The Dead Horde: Part 2

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:06 pm

OOC: I'm gonna drop out. It's going kinda fast and I usually only can get one post in at a time if I'm lucky. I may return, but I'm not really sure right now.
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:53 pm

Tadave slowly walked down the trail leading from the castle. A while ago, he had been walking up these stairs, just after arriving in town. The meat he was eating wsa stiff and hard to chew, but he hadn't eaten since...well, he couldn't remember. He swallowed the last bit of meat as he looked back at the chapel. He remebered the guy he had healed. If he wasn't out of there by now, he would probably be food for the corprus beasts taking up residence in the dark undercroft of the once sacred place. He sighed a bit and adjusted the bow hanging on his back. He walked over to the bridge and hopped up onto the railing, looking out over the water. He wondered if his family back home in Morrowind was all right, but he pushed those thoughts out of his head. If he thought about that, he would get distracted, and end up getting himself killed. He chuckled a bit and shook his head. 'I guess dad taught me well...' he thought sadly. Healing had always been his passion, but his dad had taught him how to fight. Ironically, that was how he was still alive; fighting, not healing. Tadave let his mind drift off, savoring the melancholy quiet of the afflicted town.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:09 am

a sound coming out of the door in the armory "get me out."

Name: Basher
Race: Imperial
Gender: male
Age: 18

Skills: longblade, heavy armor, serurity, sneak, athletics, block, alchemy
Armor/apparel: Steel armor except for currias ( currias is iron)
Unique apparel: Enchanted sword of shock (silver longsword that does shock damage)

Weapons: sword of shock
Equipment: 10 healing potions, some food
Mount: doesn't have one

Physical Appearance: black hair, brown eyes, strong, 210 pounds, 5'11
Unique Appearance: n/a
Mental Description: has a "get some" attitude, but is loyal and unselfish
Short Bio: born in skyrim, dad died before birth, mom died during birth, he was raised by the legion, but it was corrupted after the corpus infection, so he battled his way through it, he locked himsself in the armory secret stone door 3 days ago, where some people find him
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:08 pm

OOC: I'm gonna drop out. It's going kinda fast and I usually only can get one post in at a time if I'm lucky. I may return, but I'm not really sure right now.

OOC: FFFFFFF-darn. Time to unleash some Argonian kung fu to quell my disappointment. :P

IC: Xa-raku left the Khajiit to his own devices, leaping across the street again to the other building. He climbed around to the flat part of the roof and began traversing the roofs, observing the carnage taking place. There were much less dying people tonight, since there were so few left alive to kill. Most of them had actually begun crowding around the buildings he and Dro'raska were standing on, in a futile attempt to try and claw their way up to some of the last remaining pieces of warm flesh left in the city. Xa-raku realized it had been almost a whole day since he'd eaten, and sat down on top of the Fighter's guild to eat some meat and bread. After a few minutes of sitting, watching the horde, he realized that none of them were entering the Fighter's guild. He jumped down to the balcony and went inside the unlocked upper door. No one on the top floor. He walked down the stairs as quietly as he could, noticing that the front doors were heavily boarded up and reinforced with furniture. Xa-raku noted all the weapons and armor left behind. This place would be invaluable to anyone in need of supplies. If the front door remained shut, then whoever barricaded the building must still be inside somewhere. The monk inspected the door to the basemant. It was unlocked, and he went down.

