Rain poured down around Cheydinhal, the people inside hurrying to and fro like ants in an anthill, but outside it was relatively calm. Water made light tapping noises on the the lush green leaves of the forest ringing the walls of Cheydinhal. Birds hunkered down in their nests and animals sought temporary shelter from the constant downfall. Anyone who could, was getting inside and staying their... all the sensible people anyway, Faelin thought to himself. He walked down a well worn traveller's path, his hood up, trying to shield himself from the rain. It was no use, rain seeped in cracks betwwen his armour and soon he would be completely and utterly drenched. His other two companions however, had completely different opinions. Lauarana and Grail had both been travelling to Cheydinhal at the time Faelin met them. They were going for the bard, Laurana, who liked singing in taverns (as bards often do). Her companion seemed to be more like a bodyguard than a friend. Never leaving her side, constantly in her shadow. But all three companions got along well enough. Laurana's constant singing usually kept everyone in a good mood, except for times like this. Faelin thought bitterly. She was singing one of her bard trail songs, drenched in rain but without a care in the world.
On and on the trail goes
And never shall it cease
On over the horizon
Into the dying sun
The trail takes us through the mighty mountains
Down the winding slopes and across the lush fields
Over the majestic elven bridges and through the maze of trees
The trail continues under our feet
But for a bard the trail never ends
It goes on and on and on
Into the majestic sunset, where the bards live forever in the soaring skies...
Faelin had been concentrating so hard on the song he had heard about ten times since the start of the trip, that he did not realise that the bushes and trees had finally ended. With a start he looked up and saw the large walls of Cheydinhal looming up above him and his companions.
"Cheydinhal." Grail muttered.
Glancing over at Laurana's protector, he saw that the knight has also been thouroghly drenched. Worse so because he wore full armour. He must want a hot meal and soft bed as much as me, Faelin realised.
"I'm glad we're finally here," Faelin began "A warm bed and hot meal will benefit all of us." He paused and looked at Laurana. "We should probably go find a tavern, I haevn't been here for a while so we will probably have to walk around for a bit." He said.
"Hey thats part of the fun right?." She grinned then. I think she's enjoying this, Faelin thought.
"Well lets not stand around till nightfall! Come on." And with that Faelin led his companions out into the open, between the walls and the forest, and approached the front gate.
OOC: Edited it out