The Dead Horde

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:24 pm

OOC: Holy Crap.

I left for half an hour and you fill a page.

Let's say that Darth and spider pig's posts are completely independent from each other. As in, you were fighting separate corprus beasts.

From now on, post using discretion. If you can see that someone is currently posting, try and wait until they post for your turn.

You're not going to kill all of the corprus beasts. You must either escape, find a safe place, or keep fighting.

Can everyone take a break for a bit? I'll post as soon as I can, and I'll probably lead people to a place where they can hide.
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carley moss
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:15 pm

OOC: I regrettably have to pull out of this RP. I work full time, and I won't be able to keep up if the posting goes on at this rate. I need roleplays with a more casual pace rather than short, super-quick posts. If I see the thread slowing down, I'll re-join but for now I'll be leaving you guys to your fun :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:47 pm

ooc: Unless the characters know better, though, Corprus Stalkers and Lame Corprus look a damn lot like undead. But once we get to the faceless Ash Zombies (who are, in fact, not real zombies :P) and the tentacle-faced Ascended Sleepers, the people who're crying 'undead' will kinda have a wtf moment I think. :hehe:

Haha, there'd be a fun fairytale: The Boy Who Cried Zombie. :lol:

ic: In the corner, the little Argonian sobbed, unnoticed by anyone until the barkeep walked over and nudged her. She ceased her crying and looked up.

"You gonna buy sometin'? 'Cause if you're not, you're just taking up room that could have a paying customer in it." He told her gruffly.

"Oh, um, yes.." She replied, reaching into her pocket. "I'll have some.. uh.. oh, no. I guess I won't have any tea. I don't have any gold on me. I.. I'll go then."

Standing languidly, the Argonian shouldered her pack and tossed a shield spell over herself before heading out into the rain once more, head up now to make sure she didn't run into any more scary armored people. She crossed one of the bridges and walked up towards the castle, breaking off the path and going to a small cottage-like house with two stories. Approaching the door, she rubbed her eyes a little, shifted her pack, then turned the knob and walked in. An Imperial woman in her middle age sat in a chair by a fire, reading a book. Long, brown hair cascaded around her shoulders and a pair of spectacles rested on her nose. When she heard the door open, she looked up and saw Trisha standing there, dripping wet with her soaked things under her arm. The woman put her glasses in the book and closed it gently, then got up and walked to the Argonian, hugging her. Trisha returned the gesture, resting her chin on the woman's shoulder.

"Sweetie, you look positively frozen. And something's bothering you, I can tell. What happened, Trish?" The Imperial asked her in a grandmotherly tone. Trisha sighed.

"Just.. bad day at the Guild. Nobody cares if I exist until they run into something they can't solve, then they only care long enough to ask me for help." She replied, eyes shut as she enjoyed the warmth of the woman hugging her and the heat from the fire in the room.

"That doesn't explain why you're soaking wet and cold as a snowdrift. I know you can block the rain with magicka, dearie."

Trish sighed and hugged the woman a little tighter. "Don't worry, mom. I'm fine. I ran into someone and fell over. Lost my concentration. I just.. I need some hot tea and a place to think right now."

The woman nodded and let go. "Well, okay, dear. I know I didn't give birth to you, but you're still my daughter as far as I'm concerned. You can always talk to me. You know that, right?"

"I know, mom."

"Good. Well, I've got a teapot on that you can get water from. Why don't you grab a towel and clean yourself up a little, okay?" She told Trish, then took her small snout in her hands and kissed her on the top of it. "I love you."

The kiss made the little reptile feel better and she smiled and nuzzled the side her adoptive mother's head. "Love you too." She told her, then went off upstairs to her room, closing the door behind her and tossing both her pack and her clothes all off on the floor. With a flick of her wrist, she lit the pre-built cone of logs in her fireplace that she'd left there this morning and went to her window, leaning over on the sill so her stomach pressed on the cool wood. Rain pattered on her head as she leaned out and cold air struck her exposed chest. She sighed.

