Giving up on bothering with waiting for any more people, He set off with what he had.
Himself, Hirrus, Fey, and 7 Cheydinhal Gaurds.
As they pushed the gate open, they realised how badly damaged it was.
They would need to find a smith to repair and reinforce it before nightfall.
After inspecting the door, Primo joined his companions, who were staring in awe at the gore filled streets.
Bodies of both the beasts and residents of the town littered the streets.
Men and Mer alike were torn to pieces.
Man, Woman, and Child were given no quarter by these ferocious beasts.
Primo patted Fey on the back roughly.
Unless we get the supplies we need, this same thing will happen to everyone inside the castle. Us included. "
He stood there giving instructions to the men, Fey was off to search for anything laying in plain sight, he was NOT by any circumstances to enter any buildings.
4 of the gaurds went off to find survivors, they were to only find them, not enter any buildings unless there was direct sunlight pouring inside.
Primo, Hirrus, and the other 3 gaurds set off to find supplies.
Look! There's a survivor walking down the street! "
Primo and Hirrus approached the man.
Are you infected? Have any of those things touched you? "