[WIPz] The Deep

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:59 pm

I knew it ha! :foodndrink:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:24 pm

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:46 pm

:twirl: :dance: :clap:
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:57 pm

KEEP THE THREAD GOING GUYS! I'm coming out of the shadows to revive the thread and CALL EVERYONE TO CHEER UP THE DEEP (that seems ironic for the topic... very depressing place it sounds :P) COME ON! AS MANY EMOTES AS POSSIBLE! :shocking: :toughninja: :foodndrink: :celebration: :obliviongate: :dance: :twirl: :bowdown: :drool:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:29 pm

ahah yes its not dead ...and um ok :celebrate: :D :bowdown: :trophy: :dance: :clap: :woot: :hehe: :bolt: :obliviongate:
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sam westover
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:41 am

I know, its just that I hate inactive threads ;( :)
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trisha punch
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:03 am

Oh boy! I love how everything looks. Another fan has been made~
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:51 am

Oh boy! I love how everything looks. Another fan has been made~

And another... Damn.. Just when I think I'm done with Oblivion.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:18 pm

Hey all. I'm still not ready to show off new work in the form of pictures or videos, I just don't want to show them off quite yet. BUT, I may post up some documents and such on locations in The Deep. Perhaps a general overview of the levels that will make up The Deep.

Also, AlienSlof is in the process of making me a couple sets of special heavy armor that are already looking amazing. I don't think I'll show them off until she has completed them, but know that they are on the way. ;)
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:54 pm

Hey all. I'm still not ready to show off new work in the form of pictures or videos, I just don't want to show them off quite yet. BUT, I may post up some documents and such on locations in The Deep. Perhaps a general overview of the levels that will make up The Deep.

Also, AlienSlof is in the process of making me a couple sets of special heavy armor that are already looking amazing. I don't think I'll show them off until she has completed them, but know that they are on the way. ;)

This is good news! I can't wait till you are ready though :).

And AS creating special heavy armor is something enticing too.
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Kara Payne
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:48 am

Levels of The Deep

It's not much, but at least it's something. ;) Here we have a very general outline of the levels that will make up The Deep. A lot of unique stuff here and a lot of me wanting to bring sections of the Forgotten Realm's Undermountain into the Elder Scrolls setting. :D


The Upper Dungeons
The Upper Dungeons Level of The Deep shows the influence of a variety of builders over the centuries. The Thieves' Guild constructed Grayquay Outpost and the series of stairs, shafts, and passages that connected it through the Upper Dungeons to the Storeroom Level and the Maze Level. Various mining operations have been started on this level but never completed. This level has long been used by the Northern Legion as a dumping ground for undesirables. It is also known as the Temple Level, for the many temples of Daedra and the Divines that have been constructed here over the years, and the Tomb Level, for the many lords and kings that have been interred herein as well. As explorers of The Deep often visit this level, its features are common tavern-talk of Charm. Notable features of the this level include the Hall of Many Pillars, Grayquay Outpost, the Hall of Three Lords, the Hall of Sleeping Kings and The Groan.

The Storeroom Level
Over the centuries, unknown factions have excavated the rough stone caverns and mining tunnels left here by the Dwemer and the Ayleid to use in storing their acquisitions and magical experiments. Notable features of the Storeroom Level include the Doomgate, the Hemwatch and Lord Hund's Tomb.

The Maze Level
This level contains five major features of note - the deep elf outpost of Morbala (once an Ayleid outpost), the Lair of the Umber Hulks, the Maze of Madness, the old thieves' hold called the Outpost of the Bloody Hand, and the winding channels of the River Graymurk. Morbala is linked by a series of portals to the deep elf city of Mala Nagasel, which lies deep down in the Tal-zal's Gauntlet level. The Maze of Madness is thought to be a creation of the Ayleids and is magically stocked with ravenous minotaurs and magic traps to confuse and trip up the unwary.

The Deepswamps
Located deep beneath the village of Charm, the Deepswamps is a largely unexplored level between the Maze level and the Deepseas.

The Deepseas
The Deepseas have numerous waterway connections to the Abecean Sea and Niben Bay. This level once housed two major mining operations of the Dwemer. Nigh-endless mining tunnels stretch outward in several directions, following now-vanished veins of mithril. Only numerous Dwemer-built locks and pumps prevent the ocean waters far above from seeping down and wholly flooding the level.

