Oi, all of you!!
Thank the Nine for the many one-liners or I'd be up all night reading through two pages of this.

Damn hockey.....
Is it still raining out?
Amiel chuckled at the druid joke, and then, realizing he had been asked a question, responded "I'm a member of the fighters guild. Killing monsters and bandits is my line of work. Of course, work has been pretty erratic these past couple of months, so it doesn't pay as well as it should." Amiel was deaf to any of the strange sounds being emitted outside the tavern, and continued his discussion despite what may very well be impending danger. "So, do you have any inside information on whats going on Morrowind? I mean, teleportation and the like must allow the guild to spread news across tamriel pretty quickly."
AdrianHe had not been very interested or involved in the sudden silence from the Dunmer nation, as it wasn't a concern of his. But he knew a few higher ups had been investigating it, though he had heard nothing of their discoveries, and it seemed like nobody knew much besides the fact that there seemed to be nobody living there anymore.
Adrian was about to answer the man when two distractions presented themselves. His dinner arrived, halting his words as he looked at the meal with a smile on his face, and as a shout came from outside. Many of the taverns patrons went to investigate, but Adrian stayed indoors, preferring to finish his meal then to go watch the probable drunken fist fight outside the bar.
However, when another shout came, followed by more shouts that were much closer, his interest peaked, and he dropped his knife and fork and pushed the stool out, making for the door to investigate. The scene outside left him stunned momentarily, then his face lit up in curiosity at the dead creature on the ground, his mind hardly registering the fact that more dark figures were advancing around the tavern, and his knowledgeable mind instantly thought of the Corprus beasts, though the connection between them and Morowind didn't click just yet.
He made his way over to the dead thing, dying to examine it, but stopped when a bright light flashed about him, blinding him, as he enacted a shield spell to protect his vulnerable body. He heard confused shouts and the sound of moving feet, but they were drowned out by the moans and yells of the Corprus beasts. He moved quickly back to the tavern, and as he reached the wall the light died out.
His eyes drifted around at the dozens of lumbering shapes closing in on them. He noticed the last of the light coming from an Argonian off to the side, and recognized him from the Guild house.
"Ral-Minus!!" he called, waving his hand as he ran over to the mage who was now standing next to another Argonian who had darker scales. "We should head to the guild hall." he said excitedly, the words coming out quickly.
He looked back at the oncoming horde, and a mouse like squeak came from his lips as he began spellcasting. His prowess in Destruction came into play as the energy built up in his finger before he realeased it upon the beasts in the from of a powerful, three-pronged lightning bolt. THe electricity struck three of the beasts directly, stunning many of the others in the area because of the light. He was about to turn back to the Argonians but he the three he struck rose from the ground, smoking holes in their chests but amazingly they still moved forwards.
"Oh dear." he muttered, looking back at the two lizard-men, the expression on his face looking for answers from the two.
RothisThe Dunmer stepped outside finally as he had finally finished his work for the day. However when he stepped out, he realized that he had worked later then usual as the sky was dark, like the sun had set. He sighed and began to make his way down the street, thinking to buy a single drink before calling it a night.
However, as he stepped out of his door, something made the hair on the back of his neck tingle, and his eyes darted about, knowing something to be watching him. He took a single step forwards, and out of the shadows of the alley across the street came something out of a nightmare.
A human shaped form, but it was horribly decayed and deformed, its skin slightly rotting, and though the light was dim, he could make out many yellow and broken teeth, all showing as it shambled forwards to the stunned Dunmer. He regained his senses as the creature got halfway across the street, and he ran inside his still open work area, bolting the door, leaning against it as he breathed heavily, like he had just fought a battle.
"What the [censored] is that?" he cursed, as he listened carefully, holding his breath, not making a sound. He could only hear a slight shuffling of the things feet, and he began to breathe a little easier as it seemed to have gone away.
The door was hit so hard, Rothis was thrown from it onto the floor of his store, the bolt bending a little under the weight of the blow. A second hit came in, and the door splintered, wood flying across the room, as Rothis shielded his face. Another blow came in, this one to quickly for there to only be one of those things outside, and this one shattered the door, leaving a gaping hole in it. Rothis could see the shapes of two of the creatures in the door, as well as the sounds of a few more in the background.
He picked up his repair hammer from the anvil and moved cautiously to the door, holding the tool at the ready as another blow hit the door. This one sent the door right off it's hinges, crashing into the Dunmer, and cutting deep into his left arm. He grunted in pain as he recovered quickly, knowing to hesitate was to die. He threw the hammer at the first beast coming through the door, though he didn't wait around to see if it made contact.
He dashed into his back room, and bolted that door shut. Another door led out of the room, and he wasn't planning on staying long. He was in the armory, and he grabbed his battle-hammer, along with a pair of daggers, and a chainmail cuirass that had several broken links on it. He wished he had his steel cuirass with him, but it would have to stay behind as he slipped the chainmail over his head, the broken links rubbing against his skin.
This door broke off the first hit, though it hung loosely from its hinges as the zombie-like creatures made their way into the room that they believed held their next meal. However they only found an empty room and an open door on the far side, as they moaned and roared, rushing to the door as Rothis tore down the streets. It was now that he thanked the Nine, though he didn't believe in them, that his store was so close to the Castle, and thats where he headed towards, the large structure a beacon of hope in the distance.
All around him he witnessed horrors he could never have imagined, as people were torn apart in the streets, being eaten alive as they cried out for Rothis to help them. He blocked them out as best he could as he continued his sprint to the Castle which loomed closer.
Suddenly something crashed heavily into his chest, knocking him down as he felt the air blasted from his lungs. The creature loomed over him, rushing in for the kill, and Rothis managed to regain some sense to roll to his left, trying to rise form the ground but another creature ran into him, gashing open his side with its dirty claws, leaving him gasping for breath. He swung his hammer out at the new one, a desperation move if anything, and luck was with him as he felt the things head explode under the weight of the blow, showering him with brain and gore.
He rolled to his left again and rose quickly, getting his shield up to deflect the claws of another attacker. He would have stayed to fight this one, but two more lurched towards him, and he knew the Castle wouldn't stay open long if it meant risking security. He swung his hammer to the left and back to the right wildly, driving the zombie back as he tore off down the streets.
What he saw next would haunt him for the rest of his life as ahead of him two small children ran, their parents remains littering the streets as three of the zombies ran after them, gaining ground. They both tripped as the street turned into a sidewalk, and the beasts were on them in a flash, the young boy swinging a dagger to keep them at bay. Rothis ran right by them, the survivalist past of his brain telling him to not stop running, and the screams of the children echoed in his mind as he tore up the hill to the Castle, entering the gates not minutes before a group of Legionnaires came through, along with many others, before the gates were closed, leaving Rothis sitting on the steps of the Grand Hall, sobbing silently.
OOC: There we go. That should put both of my characters in with some groups.