powerful or interesting character that develops from that file is just pure fantasy now; this also makes it all the sweeter when a character DOES turn out to be all-powerful. Yes I know it's all fantasy anyways, but the game is just so much more dramatic, immersive and challenging when you view it this way.
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:03 am

Thread 7? What happened to 6? Where's the graveyard?

EDIT : Nevermind...I see what happened...They merged an FO3 thread, with FONV :confused:
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:41 am

"Courier" is back in the saddle for another go. This time, he's planning on walking the Lonesome Road too.

Doing quests, killing everything with the Hunting Shotgun + slugs (Giant Radscorpions are falling to two shots without sneaking!), though I've been avoiding north of Sloan 'till I can get something to one shot kill a Deathclaw. Once hitting Novac, I went north before doing much to get the aforementioned Hunting Shotgun; I'm back there doing the quests and killing everything [barring Deathclaws] till I feel like hitting Boulder City. I'll see how far I can get this time. Not much many as of now, as I bought a heap of 12 gauge shells and the Choke for the Hunting Shotgun (there's thousands of caps).

I make some of my own rules for DiD: no Stimpacks, no health regained during a fight [from food/water], no reloads at all (saying the wrong thing by accident for example), and I avoid fast travel.
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:26 am

Yeah that merge svcked, I really don't understand that they threw away the DID #6 thread title in favour of the FO3 title on the FNV forums. Ah well, guess the moderators weren't really following/reading these threads and simply threw em together cuz they were both on the subject of Dead is Dead.

Ok Van Dutch is currently level 11 and chilling back at his Novac motel room.

After the he traveled through Nipton and towards Novac. The test site was done quickly and so he traveled to Boulder City and decided to confront The Khans who shot him. Having Boone and ED-E at his side Van Dutch decided to outright attack The Khans and about 3 minutes later corpses littered the streets of Boulder City. He found the note saying that they were infact hired by Benny. Before continueing his journey to Vegas however, Van Dutch decided to walk the wastes and take in order to get his facts straight.

Having killed many enemies and picking up a large range weapons, Van Dutch decided to collect all weapons+mods in order to build a collection. He bought two excellent mods at the 188 trading post and it made the gun look Van Dutch was looking for an opportunity to get even with the NCR for imposing martial law on the people, this opportunity came to him when he found Helios One.

The night before traveling to Helios One, Van Dutch had some bad dreams about his past however... He dreamt about his escape from the slavers and his arrival at Modoc, he felt safe there but would soon find that not everything was what it seemed. A couple of weeks later some slave traders showed up at Novac, and they requested a meeting with the town's mayor. Van Dutch recognized one of the traders and decided to lay low and see what happens, the Mayor talked for hours with the slavers and when they concluded Van Dutch saw him shaking hands with the trader he recognized earlier. He quickly went to the sheriff's office and asked what was going on. The sheriff explained that the golden age of Modoc had ended and that most of the crop were being sold at a loss, the only way out of this would be to use slaves. Shocked by these events, Van Dutch tried to reason with the sheriff and also stressed the point that he himself had been captured by these animals.

The Sheriff understood Van Dutch's concern but couldn't help him, the Mayor had decided to do it and that was that. After returning to his house, Van Dutch spoke with his father about the recent developments in the town and his father agreed that this was not the way. Knowing that at least the sheriff and one of the big farmers were against the Mayor's action, Van Dutch decided to have a meeting at the Modoc Church. Here they debated how the town could prosper without the use of slaves. The slavers heard about these developments and decided to attack Van Dutch and his family in order to secure the trade. The next morning Van Dutch and his father were working the land, the sun was out and there was a light breeze going through crops. While stopping for a moment to enjoy the scenery he saw some sunreflections coming from one corner of the field. While squinting his eyes he saw that there were men standing there, he then realized that the sun reflections were caused by scopes. He screamed to his dad to get in the house and he ran as fast he could towards the sheriff. During this run he felt a sharp pain in his right leg, he was shot and fell to the ground.

Swimming in sweat Van Dutch woke up back at the Novac motel room... these dreams keep haunting him, and he decided to go outside for a smoke and a drink. He hopes that getting even with the NCR will give his mind some rest...

