its not, deathclaws that im not so worried about, Veronica, brotherhood of steel power armor t51b of course. With " knock knock " takes one out with 3 hits. So yeah, also i use the anti material rifle, with incinedary bullets. i have about 400 of them

. But like i said before its not death claws that im worried about, its them [censored] cazadores -.-. pain in the neck thoose things. and trust me if you want enclave armor , and deathclaws are your weakness then goodluck theres about 25 deathclaw, 6 baby deathclaw, 2 deathclaw mothers and a alphamale deathclaw, and in silver peak mine to get the helmet. about 15 cazador , and legendary cazador, about 4x the size of ordinary cazador. So yeah me being with veronica and eddie ive got it

but after you have got it, dont go back because they all respawn.