OOC: Well all thanks to W00tz who was kind enough to bring my unwilling brain up to speed, and so I've decided to rejoin.
@forrest: no need to pull me off the list.

Major IC to follow....
AdrianAdrian watched the argument from the side, not wishing to get caught up in it. He didn't know either of them very well, and he knew how volatile Falcar could get. He was quite shocked about the fact that the entire Mages Guild would so readily abandon the rest of the city and its citizen's, but after a quick look around the guild hall, he noticed a few missing faces. His attention went back to the conversation as Falcar made his final statement and turned to go up the stairs.
Adrian's mind raced as the inevitable moral debate started up in his mind. The "saint" part of his mind told him to stay and to help those who needed it in the crisis.
But the logical part of his brain, the part that wished to remain intact and whole, told him to follow Falcar up those stairs, and to go to safety with the others, telling him people out there were done for and that there was nothing that could be done.
He looked back and forth from the door to the city, then up to the door on the stairs where Falcar had gone, the to the faces of his two comrades. He thought of his new spell, and what other myteries life held for him, and without a look at his companions, he turned and headed for the stairs, not looking back, his head hung a little in shame.
He entered the room as the last of the mages had teleported out to safety, and he went to the center of the room, preparing to do the same, when he stopped in the room. He couldn't believe he was actually going to do this. He couldn't make himself do it, even though he needed to. He slowly turned back for the door, and placed his hand on the doorknob, and opened it, moving quickly, almost bounding down the stairs.
Unfortunately, at one point, the roof was rather low, and the next thing he knew, he was looking up at the wooden ceiling, flashing purple lights in his eyes, as he slowly faded out....
MorningAdrian heard the soft twittering of birds outside, but it muffled, drowned out by people yelling. He slowly started coming around, the grogginess disappearing from his brain as he sat up, his back sore from the awkward position as well as his head which was pounding.
He looked up at the ceiling as he remembered why he was on the floor, and he rubbed his head. "Third time this month..." he muttered as he slowly stood up, stretching his back out. He made his way down the stairs and he could hear what the yelling was about as many names were being called out. He knew people were searching for their loved ones, as he remebered what had happened last night.
He found the door to the city open as he walked out into the open, seeing a terrible scene in front of him. Bodies layed everywhere, both normal and mutated, as people turned the bodies around to see who they were. Off to the side three people went to help aomebody who was apparently moving, and Adrian turned when one man screamed. Adrian rushed to see the man's eyes bleeding heavily as well as the rest of his face, as the other two were hacking at something on the ground which was moaning loudly.
The injured man dropped to the, and the two men hurried him off, though Adrian thought they seemed hesitant to touch the man as he continued to scream in pain. Adrian continued walking, not believing what he was seeing around this once fair city. Doors lay shattered on the ground, as well as windows, shards of glass every where. At one point he found a makeshift barricade with close to a dozen Corprus piled around a half dozen soldiers, who were only recognizable by their tattered uniforms.
It was then that he realized that the Corprus were nowhere to be seen, though he didn't put much thought into it as a fair number of Cheydinhal guards came into view, as well as what looked like Legion soldiers. He figured if anybody knew what was going on it would be them so he hurried off towards them.
"Hello there!!" he called out as he neared them, slowing to a walk again. "I seem to have taken a bit of a nap during this all." he said with a sheepish smile as he rubbed his head again. "Would you mind if I tagged along? And maybe filling me in on any plans you have?" he asked.
If anyone was to have a plan it would be the Count and the watch, and the castle seemed the safest place should the Corprus come back.
RothisThe Dunmer shut his eyes tighter as the light shone into them. He continued to lay there for a minute, wondering why his bed felt so hard, and why he felt a breeze blow across his face....
Then it all rushed back to him as he sat up quickly, looking around as he saw ruined gates and guards and people rushing about as calls went about all around him. He saw his hammer and shield laying to the side, as he pushed himself up from the ground, standing rather stifly, noticing he had gotten himself into a corner and probably why nobody had carried him in. It was then he noticed a sharp pain on his arm, and a more dull pain on his side as he looked down.
What he saw nearly made him pass out. His torso had a large gash on it, from collar-bone to his hip, and was quite deep, but that wasn't what made him swoon as he sat down on the steps again. It was the fact that his entire arm had turned a nasty shade of green, except for right around the wound it was pure black, and blood was still seeping from it.
He was amazed that not major arteries had been cut, but the look of the wound made him think it was infected....
No... he thought with a look of dread on his face as he thougt of the human looking zombies from last night.
"No it can't be." he told himself. "Being stupid. Just an infection from being touched by those things, but nothing new from zombies." he muttered, though a second later he wondered why he was hiding the wound instead of looking for help.
In the back of his mind he knew that if anybody knew he had been cut from those things that they might not be so welcoming of it. He ripped a peice of his torn shirt off and began wrapping the wound as best he could, grimicing in pain as the wound gushed blood.
That done he went over to his weapons and picked them up, strapping the shield to his left shoulder, as he grimced again from the shield knocking into his wound. He switched it to his right shoulder and began down the path from the castle to the city, heading to his house to collect a few things before his next move, of which he wasn't sure of yet.