OOC: I'm gonna drop out. It's going kinda fast and I usually only can get one post in at a time if I'm lucky. I may return, but I'm not really sure right now.
OOC: FFFFFFF-darn. Time to unleash some Argonian kung fu to quell my disappointment.

IC: Xa-raku left the Khajiit to his own devices, leaping across the street again to the other building. He climbed around to the flat part of the roof and began traversing the roofs, observing the carnage taking place. There were much less dying people tonight, since there were so few left alive to kill. Most of them had actually begun crowding around the buildings he and Dro'raska were standing on, in a futile attempt to try and claw their way up to some of the last remaining pieces of warm flesh left in the city. Xa-raku realized it had been almost a whole day since he'd eaten, and sat down on top of the Fighter's guild to eat some meat and bread. After a few minutes of sitting, watching the horde, he realized that none of them were entering the Fighter's guild. He jumped down to the balcony and went inside the unlocked upper door. No one on the top floor. He walked down the stairs as quietly as he could, noticing that the front doors were heavily boarded up and reinforced with furniture. Xa-raku noted all the weapons and armor left behind. This place would be invaluable to anyone in need of supplies. If the front door remained shut, then whoever barricaded the building must still be inside somewhere. The monk inspected the door to the basemant. It was unlocked, and he went down.
There were about five corprus creatures milling about down here. He wished he could say that it was a surprise. He didn't particularly want to fight them all at once, but the fighter's guild, with its forge, training equipment, and stocks of heavy weapons and armor, was practically a fortress. Best of all, it had easy access to the roof should the building be compromised. Xa-raku wasn't about to let such a valuable find go to waste. He swept the legs out from underneath a lame corprus with a kick, and grabbed its head before it had even hit the ground and slammed its skull into the stone floor. This attracted the attention of the four others. One stalker reached out for him. He kicked its arms away, making it spin and breaking its guard. He punched it in the side of the ribcage, breaking bones and the resultant bone shards piercing organs. A third corprus took a swipe at him, which he guided away from his body, and elbowing the creature in the temple. This was followed by a palm strike to the chest, which sent it flying backward down the short staircase into the training area. One spinning kick knocked a fourth one over the railing and into the same area. One of them got back up, only to receive Xa-raku's knee in their jaw as a reward for their perseverance. Xa-raku pushed off the wall with one foot and kicked the fifth corprus in the chest with the other. It staggered back, but lunged forward again quickly - a little too quickly. Xa-raku couldn't counter, so he just grabbed one of its arms and flipped it over his shoulder. A series of blows to the head ensured it would not be getting back up.
Xa-raku flicked coagulated blood off his robe. Not much had gotten on his clothing, since many of his strikes only caused broken bones or internal bleeding. Xa-raku sat down for a second. He then heard slamming on the door upstairs. Returning to the main floor, he got there just in time to see the corprus horde crash through the remaining barricades. The argonian couldn't handle that many. He ran upstairs, barring the door to the bedrooms. He emerged onto the balcony and slammed his fist through the railing out of anger. All that trouble for nothing. He grabbed onto the roof ledge and climbed up, temporarily safe from the beasts again.