Known for the massive lake called The Glimmering and the River Saradel, which winds through this massive level, The Deep's fifth level consists of two major sections. The southern third of the level consists of the remnants of an ancient Ayleid enclave known as Pellani Auran, now split by a massive cave-in leading to the city of Khare and the ruins of Elkhazel Aza. The northern two-thirds of this level are largely undocumented. The most notable feature of the northern area is the Pit of Ghaunadaur, a miles-deep shaft that leads from the Prime Material Plane (the Mortal Realm) into an intermittently existent planar breach that is said to lead to planes of existence below Oblivion, into the Abyss.

The Farms Level
The sixth level of The Deep contains farms no surface dweller would recognize. Mighty Ayleid magic brought the River Saradel to this level, where it links huge caverns in broad, sweeping curves, and is navigable by barges and numerous bridges. In these caverns, slaves and servants of the deep elves, deep orcs, and other races of the depths produce slimes and algae for food. There are many magically self-contained Ayleid farms here too, and their produce is teleported to "feed-bin" rooms throughout the the depths (rooms known to resident monsters as "watering-holes").

The Deep's privies are also rinsed by magically pumped or redirected water into miniature portals that bring their contents to the farms. The dung-heaps produced by this process are inhabited by many types of foul scavengers. All of these farms are quite valuable, as there are few large sources of good food underground; thus, all are heavily guarded. The deep elves and deep orcs have both used fearsome monsters as guardians, including giant spiders, minotaurs, golems, beholders, and even wilder creatures.

A large, eerily dark lake at one end of the level supports a deep elf "fish factory," an important industry, heavily guarded to prevent food-raids from other creatures of the The Deep. An island in the middle of the lake is piled deep in dung, offal, carrion, and other refuse that finds its way down long, twisting garbage-shafts from Khare.

The Terminus Level
The Terminus Level is a mix of Dwemer-built chambers, still-producing mithril mines, and vast natural caverns. The Terminus Level connects the above heart of The Deep to the even more dangerous lower levels and is the only route further downward at this depth.

The Wyllowwood
The altmer wizard, Kardryn Aundae "the Stone Shaper," created the Wyllowwood over three centuries ago for his beloved, a bosmer druid named Wyllow. Set in a cavernous region carved by a tributary of the River Saradel, this level is dominated by the Wyllowwood, a thriving forest nourished by sunlight filtered through a massive portal in the "sky" above. Other notable features include a temple of Arkay and a long-abandoned lakeside village built by the the thieves' guild.

The Lost Level
Entombed in solid rock, the Lost Level is almost inaccessible, and its primary egress is said to be a portal guarded by the "Ring of Death," a waiting ring of undead beholders. The Lost Level is divided into three sections - a temple of Molag Bal and the ancient Ayleid ruins of Haelia Rielle, a beholder prison, and a massive cavern carved by a branch of the River Saradel and now split by an earthquake-caused tremor.

Tal-zal's Gauntlet
Tal-zal's Gauntlet is a level built by the deep elves soon after their initial entry into The Deep and the area included living quarters and a warrior academy. Tal-zal transformed these chambers into a trap-filled gauntlet haunted by giant spiders, undead, and other horrors. Although the monstrous mage has long, long ago abandoned this area, it is now home to a major city of the deep elves, Mala Nagasel.

The Runestone Level
Not much is known about this small level located between Tal-zal's Gauntlet and The Terminus Level. It remains largely unexplored though rumors state it is linked to Umbragloam Hold by multiple small, twisting passages.

Umbragloam Hold
This level is the deepest known level of The Deep. It may or may not be connected to even deeper levels. There are no known records of the areas contained here.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:32 am

Fantastic! imagining the dungeons and caverns after you've described them has given me a lust for adventure~

I always love well fleshed out descriptions of locations, and I love exploring them even more!
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Michelle davies
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:58 pm

Looks like a lotta fun. Kudos. :foodndrink:
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:59 am

Khare - Cityport of Traps

The origins of Khare are obscure. Some say that it grew up around the only safe harbor on The Shimmering. Others say that it began as a camp of River Pirates who preyed on those transporting cargo between the Shimmering and the settlements upriver from the great lake. Whatever the truth, it grew quickly from a village to a city, attracting settlers, many of nefarious character, from far and away. At some point in its history, the city was enclosed by a great wall, in a bid to protect it from raiders, pirates and other dangers in The Deep.

