This sounds awesome guys, I'm gonna do this when I'm done, I want to start a bad guy charector. Maybe mr house or legion. I'll post here when I do.
how do you guys track all this stuff? Does the game save it?
Well, there's not much to track, really. You play the game in whatever fashion you like, mods, no mods, gimping, no gimping, role-play, no role-play. Whatever. The only thing you really got to track is if you die or not. That's pretty easy to notice. :hubbahubba:
Well, Samantha just died in the Sierra Madre. Unfortunately, this was due to a glitch were the "your collar is beeping" message didn't show up and the audio didn't play. Since that's the only way the player could know to take evasive action, I'm not sure whether to count that as legit. I probably will, though, as I was planning to cheat and give myself a second shot if I missed the jump in the vault anyway.
Well, it's back to the beginning I go!
Nuke, that's a legitimate "Nine Lives" moment. You die by glitch, it's not your fault. Reload 'er if that's what you want to do. I died by the "[censored] explosives don't do any damage in [censored] VATS glitch" on my current character, but I went ahead and reloaded. If the games spazzes on you, there's no reason to penalize yourself or your chracter for it.
I wish I could have played more recently. I had just got done with LR, wanted to go back and do the mile and buy a bunch of GRA guns to do the new challenges before I went to the end battle, but I've been spending so much time with the damage thread/calculator, and I finally got pissed enough about the state of the wiki's weapons pages that I actually signed up and started making sense out of that hornet's nest. And to top it off, today I just started a brand new wiki dedicated to Dead is Dead playthroughs. It's not much yet, as I'm still fleshing out the format, but I've got sections for both FO games and TES III & IV so far. I'll put a link in my sig so ya'll can take a look at it soon. Now I just got to figure out what to take out of my sig to fit it in.