"Rain would be so much more enjoyable if it wasn't so cold." Trish mused, looking out at the city. In the night, her ears picked up what sounded like a Khajiit yelling. She sighed again in an annoyed manner. "Drunks.." She muttered. When it repeated, over and over, though, she found herself getting curious. The yells sounded almost.. fearful. Then someone yelled a sentence: 'Monster! There's a monster in the city!'

"A.. monster? People don't call something a monster unless they know what it is.. Hm." A part of Trisha wanted to go see this 'monster,' but another part wanted to stay here where it was warm and safe and she could curl up in her soft bed and forget the world. I'll decide on it after I go to the bathroom and clean the mud off myself. She nodded in agreement with her mental statement, threw a robe on over her naked form and trotted downstairs where Marina Cerrius was on her knees, scrubbing muddy, three-toed footprints off the wooden floor. Trish looked at her own feet, then swore in her head and ran to her mother. "No, no, I should be doing that. You go sit down, mom, I'll finish cleaning."

Marina looked up and smiled at her daughter, then handed her the rag. "Well, I'm not going to turn down an offer to do housework for me! Thank you sweetie."

"Of course, mom." Trish said politely like the perfectly obedient daughter she was. After scrubbing her tracks off and wiping her feet, she tossed the rag in the laundry -another thing she'd do later- and went down into the basemant to the toilet, thinking on the cry of 'monster' she'd heard as she sat. By the time she left and went back upstairs again, she'd decided that it had too much potential to be interesting to pass up. Back up in her room, she shed her robe, grabbed a dry undergarment, pulled on a pair of warm pants and slipped into her leather armor. With her glass dagger strapped to her right thigh and a pair of healing potions dangling from the belt around her middle, she adjusted the skirtlike bottom of her cuirass and fiddled with the wet buckles on the gauntlets as she went downstairs again. Marina looked up over her glasses at her armored daughter and raised her eyebrows.

"Where're you off to, Trisha, dear?"

"I need to go fetch something from the Guild for alchemy." She lied smoothly. Her mother nodded.

"Oh, alright then. I'll see you in a bit."

Feeling a bit guilty for lying to her mother, Trisha covered herself in shield magicka and walked out towards the Newlands Lodge, the direction the sound had seemed to come from.

ooc: Which battle happened where?
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:18 am

OOC: Try to make long and detailed posts, not the quick, short ones everyone has been making.

IC: Fanier didn't quite know where he was. Somehow, in all the commotion, he had found his way into a dark alley. Thankfully one of the 'monsters,' whom by now Fanier had identified as corprus beasts, couldn't see him in the dark spot that he had hid in. As the lame corprus lumbered by, Fanier held his breath, not daring to breathe.

After about a minute, Fanier couldn't take it anymore; he had to exhale. Slowly he let out his breath, but evidently not slowly enough. The beast had looked in his direction, and let out a heart-wrenching shriek. The scream echoed throughout the alley, seeming to reach every building in sight.

Fanier heard sounds. He heard windows breaking, walls falling, people screaming. And in all of this, the only thing he payed attention to was the now large group of corprus beasts inching towards him. They knew something was there, right where Fanier was crouching, yet he dare not move, should he set them off. He needed to make a decision, and quick.

Fanier acted. In one fluid motion, he drew his elven shortsword from beneath his coat and beheaded the nearest beast, who promptly went limp and fell to the ground. But now the other beasts were fully alert of his presence. Fanier ran.

He ran through the alleys, pulling away from the slow corprus stalkers. But it seemed no matter how fast he ran, more of them emerged from the various doors, windows, and sewer grates. But one beast was different from the rest.

He was fast. The beast crashed through a third-story window above Fanier, landing easily about five feet behind him. Fanier picked up the pace, but it was not enough. The fast one, determined to have the fresh meat for himself, lept onto Fanier, bringing him to the ground.

But Fanier, ready for the impending attack, had his shortsword drawn. As the two fell to the hard ground, Fanier drove the blade through the beast's throat, effectively severing the spinal cord. He felt the creature go limp.

Fanier got up, and only then felt the pain in his left shoulder, where he had hit the ground. Looking behind him, he saw that he had gotten away from the charging horde, and could no longer see any of them. He looked around, and found that he was back by the tavern, and the imperial he had previously met was here as well.