Over time, an elaborate system of "Traps" were placed around the city by the more lawful citizens in an attempt to protect themselves from the multitude of beggars, thieves, murderers and hostile populations of non-Humans who had also made Khare their home. Today, Khare is a by and large a trading community. The dark waterways of the Deep link up with other sea caves on the surface and other communities within the dark depths. Many use Khare to smuggle cargo to and from Deep Elf cities as well as the settlements of darker beings who dwell beyond Khare.

Khare is guarded by a wall that completely surrounds the city from one edge of Full Harbor to the other and this wall is pierced by three gates. Within the walls, the city sprawls to the shore of The Glimmering. The city is divided into six districts, or "wards." These are the Palace Ward, the Trades Ward, New Haven, the Buskin, the Port and the Rest. Industries and other activities are not restricted to this or that ward (the exception being the Rest).

* Palace Ward - The political heart of the city, this ward encompasses both Castle Uukrul and the Al-Khar (headquarters for the Watch). It is a popular region for those who enjoy the whirl of politics, including adventurers seeking employment by the city. Generally only the very wealthy live here, and then only if they are involved in the politics of running the city.

* Trades Ward - This is the internal merchant and craftsmen's hub of the city, where most of Khare's internal trading and manufacturing take place. It is here that many caravans stop to break up their cargos for sale and delivery in the city. Many surface merchants have not seen Khare beyond this ward, and many foreign tongues and races are found here seeking others of their own kind.

Many of the respectable guilds have their bases here, and it is here that most of the high-level economic dealing takes place. Many moderately wealthy merchants also make their homes here. The Trades Ward also contains the Dream Quarter, which is home to most of the major churches and chapels of Khare. Another famous area located here is Tinkery Row, where talented tinkers, potters, basket-weavers and various other artisans ply their trade.

* New Haven - This ward contains many private compounds and large private villas of noble families and very rich non-nobles. If one is not a noble or a diplomat, but becomes very wealthy, New Haven is the place to live. This area of the city is VERY well policed by the Watch and private security.

* The Buskin - Crossing into the Buskin takes you to the edge of the world into another reality, into the antechamber of hell. Khare boasts peoples of almost every intelligent race. Mostly they clump like with like in closed neighborhoods. Two-thirds of the city is ghetto slum. Poverty is the norm.

But the Buskin is to those slums as the slums are to New Haven. People there live in tents made of rags or in shanties ready to cave in. Or they cram in sixty to a building meant for five or ten. They live in doorways and on the street, some so poor they don't have a mat to serve as a bed. They live amidst unimaginable filth. The Watch won't go in less than a company strong - if at all. The Buskin is the bottom. You can't roll downhill any further. You roll that far, chances are you'll never climb back. Not until the dead wagons come. Only the deathmen are safe in the Buskin. Each day they come with their wagons, wearing their long gray robes with the hoods that conceal their faces, to collect the dead from the streets and alleys. They chant, "Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!" They won't leave the streets to collect. They load their wagons and make their deliveries to the city crematorium. They work from dawn to dusk, but every day they get a little further behind. Death in the Buskin is as ugly as life. In the Buskin there is no commodity cheaper than life.

* The Port - The oldest part of the city. Certain buildings, and most foundations, predate Castle Uukrul and the founding of the city. It contains many warehouses, the river businesses that rely on the water people and the lower-class business and homes. An island in the middle of the Full Harbor, Skull Island, is connected to the main docks, with even more docks extending outward from the island. This is where most of the slaves are kept before being shipped out. Outside of the Buskin, this ward is the most crowded, dirty and rough district of the city. It is a hectic neighborhood which mixes vital business with shady operations at all hours.

* The Rest - Disposal of the deceased citizens in a fashion that will not result in their return is a problem for all towns large and small in Tamriel, but especially so in Khare. For this reason, the Rest is heavily patrolled and prolonged activity within is discouraged. No one may live or sleep overnight therein.

