Name: Radek
Nickname: Wild-Eye
Race: Argonian
Gender: Male
Apparent Age: Early Teens (16-19)
Actual Age: 20
Skills: *Hand to hand, *Athletics, *Acrobatics, Blade, Sneak
Armor/apparel:Dark Green shirt, Old raggedy Chain mail Shirt (Wears over Green shirt), Black Trousers, Leather Boots, Chain mail Gauntlets with half finger-sleeves.
Unique apparel: None
Weapons: Steel Dagger,
Equipment: Food, little gold, map
Physical Appearance: Dark green, camo-like scales.
Unique Appearance: Long cut marks, scraqes, scars all over his body, incredibly long claws on his feet and hands. Long sharp teeth.
Mental Description: He's not the most sanest person you'll ever meet. Sometimes, he can act incredibly crazy, almost like an animal. In other times, he can be peaceful, calm, even happy.
Short Bio: Radek used to be normal. Which was before the Corprus Plague, during which, he lost part of his mind. His parents were killed a few moths before the Corprus Invasion, they're deaths unknown. Dealing with both the trauma from his parents deaths and of the Corprus plague, he went crazy, and developed a split-personality, one side being his normal self, the other being a crazy-animal side.
He now wanders the wilderness, mostly in hiding from the Corprus, nearly being killed dozens of times by them. He barely scraqes by each day, which has made him incredibly skinny. He is incredibly skilled in Hand-to-hand combat, due to his 'crazy' side, in combat, Radek's foes usually end up a bloody mess.
Wild-Eye's been on his own for several months, scavenging through out ruins and destroyed cities.
Misc Facts:
-His left eye is a dark green color, while the other is a Blood-red color. Representing his nickname 'Wild-Eye'
-An exceptionally good climber
-Likes to tell awkward jokes
Radek lay on the ground outside of the ruins, moving slowly on all-fours, as quiet and quickly as the wind. The Corprus attacked Cheydinhal a few days ago, attacking at night.
Like they always do... Radek moved quicker, until he was at what looked to be the remains of a house.
He peaked his head out and looked around,
No ones least for now, he examined the surroundings for a few more seconds before moving silently to the front of the house. The Corprus had done a real number of Cheydinhal, the walls had been torn through like paper, houses seemed to be smoldering piles of debris. The only thing that seemed recognizable was the Castle. Radek sighed deeply before moving on down the streets, running quickly, and silent. He stopped by a few houses and rummaged through the wreckage, in hopes to find something useful.
After failing to find something, he continued his way through Cheydinhal, but then quickly dove behind behind a ruined building when he saw several figures by the castle.
Did they see you? A voice from within asked, Radek grunted and shook his head,
I don't think so...He poked his head out, making sure he wasn't seen, he watched the figures. There was at least three or four of them, but Radek couldn't make it out.
Dont mind them, just do what you came here to do! The voice said again to him, seemingly in a hurry. Radek growled lowly, but reluctantly agreed. He picked himself back up and snuck around the building, being as quiet as possible. He made a false step, and startled a flock of birds resting in the sun above him. ''Goddamnit!'' He whispered loudly, as the birds whizzed away like organic arrows, cawing incredibly loudly. Radek, fearing that those mysterious figures saw it, ducked down into the remains of a house, in a shade covered area, his dark green scales blended in with the shade, only showing a faint green outline if one was to look hard enough.
OOC: Sorry if I'm little bit behind :/