Durber had made it to the city on time, waited a few hours as his father complained, and then sold most all his goods. He also bought a few needed supplies: salt, a new shovel, and a new pair of shoes for his father. He had finished all his business as the church bell gonged the hour.
'Eight past noon. Where did the time go?'Father was waiting on a bench near the small lake in town, watching a few ducks fight over half a loaf of moldy bread as the sun set past the walls. Durber shifted his pack on his shoulders, then walked up to the man and sat down beside him, laying the shovel on the ground.
"Well, have you got everything?"
"Yes, Father. Everything we had listed and more. We should be fine for another month."
"Hmph, good. Even the shoes?"
"Yes, here you are." Durber fished the soft shoes out of the pack, handing them to the elderly man beside him.
"Good, these were starting to wear down." An understatement. His Father wouldn't complain about it, but Durber knew his shoes were more hole than fabric. Yet he refused to let Durber give him his shoes, he insisted that he need them more. A tear fell from Durber's cheek as his father replaced his old shoes with the new.
"Oh come on, it's no wonder girls don't like you, you crybaby. How are they to think that you're tough and capable if you're off crying all the time?"
"Yes, Father. You're right." Durber straightened up, wiping his face with his hand.
"Honestly, sometimes it feels like you're eleven again, tattling on your sisters for pushing you in the mud."
"And you would always tell me off instead of them." Durber's father always knew how to make him smile when he needed it most.
A moment passed. Neither of the men said anything, both sitting there, thinking about the past. They might have sat there for an hour had Durber's father not stood on his cane.
"Well, we ought to go if we want to get back before it gets too dark."
"Alright, let's go." Durber too stood, helping his father and then picking up the shovel once more.
The two walked down the street, passing large town-houses as they went. The sun set quickly, the day turned to night so suddenly it made Durber blink.
"Well, so much for getting home before dark." Durber said.
"We can't well afford an inn, so that can only mean that you need to hurry."
"I know, I know."
Durber's father was about to speak when a scream broke the evening calm. The two men both looked in the direction of the sound, it seemed to come from the street around the corner.
"Stay here!" Durber said seriously, dropping the pack as he started to run towards the sound.
"Be careful!" His father yelled after him as Durber ran, he had forgotten to drop the shovel off with the rest of his belongings.
Durber passed two corners, sprinting down the road, just in time to see a Bosmer man run out of an alley. After a moment, Durber also saw several humanoid things following him. Durber did not know what they were, but judging from the elf's reaction, they could not be a good thing.
Durber stopped when he saw an Argonian leave one of the houses along the street, slamming the door behind him, hands full of weapons and armor. When the Argonian saw the evil beasts that chased off the Bosmer, he dropped everything but a bow. Durber watched, dumbfounded as the Argonian fired an arrow off into the crowd of beasts. The arrow lodged itself firmly into one of the thing's head, but it did not seem to notice, continuing to creep ever closer to the Argonian.
The lizard man put the bow on his back, then drew a sword from his belt, and started running towards Durber. He cut down one of the beasts in his way, and then went straight through the gap it left. Durber watched as the Argonian tripped, his leg impaling itself on his sword. The Argonian screamed as he fell, facing away from Durber, towards the beasts. He pulled the bow from his back, trying to draw an arrow, and then dropped both bow and arrow as he continued to bleed on the cobblestone street.
Durber yelled out to the Argonian, and started to run towards him, but he gave no sign of hearing him as he crawled over to one of the houses. He stopped moving for a moment, and then the Argonian gave a cry "Help!" Durber made no reply, forcing his legs to go faster as the Argonian toppled to the ground.
The Imperial man dropped the shovel he had been holding and knelt beside the Argonian. The beasts were slowly ambling along towards Durber; horrible rotting, diseased creatures. Durber wasted no time picking the Argonian up and running back the way he had come. As he turned the corner once more, he cried out for help "Someone! Anyone, I need help! Horrible beasts! Attacking us! Help!"
As he ran, Durber heard his father answer him "Durber?! What is going on?!"
"Father! Get to the castle, quickly!" Durber turned another corner and saw his father, still standing where he had left him a short while ago.
"What?! Who is that Argonian?! What is happening, son?!"
"Run Father, come with me!"
Durber wasted no further time talking, running to his father and then motioning him to come with him. The old man understood and gave no further reply, dropping his cane and following behind Durber as fast as he was able. He knew there was something happening, something big enough that there was no time to complain about his body.
Unfortunately, despite his iron will, Durber's father could not keep up with his younger son, and had to slow down. Durber called over his shoulder, slowing only slightly "Father, hurry! I don't know how fast they can go!"
"Who?! Who are we running from?!"
"Horrible creatures attacked this man and started after me! We have to get to the castle!"
His father nodded, gritting his teeth as he put all his energy into his legs, willing himself onwards. After an agonizingly slow sprint through the city, Durber finally made it to the gates of the castle.
"Guards! Quickly, there are beasts attacking the city!"
OOC: Wow, sorry about the length. Tried to do it without skipping much. Thanks for finally kicking things off

Oh, and Elite Birthday, I hope you don't mind I saved your character.