Khare's government is an Oligarchy and the current rulers are Aria and Salvara Dalgoda, twin sisters who took the reigns of rulership when their father, Nemos, and brother Kavyr were both assassinated while a food riot raged through Khare's streets during the Time of Troubles. At first the populous protested the rulership of the women, but the loyality, strong arms and strong magics of the Sword Masters secured their positions in short order. They became known as the Vamps of Khare. Their current rule is firm and strong, but Khare is mostly as lawless and as dangerous as it ever was.

Laws & Peacekeeping
While most adventurers will never meet Aria or Salvara, if they engage in typical adventuring activities in the city, they will definitely encounter the rulers' minions. In Khare the prime peace-keeping force is the Watch, also called the Grays or the Grayboys because of their gray uniforms and armor. They are the city's police-men who are commonly seen throughout the city, typically moving in patrols of four men. Watch outposts can also be found throughout the city and along its walls to watch for trouble from without.

The Watch are authorized to arrest any individuals breaking the law, and to bring in for questioning any individuals reported to be engaged in activities which hinder commerce. They may enter buildings without warning or hindrance, and search any person, place or container at will. They will first attempt to have the arrested subject come along peacefully, but if this is not possible, they will engage to kill. But the Watch is largely corrupt and the enforcement of laws is lax. The main concern is the disruption of commerce. Unless an adventurer is caught stealing from or murdering an important or rich individual or a government official, most crimes to will go unnoticed and unpunished.

In dealing with powerful adventurers who could easily defeat and/or slay large numbers of ordinary Watchmen, the city has two options. The first option is to enlist the aid of local temples, faiths and merchants in dealing with the problem. Since this is usually tied with a large donation from the city to the parties that deal with the problem, most are eager to aid in the arrest or destruction of the high-powered interlopers.

The second option to the city is the unleashing of the Sword Masters. The Sword Masters are a group of loyal, powerful warriors, assassins and mages under the employ of the city. Not surprisingly, the Sword Masters are called out rarely, and their approach sends normal Khare citizens running in the opposite direction. An assault by the Sword Masters usually results in the destruction of one or more buildings, and widespread slaughter. They are used when no other method is available.

Goods & Services Overview
Khare often serves as a smuggling and trading base for goods and cargo that is illegal or obviously stolen from above-ground, and as a home for those not welcome or safe in the world above. Drugs and slaves can be found in its dark ways, and its inhabitants thieves, bandits, murderers, deep elves, vampires, beholders and worse. In such a violent place of constant intrigue and danger, beings and their business come and go.

* Slaves - Slaves are the first thing most visitors seek, having fancies of creating sensual pleasure dens or cruel laboratories where screaming unfortunates have monstrous limbs grafter onto them. Most slaves are kept on Skull Isle, the island that serves as Khare's main docks. Here the smell of crowded captives is as far from the settlements as possible, and the slaves are kept close to washing and drinking water and to the ships that often bring them or carry them away. They are also separated from a chance to escape into the monster-haunted lake depths.

Khare has always been home to "snatch bands" that can be hired to kidnap people. Its most prominent professional slaver at the moment is Zsutal Saram, a deep elf who heads a small, well-trained band of deep elf warriors and jailers and reports directly to the Black Widow.

The Hand, a band of slavers who serve the Eye (a beholder), also have an agent in Khare, the orc Azuk Durog. He can be contracted through various "mouths and runners" at The Black Tankard. His office, somewhere beneath Khare, is reached through dark sewers and is guarded by several beholders.

* Drugs - Second in importance to slaves in Khare's illicit markets are the wide variety of substances used to alter the senses and sensibilities of many different beings across Nirn: drinkables, poisons, pain killers and potions. These are offered at every other dark doorway or corner, but the two sources with the largest stock and best (if that's the word) reputations are the Black Widow and her rival Roland Moorhart.

The Black Widow does not deal in transactions directly, but rather controls the vast majority of the drug trade in Khare. The Widow's main base of operations is The Coinage House, but this compound is only the head-quarters for the Widow's operations, and the drug trade is operated in the streets and back alleyways throughout Khare.

Her chief rival, who actually pays her an "operating fee" to work his own trade in Khare, is Roland Moorhart, a breton of large stature. His prices are often lower, but the quality and supply are inferior. He does business from a boat moored in Khare's harbor and is always surrounded by a trained bodyguard of human thugs and loyal monsters of controllable sorts.