"They're corprus beasts," he called to the man.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:20 am

IC: "Corpus beasts? You mean those things from Vvardenfell?" Amiel asked, genuienly perplexed. After all, he had never seen a corpus beast, and didn't know much about them.

Suddenly, screaming could be heard in one of the nearby buildings, and a single woman managed to escape through the front door. Following her was a group of 3, maybe 5 corpus beasts. They quickly turned their attention to the crowd that had accumulated near the newlands lodge, and charged at them. Amiel could not believe that so many were in the city, and yet so far from morrowind. Pretty soon more screaming could be heard from the bar across the street from the newlands lodge, and people began fleeing into the streets.

THe corpus beasts made quick work of the commoners, ripping apart their bodies, and devouring their flesh. Amiel rushed over to Fanier and quickly said "I...we need to leave, now. theres nothing we can do here." Soon after Amiel said this, one of the corpus beasts turned its gaze towards Amiel, and shambled over to attack. Amiel drew his steel longsword and disemboweled it, but in short order two more corpus beasts were exiting an alley. "By the nine!"
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:08 pm

Calaetus watched as everyone around him ran around in chaos, or as the brave ones did, fight. He stalked Fanier into an alley until a beast attacked him. The assassin sat and watched as Fanier killed two beasts with superior fighting tactics and a quick mind. This will be harder than I thought. He has a fast reaction time. Calaetus thought to himself, still watching as Fanier got up and ran back to the inn. He then turned and looked at the monsters who were oblivious to his presence. What were they? They looked like a disgusting mutated form of life that was not undead.

Swiftly he moved with the shadows, keeping close to the architecture and following his prey who was now in the midst of many people. Calaetus decided to go and see what they were saying. He walked in a inconspicuous manner toward the crowd.
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:24 am

More of the infected appeared, scaring most of the bar's patrons back inside. Xa-raku managed to get outside. A rather emaciated-looking corprus beast shambled roughly in his direction. He could barely even tell through the rain if it was human or not. It got closer with no signs of stopping, and the argonian felt his options disappear with each step. Xa-raku took a few steps back, causing the stalker to miss with its ungainly hand-swing. It took another lunge at him. Xa-raku could hesitate no longer; he grabbed its wrist, struck at the elbow, and snapped a bone in its arm. It didn't seem to notice. Xa-raku lifted his knee up to roughly chest height, and then extended it into a powerful kick at the infected creature's skull. It flipped almost completely head over heels - almost. It fell backwards, slamming its head into the ground. The corprus stalker's neck buckled under the weight of the rest of its body, and broke. Xa-raku didn't drop his stance for a few seconds, in case it wasn't completely dead. But then he saw the other dozen or so wandering about the street he was on. He couldn't think of a way to convey his thoughts into speech. So he just ran.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:13 pm

Fanier agreed with imperial's opinion; they needed to leave, soon. "Yes," he spoke. "The things from Vvardenfell. Don't try to scare them with those 'turn undead' spells, they won't work." Fanier, though he never liked to admit how or why, had exceptional knowledge of corprus beasts. "Don't go for the limbs, go for the head or neck, or else they'll just keep going."

Fanier thought for a moment before asking this question. "Do you have a horse?"
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:56 am

The group showed up outside Newlands Lodge finally.

Immediately noticing the Imperial, Primo ran up to him.
" Me and my men can help you get out of here. Well .. we need to get out too.

Just as he said this, a group of corpus beasts charged towards them.
They all simultaneously drew their swords, readying their shields.

Fey began shaking and Primo pushed him behind him as he beheaded one of the corpus.
Leaping into the throng of beasts, one of the men was cut down.

Heads flying off and rolling on the ground, they cut down beast after beast.
One of them sending arrows into their foreheads as fast as he could, fumbling with the arrows.

A beast came from behind, swinging at him, knocking him unconcious and gashing his temple.
Fey turned and just stared at the beast as it came towards him.
Dumbfounded he stood there, every movement seemed to take an eternity, finally, Primo wheeled around and beheaded the corpus.

As the others fought on, blood and limbs flying through the air, Primo bent down to get the bow off his fallen comrade.