There were about five corprus creatures milling about down here. He wished he could say that it was a surprise. He didn't particularly want to fight them all at once, but the fighter's guild, with its forge, training equipment, and stocks of heavy weapons and armor, was practically a fortress. Best of all, it had easy access to the roof should the building be compromised. Xa-raku wasn't about to let such a valuable find go to waste. He swept the legs out from underneath a lame corprus with a kick, and grabbed its head before it had even hit the ground and slammed its skull into the stone floor. This attracted the attention of the four others. One stalker reached out for him. He kicked its arms away, making it spin and breaking its guard. He punched it in the side of the ribcage, breaking bones and the resultant bone shards piercing organs. A third corprus took a swipe at him, which he guided away from his body, and elbowing the creature in the temple. This was followed by a palm strike to the chest, which sent it flying backward down the short staircase into the training area. One spinning kick knocked a fourth one over the railing and into the same area. One of them got back up, only to receive Xa-raku's knee in their jaw as a reward for their perseverance. Xa-raku pushed off the wall with one foot and kicked the fifth corprus in the chest with the other. It staggered back, but lunged forward again quickly - a little too quickly. Xa-raku couldn't counter, so he just grabbed one of its arms and flipped it over his shoulder. A series of blows to the head ensured it would not be getting back up.

Xa-raku flicked coagulated blood off his robe. Not much had gotten on his clothing, since many of his strikes only caused broken bones or internal bleeding. Xa-raku sat down for a second. He then heard slamming on the door upstairs. Returning to the main floor, he got there just in time to see the corprus horde crash through the remaining barricades. The argonian couldn't handle that many. He ran upstairs, barring the door to the bedrooms. He emerged onto the balcony and slammed his fist through the railing out of anger. All that trouble for nothing. He grabbed onto the roof ledge and climbed up, temporarily safe from the beasts again.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:06 am

a sound coming out of the door in the armory "get me out."

Name: Basher
Race: Imperial
Gender: male
Age: 18

Skills: longblade, heavy armor, serurity, sneak, athletics, block, alchemy
Armor/apparel: Steel armor except for currias ( currias is iron)
Unique apparel: Enchanted sword of shock (silver longsword that does shock damage)

Weapons: sword of shock
Equipment: 10 healing potions, some food
Mount: doesn't have one

Physical Appearance: black hair, brown eyes, strong, 210 pounds, 5'11
Unique Appearance: n/a
Mental Description: has a "get some" attitude, but is loyal and unselfish
Short Bio: born in skyrim, dad died before birth, mom died during birth, he was raised by the legion, but it was corrupted after the corpus infection, so he battled his way through it, and it seems he has a genetic thing and immune to it, he locked himsself in the armory secret stone door 3 days ago, where some people find him

That a bit of ubering don't you think?

IC: Dynter took Amiel's orders and started piling food on the wagon(OOC: What happened to calendras's Cart?). The food they had was petty stuff, a long time of eating paltry rations would drive a warrior over the edge. He turned to Amiel when we was finised and told him "There. We're finished, I'll head into the armory and rab some weapons, what kind of stuff are we looking for?"
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:37 pm

OOC: I think Forrest specifically said you can't have an immunity to it.
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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:05 pm

well, then I have developed somewhat of a minor resistance against it.

"where are you guys headed?" basher asked
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:11 am

ooc: If Spider Pig says your ubering, then that is bad, and nobody ever got you out of the armory
ic: Kiel opens the Armory door to help unload weapons, and probably grab some for yourself. To his suprise he found an Imperial man that had locked himself inside. "Why the hell were you in there boy?"
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Wayne W
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:05 am

OOC: I reccomend ignoring wooly until his char sheet is approved by grummpy. Also, wooly, immunity to corpus is impossible for normies. The only way to gain any immunity to blight or corpus is to be infected with corpus. And the Nerevarine was the only person to ever be able to get corpus' negative effects repressed while still maintaining an immunity to disease and ever-lasting life (barring accidents).
IC: "Specifically we need arrows for the archers we'll be travelling with, and a few extra bows and blades in case we need replacements. Also, some chainmail would be useful, as some people might not have any."

Amiel paused for a moment to swing the last of the food bags onto waylas' wagon. The wagon was filled with camping supplies and food, and it would take another wagon if they wanted to transport any more stuff.

