Salvo is guns/sneak focus and is becoming incredibly OP at lvl 21. Having died so many times just trying to get past the weak-as-hell early game hump I decided to be super cautious with him and do easy and incredibly safe quests early on as well as avoiding major dangers like being vilified by NCR or Legion. Right away I went to Freeside and did tons of quests and gambling netting me lvl 10 before I ventured into the wasteland at all. I then got both Rex and Boone and with Boone and me sniping and Rex tanking I'm completely unstoppable. That being said the ease with which I'm getting through the content has become frustrating (and I don't have any of the DLC to challenge him) so I started my second character.
Ordinance is only lvl 8 focused on Melee/Explosives. So far I've played him pretty safe as well by only going to relatively easy areas but the very nature of his weapons makes this character much dicier to play safely. I've decided Ordinance should be evil as hell too so right away I took over Goodsprings and I'm heading towards Cottonwood Cove to begin the Legion quests. I've never done a Legion playthrough either so no meta-gaming it's very exciting.