Primo turned slowly as he heard this.
" What kind of offer would this be? "
"Protector Amiel would like to know if you would accompany his group to the Imperial city." Ulfgar wasn't sure about this plan of Amiel's, but he had already said it, so it was too late to question it.
Waylas entered into one of the general supplies stores. He found that it had already been raided for food, but there was still a supply of bedrolls and camping materials. Waylas left and found himself a wagon, and gathered up all the wood and camping supplies he could. Now all he needed was a horse.
Amiel watched the conflict between Fanier and Calendras with silence, and when Calendras left, voiced his opinion to Fanier alone.
"Fanier...I know how you feel. Its hard to swallow the idea that he killed those people without wanting to decapitate him. But for the time being, we need to work with him in order to survive. You'll get your chance to avenge any innocent deaths he may have caused, if that's how you feel. But now is not the time. I need you to tolerate him at least until we get to the Imperial City. Can you do that?" Amiel did not want his newfound comrades tearing at each others throats, so for now he hoped that Fanier could be swayed by the immediate danger to their lives.