Wiping blood and sweat from his face with his hand, he turned to Amiel, " Alright, we fight to the castle and hole up there, which way would you suggest we go? "

( OOC: Sorry if this is a bit delayed. )
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Catherine N
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:34 am

OOC: Darth Ravanger gave me permission to RP as his char for a while. He's going to bed.

IC: "Out of here?" Amiel asked the guard captain. "To where exactly?"

Fanier walked up to the guard captain. "We can't leave the city walls. If you think this is bad, there'll be thousands still in the woods and along the roads. We need to go to the castle, and hold up there as long as we can. At least there we can effectively barricade any entrance these things might have." Fanier paused before adding, "They're corprus beasts."
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:25 am

OOC: Man you guys are too fast for me. Sorry for the long post, but it may prove to be enjoyable.

IC: Ral heard much commotion when he was heading back to the guild. At first he just brushed it off, atleast for the first couple of shouts. Then it became rather annoying, and the last straw was when he heard someone cry "Monster!" What on Nirn can be going on? This city is so small, I my as well go check it out. Ral pulled his staff off of his back and started to use it as a walking stick. Not that he need a walking stick. As he crossed over one of the bridges, a figure jumped out of the water and slammed against his shield spell. It destroyed the shield entirely, as the spell was only meant for rain. Ral quickly cast a powerful light spell on the end of his staff, where a green orb floated nicely in place hovering over the roots. He had used his staff many times like this. He raised his staff towards the creature which had fell to the ground, and probably broken the part of it's body that it rammed him with. It covered it's face and screamed, the light obviously making it more uncomfortable.

Ral's face withdrew in horror as he gazed at the hidious creature. It was a corprus beast. He quickly stomped on his head before it could get back up, making a mess on his leather shoes, and went into a quick job towards the rest of the commotion. He had to atleast see if he could help the rest of the civilians in town, who he assumed were also being attacked by corprus beasts. As he got onto the street, he begain to shake slightly. There stood 20 or so corprus beasts crowded onto the street. Ral turned around, regretting not heading back to the guild. He suddenly found himself greeted by atleast 10 more beasts all blocking his path. One screamed and pointed at him. The began to circle around him, and for the first time in a decades, the Argonian began to fear for his life.

Quick thinking led him to a solution. He glanced back over all the spells he had been taught and quickly recited the strongest light spell he knew. It was a light spell that was only designed for military use, mostly as flares or signals over long distances. When he was done casting it, his staff shone so brightly, it forced him to look away and step forward blindly, closing his eyes. He heard many of the beasts groan, as he stepped forward, unable to see, hoping it had worked...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:19 pm

Xa-raku fled down an alleyway, behind the tavern. He saw a rather large rock, and saw an opportunity for escape. The corprus beasts could easily follow him onto the rock, and a few had already begun pursuing him. But he ran onto the rock and then used it as a stepping stone to jump onto the roof of the building next door to the Newlands Lodge. From there, he took a great leap across the street to the rooftop of the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn. He continued this strategy until he was high up enough to reach the city walls. Looking over the walls, he thought he was able to see other slowly moving figures outside the city. There was also a disturbing amount of corprus infected inside the city. Being so high gave him a grim perspective of the situation. He continued moving along the city walls, hoping that none of the corprus beasts could climb like he could.

OOC: Zombies can't catch you if you're high up. :D
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:57 pm

"The Sanctuary!!" Calaetus yelled forgetting where he was. People gave him awkward looks. How could I have put an assassination over the safety of my brothers and sisters? He thought to himself as he quickly left the group of people. He ran along the city walls towards the sanctuary well. He was not hindered by any beasts until he was at the well. One stared straight at him, waiting for him to make a move. Immediately, Calaetus grabbed a dagger and threw it at the head of the beast. It struck the monster on the head and killed it immediately. Calaetus ran towards the beast and pulled the dagger out of the head and spewing blood everywhere. He noticed that even the brain of the beast had been mutated. He had killed many people leaving a hole in their head and none of their brains had looked like this. He turned around and went in the well and into the sanctuary. No one had been harmed or mutated