Perks: Toughness I, Finesse and Super Slam
Implants: Intelligence & Endurance
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:32 am

I'm having a blast with my DiD character. Melee and Unarmed might not have been the best skills to stay alive with though, gotta charge in a serpentine pattern lol.
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Josh Trembly
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Post » Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:28 pm

"Courier" is back in the saddle for another go. This time, he's planning on walking the Lonesome Road too.

Doing quests, killing everything with the Hunting Shotgun + slugs (Giant Radscorpions are falling to two shots without sneaking!), though I've been avoiding north of Sloan 'till I can get something to one shot kill a Deathclaw. Once hitting Novac, I went north before doing much to get the aforementioned Hunting Shotgun; I'm back there doing the quests and killing everything [barring Deathclaws] till I feel like hitting Boulder City. I'll see how far I can get this time. Not much many as of now, as I bought a heap of 12 gauge shells and the Choke for the Hunting Shotgun (there's thousands of caps).

I make some of my own rules for DiD: no Stimpacks, no health regained during a fight [from food/water], no reloads at all (saying the wrong thing by accident for example), and I avoid fast travel.

Why does everyone fear Deathclaws? At level 6 I killed every single one in Sloan and the Quarry.
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:52 pm

Why does everyone fear Deathclaws? At level 6 I killed every single one in Sloan and the Quarry.

I have taken them out fairly early, but that was at a distance, with a scoped rifle. My current melee only char will wait a bit.
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:20 pm

I have taken them out fairly early, but that was at a distance, with a scoped rifle. My current melee only char will wait a bit.

Well I wouldn't melee them at an early level. Or at a high level either.
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:51 pm

You can melee them with the right perks/weaponry. I'd make sure to at least have super slam and piercing strike before attempting though
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:40 am

O, I will attempt...eventually. This guy is built around the Chainsaw, making PS a non issue. Thus I can opt for another Perk. I guess I could load up on thrown weapons and Bleak Venom.
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Batricia Alele
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:29 am

Are you going to chainsaw the mother deathclaw too? That thing can 2 shot you even in T51b power armor(with double toughness)
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:46 am

After exploring Camp Searchlight I think I'm being hunted by Glowing Ghoul Soldiers....I went to sleep in a shack miles away from the radioactive town and stepped out the next morning to be greeted by two of these guys... :nope:
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:49 am

Are you going to chainsaw the mother deathclaw too? That thing can 2 shot you even in T51b power armor(with double toughness)

Don't under estimate ole Sandwich Head. He's starting to take a likin' to drugs. I think if I soften her up with some Bleak Venom, he should have a good shot. I just have to get a good strategy down. Try to isolate them. Draw them out one at a time.

Easier said than done...I'm sure.
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Da Missz
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:46 am

?!? what's up whit this thread? no graveyard? no links? is Gunny out? not good...

Previous threads:
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:02 am

Godspeed SH :D Getting close and personal with some badass DeathClaws sounds pretty difficult!

I just f'd up again, Van Dutch died because he felt like shooting Orris for a change... but don't etch him into the tombstone cuz I'm not giving up on him! I've just created a new game, and this time I know it's gonna go well cuz Van Dutch :cool:

But seriously it was friggin unbelievable, 2 shots from Orris' hunting pistol and I was dead. Man that gun is powerfull! I'll try to rush through the game and I'll report back here when I get even with Orris, might be a while though :S Just finished Goodsprings and on my way to Sloan. Every time I walk away from Goodsprings I think of
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Ian White
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:25 pm

The Graveyard.
Handcrafted by Gunny

'Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho' the soldiers knew
? Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
? Rode the six hundred.
-Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Morituri te salutant


Billy Mays Hayes, 12/13/2281
Dr. Homey, M.D. 10/26/2281
Dr. Ling Ling, M.D. 11/23/2281
Fronkensteen's Monster, 10/19/2281
Fronkensteen's Monster 2, 10/19/2281
Fronkensteen's Monster 3, 10/19/2281
Fronkensteen's Monster 4, 10/19/2281
Fronkensteen's Monster 5, 10/19/2281
Fronkensteen's Monster 6, 10/22/2281
Fronkensteen's Monster 7, 10/24/2281
Beauregard Jackson "Simple Ed" Bedford, 11/1/2281

Guy Fieri

George Hammond

Minature Stallion:
Mimieux Jr.