"I'm going to search the guard towers for anything useful, and then I'll head to the armory to help with moving its contents to the wagon." Amiel went towards one of the guard towers, and opened the door at its side. THe place was dark, as no one had replaced the torches. opening one of the doors inside the base level of the tower, he found a torch that was barely lit in a supply room. searching the contents of a nearby crate, he found some unused torches, and on the other side of the room he found a bucket of kerosene. Dipping one of the unused torches into the kerosene, he lit it with the now dying torch that was on the wall.

"Well, this place sure is tiny." Amiel could now see inside the tower, and found it to be incredibly small. A fact that was lost to him in its darker state.
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:46 am

I edited it,

"so where are we?" basher said, "I was running for a long time and I have no idea where we are, I was in a legion fort, and it was overrun, I was the only one to make it out"
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JD bernal
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:01 pm

OOC:Ok then...
IC: Amiel says of a list of weapons that he wants loaded. "Sounds good to me." Kiels says back. He takes a dagger for himself, and more arrows. Then, he begins loaded the caravans with all that that can fit without slowing down the caravan.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:13 pm

OOC: Thanks for editing it to comply with the non ubering rule.

IC: Dynter looked around the armory. He found a Bow and a full quiver of arrows. He tied the quiver to his waist and strapped the bow to his back. He picked up a bundle of 5 swords and with a grunt carried them through the castle and back to the wagon. It had begun raining and he hurried to put the swords in the wagon before they got wet and rusted. Dynter looked around for something to do and noticed Amiel heading into one of the guard towers. Dynter pushed open the door and walked in. Amiel was standing there with a torch. Dynter walked up to him and said "You should be careful, this place is dark...corprus might have found away to hide here during the day." Dynter looked in an opened crate filled with torches and pulled one out, he dipped it in oil, and used Amiel's torch to light his own. It was dark. "It's started raining" Dynter mumbled... "a dramatic thing always happen in tales of old when rains fall...they say rain was created by the forgotten god of Drama." A crack of thunder resounded through the air "Uh oh, if rain was bad enough... I don't like this... the atmosphere is too set for something..." Dynter knew Amiel would think him crazy but when the bards sang of tragedies, the rains always fell.

OOC: Can you bring out some of those sentient wizard corprus? The castle seems to be too safe, i feel like a bit of a challenge.
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:40 pm

OOC: That would be a really good way to crap our situation up. Currently its smooth sailing. I'll pm you in a sec to see if we can find a "fun" alternative.

IC: Amiel searched the now illuminated, but cramped tower for anything useful. He found two full quiver's of arrows, and Three iron shortswords. strapping the quiver to his back, Amiel picked up the weapons, and carrying them as one big bundle, brought them towards the exit when Dynter entered. He personally thought that Dynter was just being paranoid being or overly dramatic, and wasn't in the mood for superstitions surrounding rain.

"Well, all those suprises are going to have to wait until I get these weapons to the wagon." Amiel placed his torch into one of the sconces next to the door, and rushed outside to put the weapons into the wagon. He then quickly returned to the tower, and was soaking wet when he returned.

"Let's see how Waylas is doing. We should be able to get to the walls from here."

Amiel made his way up the stairs to the second floor, where there was a ladder.

"I guess this is it." Amiel began climbing the ladder, without a care for any potential threats.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:23 pm

a sound coming out of the door in the armory "get me out."

Name: Basher
Race: Imperial
Gender: male
Age: 18

Skills: longblade, heavy armor, serurity, sneak, athletics, block, alchemy
Armor/apparel: Steel armor except for currias ( currias is iron)
Unique apparel: Enchanted sword of shock (silver longsword that does shock damage)

Weapons: sword of shock
Equipment: 10 healing potions, some food
Mount: doesn't have one

Physical Appearance: black hair, brown eyes, strong, 210 pounds, 5'11
Unique Appearance: n/a
Mental Description: has a "get some" attitude, but is loyal and unselfish
Short Bio: born in skyrim, dad died before birth, mom died during birth, he was raised by the legion, but it was corrupted after the corpus infection, so he battled his way through it, he locked himsself in the armory secret stone door 3 days ago, where some people find him