"Daridius!" He called, awaiting his brother's response.
"Calaetus?" The dunmer responed. "Aren't you supposed to be fulfilling a contract? and what was that noise you made before you came here?"
"Yes, I am, but i have been stalled. A horde of beasts has attacked Cheydinhal. They have similarities to undead, but I can tell they are not. We need to abandon the sanctuary."
"Abandon the sanctuary?" Daridius inquired "It is not that simple. This is a dwelling place for Sithis. He would be very displeased if we abandoned him now."
Calaetus saw that Daridius was being serious and would not change his mind. "It is your choice. I will finish my mission and come back. Hopefully you will all still be alive. Heed my warning, though, board up the well and be ready to destroy anything that makes a noise you have not before heard." With that he left.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:05 pm

OOC: Zombies can't catch you if you're high up. :D

OOC: Yeah but remember the 'fast' zombies mentioned in the OP? The ones that can actually run, climb, jump, etc. and make up almost 20% of the corprus horde? Those are the bastards you need to be worrying about.
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:47 pm

OOC: Realistically speaking, the light spell that I cast could probably be seen from the other side of town. Just wanted to throw that out there. ;)
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:36 am

OOC: Yeah, but I basically just cut my zombie load by 80%. Which is good since I'm alone up here D:

IC: Xa-raku watched the city, trying to figure out what was happening. He noticed an almost blinding flash from within the city. This could have been a signal of some kind. Xa-raku saw this almost as some kind of omen or test for his own failure to make decisions quickly. He could not stay here, not indefinitely. He would have to act now. The flash may have been a signal, so he followed it. He leapt off of the walls back on to the rooftops, making his way over the Fighter's Guild and down to the street level where he had seen the flash. He knocked a corprus monster down on his way to investigate, and found an argonian mage attempting to force them back. He jabbed his palm into a precise location in the lower back of one corprus stalker. The nerve cluster was stunned, and the paralysis travelled back up the creature's spinal column. Its muscles locked up suddenly, and it fell over almost frozen in place.

"We should leave." He suggested to the stranger.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:10 pm

( OOC: Scroll up to see my edit, it was delayed, i was being quizzed on material for my last and final midterm. )
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:50 am

OOC: I'm going to bed. See you all tomorrow. Please don't post like crazy like before.

IC: "C'mon," Fanier told Amiel. "I've got a horse. We'll ride to the castle, and hold up in there. The two went not too far down the street to Fanier's house, meeting no corprus beasts along the way.

Fanier reached his stable, and breathed a sigh of relief after seing that his horse was alright. "Perce," he said quietly to the bay horse as he stroked his mane. "You're all right, Perce," Fanier mounted his steed and reached out a hand to Amiel.

Amiel willingly grabbed Fanier's hand as Fanier pulled him up to his horse. Fanier gave a fierce "Yah!" to his horse, and they were off.

From what Fanier could see, the castle was safe. The horde was concentrated on the other side of Cheydinhal, and hadn't reached the fortress yet. Fanier and Amiel galloped up the hill to the castle, just in time as the guards were closing the gates.

"Get inside, quickly!" one of the guards called to Fanier, who nodded and rode on. The pair went past the gate, which the guards had then immediately closed and fortified.

"All right," Fanier said to Amiel as they dismounted and tied down the horse. "We're safe, for now. Let's get inside, out of the rain." The two walked up to the large wooden double doors and pushed them open, entering the lavish hall before them.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:47 pm

Over all the moans and groans from the 20 or so beasts, Ral heard someone suggest leaving. The light spell must have been working because he hadn't been attacked yet. He released the light, and looked around quickly, it took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust, but once they did he noticed all the beasts were cowering and covering thier faces. The light had obviously worked. He saw the stranger who talked to him, easily picking him out from the crowd, and ran down a clear path through the monsters while they were still stunned.
"Quickly, friend. These monsters won't be stunned for much longer." Ral said in his Raspy Argonian voice, and blinked a few more times trying to get used to the darkness again. "We should probably take refuge in the mages guild. I work their as a librarian and spellcaster. There are other skilled mages there. We can discuss this quickly with them and decide what to do." Ral nervously looked back, and noticed that some of the beasts were beginning to recover and notice the pair. He looked back at the stranger and awaited his reply.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:47 pm

Xa-raku nodded, "Perhaps the mages can help explain what's happening."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:21 pm

( OOC: Since forrest ignored my edit ... I'm fighting to the castle by myself. )

The men had tirelessly fought for what seemed like forever in the street.