Warden II

Raynold Chateon
Julius Oppenheiimer

Sgt. Yakman

The Master Thief:

Ch1ck3n H8r:
The Currier


dike Dastardly:

Lieutenant Banana:
Tuck Mak Mufin, 12/11/2281


II The Rook II:
Sarah Lyons

General Eel Revilo:
Raddy Gervais

Duke Nukem

Paladin Dune:
Johnny Rotten
Conan the Barbarian, 10/28//2281
Leon Raven, 11/19/2281
Willem Young, 11/29/2281
Harvey Jack

Dirty Dan:
Mr. Cuddlesworth


Carla Chamomile

Curtis Twigg



Dr. Nigel Monroe

NCR Soldier


Senior Cinco:
Sandwich Head, 08/25/2281
Tela Vasir, 8/27/2281

Atlas, 10/3/2281
Griffin, 10/24/2281
Elijah Wood, 10/20/2281
Joseph Redwood, 11/14/2281

Undead Fiend:
Robert House 2
Gill Rile
Eli Bone
Nick House, 9/27/2281


PFC John Johnson

Exploding Note Dude
Dyce, 12/7/2281
Psycho D, 10/26/2281

Darktrooper, 7/18/2282
Stormtrooper Alpha, 10/20/2281
Stormtrooper Theta, 10/19/2281
Jail guard Johnny, 2/25/2282
"The Nod Milita", all 7 died on 23/11/2281

Ceit Mhoir

Powder Popper, 10/23/2281


Nut Sack Jack

Scrow, 11/02/2281

Qa-qa, 1/4/2282


Zaeed Smith
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Post » Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:46 pm

?!? what's up whit this thread? no graveyard? no links? is Gunny out? not good...

Previous threads:

Jesu Christo. I step out for one cigar and see what happens? It's obvious that I'm just going to have to stage a coup and take over this place for it to run right. :hubbahubba:

Thanks to RR for starting a new one. At least it keeps some continuity with the proper thread name. If you think you're up to it, Ruined, maybe you could clip the text of the Honor Roll and add it to he first post? I feel it's a very important part of these threads that each DID character gets some recognition. Otherwise it's just a string of people's game updates.

Speaking of updates: LCPL Danny Kearney has become quite the asset to the NCR. He's helped out all of the NCR stations, secured the entire area of the Mojave, cleared all of the Legion from the west side of the Colorado, secured a truce with the BOS and eradicated all of the gangs from the area. He's now being sent out into the Mojave to help all of the communities consolidate their security and help in any way he can before he will be dispacted at the request of the new allies, the BOS, to find the rouge elder responsible for the fight at Helios One. He's level 28, doing very well, still only using Grunt perk weapons, but they've proven to be more than adequate. I did ditch the NCR armor and upgraded to MkII combat armor, since most of the time he's acting as a solo operator, not as part of an NCR unit. I think it's time for Danny to get promoted. Maybe he'll make corperal if he saves the President.

I've thought about making a DID character since Gunny started making these threads a few months ago, but honestly I just don't think I could put up with putting 20 hours into him and then die on some fluke or my own dumbness getting me into trouble.
I'm the same way. :hehe: I've made 5 "attempts" so far but got too attatched... :cryvaultboy:

Here's what I would suggest guys: Try to play a character that is very different from what you usually play. Play a novelty build. A 1 IN Legion groupie. Or an eccentric wheeler and dealer who only cares about conning people out of their money. Or a mercenary mercenary who is bipolar and keeps changing sides. Just do something out of the ordinary so that it breaks the "I'm too attached to this character because I've built him/her so perfectly" mold. Make a flawed character on purpose and see how far you can make it work. That way, the character dying is almost the whole point of the build. Just see how long you can make it go before their faults finally undo them. You'll be less attached to them this way. The fun will be in making a unique character and seeing how differently the game plays out.

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Nikki Morse
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:01 pm

Jesu Christo. I step out for one cigar and see what happens? It's obvious that I'm just going to have to stage a coup and take over this place for it to run right. :hubbahubba:

It's mutiny i tell ya... MUTINY!!! :brokencomputer:
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:32 am

Discovering lots of new things on this DiD playthrough. Primm pass is not for youngins'. Saved my own skin by luckily having a
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:08 pm

Discovering lots of new things on this DiD playthrough. Primm pass is not for youngins'. Saved my own skin by luckily having a

Praise The Lord!
Currently caught between NCRCF and An NCR Ranger squad.
Gonna' Take my chances with the NCRCF.
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