Hey, you didn't PM me your sheet. Send it to me for approval, and you can't be immune to corprus.
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Angela Woods
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:24 pm

Kiel was behind Dynter whilst carrying a load of arrows, listening to his ramblings of rain being a bad omen. Bah, a bunch of Nord superstition crap is what that is. After they finished loading up the wagons, Kiel approached the Nord. "I think your just getting a little nervous Dynter. I doubt any of those hollow headed corpus are smart enough to infiltrate a castle." Kiel said while patting the Nord on the shoulder. Even though he hated the Nord, he decided it was better to make friends than enemies in times like these.
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jaideep singh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:05 pm

Kiel was behind Dynter whilst carrying a load of arrows, listening to his ramblings of rain being a bad omen. Bah, a bunch of Nord superstition crap is what that is. After they finished loading up the wagons, Kiel approached the Nord. "I think your just getting a little nervous Dynter. I doubt any of those hollow headed corpus are smart enough to infiltrate a castle." Kiel said while patting the Nord on the shoulder. Even though he hated the Nord, he decided it was better to make friends than enemies in times like these.

Dynter shot a glare at Kiel and said quickly "Don't touch me. Or I'll touch you. Painfully." He brushed away Kiel's hand roughly. "Sissy Cyrodils" He thought "With their softy ways" Dynter followed Amiel up, the second floor wa even darker and more cramped then the first.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:28 pm

Fanier had gone to the kitchen, planning on finding something to eat, and maybe some supplies for their journey. His stomach rumbled as he rummaged through barrels and cabinets.

Then he heard something. He couldn't point it out at first. The sound was the same as if someone was chewing with their mouth open. Fanier followed the noise, cautiously treading down a dark corridor. At the end of the hall, he could make out several hunched over figures.

He got nearer, and saw a gigantic hole in the wall behind the figures, leading into a dark tunnel. As Fanier got even closer, he identified the figures: Seven corprus beasts were chowing down on a pack of rats.

Horrified, Fanier slowly stepped backwards. The beasts seemed too immersed in their food to hear notice him. Fanier thought he might make it out of there without incident. But as he treaded backwards, his foot stepped on a bone on the ground.

The loud crack echoed through down the hall, and each of the corprus beasts simultaneously turned their heads in his direction. One let out a scream, and bounded towards him. Fanier broke into a run.

Looking behind him, he noticed these were not like the other corprus beasts. Rather, they were more like the beast he had encountered in an alley the night before; they were fast, bounding on all fours like an animal.

Fanier sprinted through the kitchen, and back into the main hall, where most everyone was. "CORPRUS!" he yelled to get their attention. "CORPRUS IN THE CASTLE!"
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:28 pm

IC: Amiel progressed up to the third floor, which seemed exponentially smaller than the first. Squeezing his way to the ladder, he made his way to the fourth floor, which was little more than standing room and a door. Opening the door, he exited out onto the walls. Waylas was sitting in the adjacent tower's fourth floor, the door the small room open. Amiel ran across the wall to Waylas' position.

"Whats the situation?" Amiel asked.

"I don't know why, but the corpus beasts seemed to have lost interest in attacking the gate." Amiel looked at the other side of the wall, and noticed that most of the corpus beasts that he could see were not hanging around near the gates.

"Well then, might as well go get some rest Waylas." Both Amiel and Waylas made their way back to the tower Amiel had come from, and began descending the ladder to the third floor. ONce they were both down, Amiel said "Looks like the corpus beasts have lost interest."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:21 am

Dynter heard a loud scream in the distance. Dynter shouted "Quickly Amiel!" and ran down the stairs. Dynter ran through the main gates of the castle and through the entry room which was furnished with grand tapestries and finally into the grand hall where Fanier was screaming. The cries of Corprus resounded though the air, "FOR THE SUMMERSET ISLES!!!" Dynter cried and threw himself at the seven on coming Corpruses. One of them's skulls Vanished into the creatures chest. Dynter roared "For the isles!" as he hit another corprus in the chest, covering him with a splattering of blood. "Fight to the last man!" He shouted! He could hear more groans...more corprus were coming.
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:58 pm