Blood was everywhere, the beasts, and their fallen comrades.
They had lost 3 men so far, whom they searched for any valuables and arrows.

Trudging through the bodies, strewn all over in pieces and chunks, the group finished off the last dying corpus.
Hopefully now it would be easier to get to the castle.
Or not..

Suddenly, the gates to their right burst open, an Imperial Soldier on a horse and an Imperial Hunter came running in...
Followed by about 40 corpus.

Everyone looked at the 2 men running for their lives, stunned.
The hunter screamed, " RUN FOR THE CASTLE!! "
The sounds behind them was what kept them running. Running past bodies, blood flowing like a river through the once peaceful town of Cheydinhal.
Doors ajar and splintered, beasts lurking inside, tearing bodies apart.

The noise of screaming, yelling, and the sounds the corpus were making, horrible grunts and groans.
The corpus caught up to the Imperial on horseback as the hunter ran, catching up with the group.

They had lept at the horses haunches, clawing them to pieces. Causing the beast to fall headfirst into the stone, rider flying forward.
A swarm stopped to tear at the unfortunate soldier and his horse.

How were these corpus running so fast?

Suddenly a clump of corpus was in front of them, 3 of the group broke off to hold them off, flailing wildly to kill as many as they could.
Shouting, " Leave us! We will hold them off, but remember our sacrifice! "

I will .. I will..

Now it was only Primo, Fey, The Hunter, and one last remaining soldier.
They were nearly at the gates when one single corpus lashed at the remaining soldier, injuring his leg and slowing him down. he still managed to behead the creature.

The last three darted inside the gates, just as they closed, the men turned to see the man limping desperately towards the gate.
A blank, given up look was in his face, he muttered for Mara to save him, for anyone to save him.
None of these were heard however.

All that was heard was a frightening scream. A scream that would haunt Primo the rest of his life.

As the corpus beasts banged and clattered against the heavy castle gates,
Primo turned and walked solemnly towards the throng of people inside.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:22 pm

Oi, all of you!!

Thank the Nine for the many one-liners or I'd be up all night reading through two pages of this. :P

Damn hockey.....

Is it still raining out?

Amiel chuckled at the druid joke, and then, realizing he had been asked a question, responded "I'm a member of the fighters guild. Killing monsters and bandits is my line of work. Of course, work has been pretty erratic these past couple of months, so it doesn't pay as well as it should." Amiel was deaf to any of the strange sounds being emitted outside the tavern, and continued his discussion despite what may very well be impending danger. "So, do you have any inside information on whats going on Morrowind? I mean, teleportation and the like must allow the guild to spread news across tamriel pretty quickly."


He had not been very interested or involved in the sudden silence from the Dunmer nation, as it wasn't a concern of his. But he knew a few higher ups had been investigating it, though he had heard nothing of their discoveries, and it seemed like nobody knew much besides the fact that there seemed to be nobody living there anymore.

Adrian was about to answer the man when two distractions presented themselves. His dinner arrived, halting his words as he looked at the meal with a smile on his face, and as a shout came from outside. Many of the taverns patrons went to investigate, but Adrian stayed indoors, preferring to finish his meal then to go watch the probable drunken fist fight outside the bar.

However, when another shout came, followed by more shouts that were much closer, his interest peaked, and he dropped his knife and fork and pushed the stool out, making for the door to investigate. The scene outside left him stunned momentarily, then his face lit up in curiosity at the dead creature on the ground, his mind hardly registering the fact that more dark figures were advancing around the tavern, and his knowledgeable mind instantly thought of the Corprus beasts, though the connection between them and Morowind didn't click just yet.

He made his way over to the dead thing, dying to examine it, but stopped when a bright light flashed about him, blinding him, as he enacted a shield spell to protect his vulnerable body. He heard confused shouts and the sound of moving feet, but they were drowned out by the moans and yells of the Corprus beasts. He moved quickly back to the tavern, and as he reached the wall the light died out.