* Corpses - The next most important trade in Khare is the brisk business in cadavers and body parts. Although many dabble in this sort of work, the present "powers" in the field are threefold: Maug, the Cryptkey Mages, Shordan - the "Lord of Bones."

Maug is a breton who spends much of her time watching events from the doorway of her gruesome shop at the edge of the docks in the Port Ward. She hangs corpses up as ornaments until sold.

The Cryptkey Mages are a tomb-robbing organization active in the Rest and in the areas around Khare's outskirts. The organization's members (estimates range from six to ten in number) wear masks and rarely, if ever, speak. Their shop in the Trades Ward is guarded by many undead.

Shordan's Excellent Zombies is a dingy, run-down shop in the inner reaches of the Trades Ward. The haughty Shordan is a seemingly unstable mage who has developed superior necromantic skills. He is heavily armed with wands.

* Mercenaries - Khare has always held an ample supply of swords for hire, from fully trained and equipped bodyguards to desperate outlaws. Deserters from surface armies, adventurers down on their luck and bravos are always plentiful. The presence of large, organized bands of professional warriors tends to keep open, widespread warfare and violence outside of Khare itself, though it doesn't prevent spontaneous brawls. The nature of this work tends to make today's hired hero tomorrow's fading memory, but two rivals currently vie for Khare's hiresword stage: Krage and the Black Widow.

The Black Widow has several pools of talent to pull from, all under her control. She has nearly a dozen military-trained companies of hardened warriors (many of which she uses to exert her control on the streets of Khare) And she also has an all female elite military/assassination unit called the Sisterhood of Steel.

Krage is a cold, calculating, vicious Nord who provides similar services. He operates out of a secured compound in the Port.

* Smuggling - Perhaps the wisest inhabitants of Khare are those whose prices are lower, but whose trade is of less danger and wider variety than others: the traders, shippers, moneylenders who arrange smuggling, build containers with false bottoms or trade in stolen goods. These beings must be shrewd to survive for long, for they cannot avoid Khare's intrigues. Most who work in these areas either directly work for, or report to either the Black Widow or Krage.

The Darkened Skyline
Khare teems with colorful, dangerous folk, but what does a visitor actually see? Well, it's dark, always too dark for a surface dweller's comfort. Most streets are criss-crossed with a network of rickety wooden catwalks that link the homes and shops of an area on many levels. These also provide space for hanging out laundry - or the corpses of defeated foes, left as grisly trophies and warnings. Visitors will also notice a lot of will-o'-wisps drifting about around the city's outer walls, and sometimes within the walls. These creatures rarely attack directly, but try to lure the unwary out of the settled areas, to the doom deep in the depths. The streets also hold cages of monsters, which can be bought dead or alive. There are dung heaps where enterprising goblins and hobgoblins grow exotic mushrooms favored by nobles from the surface world.
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Angela Woods
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:00 pm

I didn't check this thread for only 3 days, and now the update is here. Gonna read through now :celebration:

EDIT: The dungeon levels sound really interesting, and the city of Khare too, thanks for the update Straton :foodndrink:
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:06 pm

:drool: :bowdown:

'Nuff said...
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:39 pm

Slaves, dope, mercenaries...it all sounds cool to my law-abiding self!
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Yung Prince
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:53 pm

I actually have original copies of Khare Cityport of traps and the other three parts of Steve Jacksons fighting fantasy epic Sorcery. What a blast from the past.

I look forward to having the privilege of trying out your highly anticipated adventure mod Straton, I too will be cheering you on. :foodndrink:
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:03 am

Impressive, as always. beholders are PI (product identity, i.e., copyrighted material) of WotC. I don't know if they'd get all antsy about them being used here, especially since MMM uses beholdeNs, but it might be a good idea to change the name. :)

I actually have original copies of Khare Cityport of traps and the other three parts of Steve Jacksons fighting fantasy epic Sorcery. What a blast from the past.

I thought he'd based it on Skullport, from the Forgotten Realms (there are obvious elements there, for those familiar with it). I didn't know there was another such city. Interesting.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:39 pm

this is going to be beyone epic! :ahhh:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:33 pm

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:32 pm


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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:36 pm

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matt oneil
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:37 pm

Very nice video Straton :celebration:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:51 pm

Very nice video Straton :celebration:

yes what he said :clap:
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