IC: Amiel and Waylas followed Dynter into the grand hall where Fanier was. The room was being attacked by some suprisingly agile corpus beasts. As Amiel entered the room a corpus beasts charged at him, pouncing him. Amiel quickly threw the creature off, and drawing his steel longswored, rolled over and put himself in a crouched position. The beast made a second leap for him, and when it did so, Amiel rolled to the side and cut its right arm off in one fluid motion. The creature fell, to the ground, temporarily unable to get up. Amiel ran over to the creature and stabbed it through the chest, cracking one of the ribs as he peirced the lung. That was one creature down.

Waylas took aim at a creature that was charging Dynter, and fired an arrow. The arrow pierced its thigh, but it wasn't down. It instead leapt into the air, knocking Waylas down and sending his bow flying. The creature then began tearing at Waylas' chest, attempting to rip out Waylas' heart. Amiel quickly moved towards waylas and kicked the creature off of him.

"Come on Waylas, get up!"
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David Chambers
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:44 pm

OOC: Kiel is a Redguard!

IC Before Corpus in Castle: "Excuse me for being nice, to an ugly thick-headed moron like yourself!" Kiel said to the Nord as the Nord brushed his hand off. I could kill that bastard before he knew what happened! Kiel was getting angry, and his adrenaline was building, he was angry and ready to hurt somone.

IC During Corpus: "CORPUS IN THE CASTLE!" Fanier shouted. Kiel quickly ran to his stuff, dawned his armor and weapons fast, and ran to the beast. Exactly what I need. Kiel drew his sword and lunged at the first corpus he saw. He let the adrenaline flow as he cut down the corpus beast. Too easy These corpus beast put up a pretty good fight though, they move quicker and are harder to hit. Before Kiel realized it he had already taken care of three of the beast while his companions were fighiting the rest. He soon realized this fight had only begun.
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Jennifer May
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:23 pm

Dynter looked at Amiel and said "I told you something was going to happen...the rain never lies!" Corprus were now pouring through the doors and corridors. Dynter lost himself in the battle. Swing. Dodge. Swing duck. Jab dodge. Swing. Smash. Countless corprus feel before him. After beheading yet another corprus he looked to Amiel again and said "We can't fight for much longer...we have flee...There are too many" In the distraction that came with Dynter talking, a corprus toke the advantage and slashed across the face with it long sharpened nails.

The blood poured down dynter face as he grabbed hold of the corpruses head and ripped it off the neck.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:36 pm

"HAHA!" Kiel yells as he beheads another corpus. "I don't think we have to run Nord. There aren't that many!" Kiel jumped up in the air and kicked a corpus in the face, as he landed he stabbed another in the chest. He runs over to the one he kicked to the ground and drives his sword into it's face.
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:05 pm

"What do you mean. " not that many" ?" The nord replied " The place is crawling with the beasts and more are coming."
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:45 pm

IC: As Amiel managed to get Waylas up on his feet, he listened to Dynter's word's. When he turned to respond, he saw Dynter get swiped across the face.


As Amiel said this, two more corpus beasts launched their attack. Amiel smashed his elbow into one of the creature's stomach's, and then decapitated the other one. Amiel quickly turned to the corpus beast he had just elbowed and slashed it across the chest.

"EVACUATE THE CASTLE!" Amiel shouted. Amiel and Waylas then began moving towards the exit. Along the way they dispatched several corpus beasts, but they finally made it into the entrance hall. Now all they had to do was go through the door. Suddenly, Waylas screamed in pain. A corpus beast had approached from behind and slashed his backside. Amiel launched his attack, bringing his sword down on the corpus beast. Unfortunately, the beast simply moved out of the way. It then swiped at Amiel, grabbing his leather coat and using that to pull him to the ground.
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