His eyes drifted around at the dozens of lumbering shapes closing in on them. He noticed the last of the light coming from an Argonian off to the side, and recognized him from the Guild house.

"Ral-Minus!!" he called, waving his hand as he ran over to the mage who was now standing next to another Argonian who had darker scales. "We should head to the guild hall." he said excitedly, the words coming out quickly.

He looked back at the oncoming horde, and a mouse like squeak came from his lips as he began spellcasting. His prowess in Destruction came into play as the energy built up in his finger before he realeased it upon the beasts in the from of a powerful, three-pronged lightning bolt. THe electricity struck three of the beasts directly, stunning many of the others in the area because of the light. He was about to turn back to the Argonians but he the three he struck rose from the ground, smoking holes in their chests but amazingly they still moved forwards.

"Oh dear." he muttered, looking back at the two lizard-men, the expression on his face looking for answers from the two.



The Dunmer stepped outside finally as he had finally finished his work for the day. However when he stepped out, he realized that he had worked later then usual as the sky was dark, like the sun had set. He sighed and began to make his way down the street, thinking to buy a single drink before calling it a night.

However, as he stepped out of his door, something made the hair on the back of his neck tingle, and his eyes darted about, knowing something to be watching him. He took a single step forwards, and out of the shadows of the alley across the street came something out of a nightmare.

A human shaped form, but it was horribly decayed and deformed, its skin slightly rotting, and though the light was dim, he could make out many yellow and broken teeth, all showing as it shambled forwards to the stunned Dunmer. He regained his senses as the creature got halfway across the street, and he ran inside his still open work area, bolting the door, leaning against it as he breathed heavily, like he had just fought a battle.

"What the [censored] is that?" he cursed, as he listened carefully, holding his breath, not making a sound. He could only hear a slight shuffling of the things feet, and he began to breathe a little easier as it seemed to have gone away.


The door was hit so hard, Rothis was thrown from it onto the floor of his store, the bolt bending a little under the weight of the blow. A second hit came in, and the door splintered, wood flying across the room, as Rothis shielded his face. Another blow came in, this one to quickly for there to only be one of those things outside, and this one shattered the door, leaving a gaping hole in it. Rothis could see the shapes of two of the creatures in the door, as well as the sounds of a few more in the background.

He picked up his repair hammer from the anvil and moved cautiously to the door, holding the tool at the ready as another blow hit the door. This one sent the door right off it's hinges, crashing into the Dunmer, and cutting deep into his left arm. He grunted in pain as he recovered quickly, knowing to hesitate was to die. He threw the hammer at the first beast coming through the door, though he didn't wait around to see if it made contact.

He dashed into his back room, and bolted that door shut. Another door led out of the room, and he wasn't planning on staying long. He was in the armory, and he grabbed his battle-hammer, along with a pair of daggers, and a chainmail cuirass that had several broken links on it. He wished he had his steel cuirass with him, but it would have to stay behind as he slipped the chainmail over his head, the broken links rubbing against his skin.

This door broke off the first hit, though it hung loosely from its hinges as the zombie-like creatures made their way into the room that they believed held their next meal. However they only found an empty room and an open door on the far side, as they moaned and roared, rushing to the door as Rothis tore down the streets. It was now that he thanked the Nine, though he didn't believe in them, that his store was so close to the Castle, and thats where he headed towards, the large structure a beacon of hope in the distance.

All around him he witnessed horrors he could never have imagined, as people were torn apart in the streets, being eaten alive as they cried out for Rothis to help them. He blocked them out as best he could as he continued his sprint to the Castle which loomed closer.

Suddenly something crashed heavily into his chest, knocking him down as he felt the air blasted from his lungs. The creature loomed over him, rushing in for the kill, and Rothis managed to regain some sense to roll to his left, trying to rise form the ground but another creature ran into him, gashing open his side with its dirty claws, leaving him gasping for breath. He swung his hammer out at the new one, a desperation move if anything, and luck was with him as he felt the things head explode under the weight of the blow, showering him with brain and gore.

He rolled to his left again and rose quickly, getting his shield up to deflect the claws of another attacker. He would have stayed to fight this one, but two more lurched towards him, and he knew the Castle wouldn't stay open long if it meant risking security. He swung his hammer to the left and back to the right wildly, driving the zombie back as he tore off down the streets.

What he saw next would haunt him for the rest of his life as ahead of him two small children ran, their parents remains littering the streets as three of the zombies ran after them, gaining ground. They both tripped as the street turned into a sidewalk, and the beasts were on them in a flash, the young boy swinging a dagger to keep them at bay. Rothis ran right by them, the survivalist past of his brain telling him to not stop running, and the screams of the children echoed in his mind as he tore up the hill to the Castle, entering the gates not minutes before a group of Legionnaires came through, along with many others, before the gates were closed, leaving Rothis sitting on the steps of the Grand Hall, sobbing silently.

OOC: There we go. That should put both of my characters in with some groups.
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:21 am

OOC: I'm off for the night too. It seems you guys always have a hard time remembering my chars names. ;) His name is Ral-Malius blademaster.

IC:Ral stomped on one of the monsters heads that Adrian had brung down, and fired a fireball at the other. He watched as the third one was also killed. "Adrian, come with us, we are going to the mages guild for some answers."

Ral quickly ran for about a minute until he reached the mages guild. They saw a couple stray corprus beasts, but all of them were too slow to keep up with Ral and his follower's pace. They arrived and Ral stuck his key in the door letting the three in. Ral ducked as a fireball flew over his head as soon as he walked inside.
"Good God! Keep your spells at bay! It's just me!" Ral signaled for the stranger to shut the door as Ral sat down.
"What the hell is going on out there?" the mage who fired at Ral said.
"It's a corprus infection. There are hundreds out in the city. Get the head of the mages guild. Call a damn meeting, something. We need to figure out what to do now." the other mage ran upstairs. Ral sat down on a bench and looked at the stranger. "What's your name? Mine is Ral, Ral-Malius. This is Adrian." he said as he stuck out his hand for a shake, and pointed at Adrian with the other.
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Add Meeh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:33 am

OOC: agreed. last post for the night unless something CRAZY AWESOME happens.

IC: "Xa-raku." He replied simply in his rather thick argonian accent, giving a small bow.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:56 pm

OOC: Dam, you guys jumped ahead two pages while I was gone! :0

IC: Hearing all the commotion outside, Faelin jumped to his feet. He could hear people fighting and screaming. Taking a quick look outside Faelin cursed at the horror unfolding before his eyes. Men were injured, undead bodies lay strewn about the street, various melees had broken out amongst the city and a group of guards were forcing their way back to the castle. Faelin ran back inside and saw Laurana and Grail already up, Grail with his massive broadsword at the ready and Laurana her sword danggling uncertainly from her hand.
"We need to get upstairs now!" Faelin ordered briskly, already making his way upstairs. By the footsteps behind him, Faelin guessed that his companions had chosen to do what he said. He quickly scanned the upper rooms, choosing the last one on the left. Opening the door he quickly surveyed the interior. It had a few small windows along the walls and the usual furnishings. A bed, desk, shelves a clothes drawer and a mirror. He turned to his companions and quickly issued some orders.
"Grail, you help me barricade the door, Laurana strip the sheets off the bed and use them to muffle the windows, I don't care if you have to rip them just do it." Faelin turned to Grail and together they managed to push the stripped bed up against the opening of the door and also piled on the shelves, desk and the drawers. They placed the mirror in positiion on top of everything else so that you could see who was in the hallway without ever having to come out. Laurana had done what Faelin commanded and had covered up all the windows, so that no one could see in. It also made it quite dark in the room so, anyone would have trouble seeing them. When they were all finished, Faelin set a watch. Him first and then Grail at the second part of the night. As everyone else lay down on the hard boards to get what sleep they could, Faelin noticed that Grail still had his broadsword out. It lay next to him in the dark chamber, emitting a dull shine. Faelin positioned himself in front of the barricade and lay his longbow across his lap. He shrugged his shoulders so that his quiver was in a comfortable position and set himself down to wait. All the while he could hear a monstrous roars echoing out amongst the city and the ghostly sounds of high pitched screams as men and women were brutally mauled to death. By the nine, I hope we outlast the night...
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