[WIPz] The Deep

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:32 am

great video, kinda creepy. Kinda reminded me of zelda with the little fairy telling you what to do though lol
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marie breen
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:01 pm

Very cool. I like the big metal door - I wish we had more of those instead of all the wooden ones.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:48 pm

Good Gods! Or to borrow a line from the "Adoring Fan" - By Azura! By Azura! By Azura! It's the grand Champion of Dungeon mods! ;)

Seriously though, where to begin? I love just about everything I have seen and read so far! I can't believe I have missed this thread for so long... I guess I tend to not go crazy over WIPz until they have at least been around for awhile and show some progress, and you definitely have. :nod:

I watched the "Ahazu Marta" video and loved it. It really brought back some nostalgia for Pen and Paper D&D-style stuff like Baldur's Gate series, NWN, and Diablo games. "You gotta be F*%king kidding..." That was totally unexpected and had me laughing out loud for a while. :rofl:

I know that alot of the voice samples are from movies and stuff (and I recognize some) and some of the ones that are new VA are kinda weird/poor (particularly on the Frost Giant battle video) but keep doing what you're doing. So the VA part is not the strongest part of the mod; the atmosphere is still great and the VA can be improved upon, right? Some of the voices would be better if they were run through some noise reduction. And did I hear Microsoft Sam in there somewhere (Frost Giant video)? Don't take that the wrong way, just trying to be constructively critical. ;)

Hey, I'm not a professional VA or anything, but I have done some theater work in college and my audio equipment is fairly decent; I wouldn't mind giving a shot at voicing a character or 2. If your interested, send me a PM and we could work something out - maybe send me a real basic description of a few characters you need and I could record a short clip of each to see what character I'd be best at. I wonn't promise Patrick Stewart or Sean Bean, but I think I can do decent Imperial, Dunmer, Breton, Woodelf, Nord (though a real Scandinavian accent might be better here), perhaps even Khajiit or Argonian.

Technically Oblivion is an M rated game so unless there is something like uaginal nudity or six. You don't have to put a warning as it would technically be just the same rating as the game itself.

Heh, there's something about the phrasing of the term "uaginal nudity", I think I like the ring of that. :D

I don't think there was any cursing or vulgar language in Vanilla Oblivion though.

But you are wrong about the M rating. Looking at my Oblivion box, I see it has a rating of "T" for Teen.
Blood and Gore
sixual Themes
Use of Alcohol

Uh, the GOTY edition definitely has an "M" rating. I don't know if maybe you got an earlier release or different country version or something, but after they discovered that it was possible to mod such a vile thing as bare female briasts into the game with an included mesh, the ESRB's rating was re-evaluated and changed. Go figure. It's all GTA: San Andreas' fault :P

Yes, both will be required. I had originally hoped to get permission to incorporate them directly into the mod, but the authors of those magic systems were not comfortable with that (which is understandable), but they did give me permission to have my NPCs using those spells. So again, yes, you'll need them both installed. I just HOPE that the ID names of the spells do not change in any future updates to those mods. If that happens, you will probably have to use an earlier version of them, that being the version I use at the time of the NPC creation. Although I doubt that will happen as it seems that the names of the spells in both mods has stayed constant throughout their updates.

And for the record, it's not the weapons that use the spells (all the weapons spells and effects are my own creations), but rather it will be the NPCs who use the spells. In the Battles 01 video, you can see all the NPCs using spells from both Midas Magic AND Telekinetic Mastery.

It just might make a bit of a headache for future updates.

Well, I already use Midas, but Telekinetic Mastery, I've never tried. I guess I'll have to now, for better or worse; b/c I def want to play this mod. :shrug:

Anyway, keep up the great work, and let me know about the VA offer! :goodjob:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:04 pm

ElricWulf, a few months from now I hope to put out a call to the community for voice actors to do readings for this mod. I've decided that the mod will not be FULLY voiced. To help get this monster done a little quicker I plan to only do voices for NPCs who are either speaking to other NPCs, or just out loud. Any NPC that you, as the player, have direct dialog with will have no spoken dialog, but instead will rely on silent mp3s and the subtitles that go along with normal conversations. But, even with that, there will still be a need to record a lot of dialog for MANY different characters, so I hope to get a big hand from the community here.

And yes, the dialog I currently have in place is atrocious for the most part. Almost all of the dialog from the released videos is place-holder stuff. It was more me trying to see how dialog spoken out loud (rather than in the dialog boxes) would work.

Anyway, keep an eye out (probably sometime in October) for a call to the community here in this thread for the need of voice actors.
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:49 pm

I am sure you will get lots of interested voice actors. This is a really complex mod of superiority!
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:40 pm

A Falmer/Snow Elf video is on the way soon, followed not long after by a Deep Elf video. Then, if I'm fortunate, I'll be ready to show of the first screenshots of The Glimmering and Khare. For now, a few shots of the Snow Elves coming across the aftermath of goblin and ogre raiders (who waylay travelers and caravans along the Northern Watch Road)...











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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:56 pm

Amazing :bowdown:
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James Smart
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:23 pm

Looking good keep up the awesome work :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:40 pm

Looks pretty cool, but I can't justify downloading Midas Magic (Ever. Just. No.) or the 'beauty body' stuff. If it was standalone - OBSE being an exception - it would have been much better. I just can't see myself downloading so many mods that could be better left out, or optional, just to play one thing. :(
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:13 pm

Looks pretty cool, but I can't justify downloading Midas Magic (Ever. Just. No.) or the 'beauty body' stuff. If it was standalone - OBSE being an exception - it would have been much better. I just can't see myself downloading so many mods that could be better left out, or optional, just to play one thing. :(

Well, you'd better, because these requirements are all pretty important for the uniqueness and awesomeness of this mod. And I think that for Midas Magic you'll only need to download the resources.
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:29 pm

Well, you'd better, because these requirements are all pretty important for the uniqueness and awesomeness of this mod. And I think that for Midas Magic you'll only need to download the resources.

I guess so. Out of the required mods listed, the only one I have is the Akatosh mount. I don't care for the body mods and never have, so I'll have to pass on this one.
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:21 pm

I loved the little story line of pics. Midas Magic is cool with me...I have been using it for years...
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Alyce Argabright
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:41 pm

Even though I don't particularly want to download all the mods just to play one, this mod looks like it will bring untold enjoyment and hours of play so I think it is a perfectly good trade haha :) Hope to see the new video soon :foodndrink:
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:22 pm

I'm not a big fan of Midas Magic either (I use LAME), but if it's just the resources, I can live with that. I have SI installed for much the same reason - after playing through the main quest once, I have no interest in doing so again, but I keep it there for other mods that use its resources.

As for the body replacers... you don't *have* to use them. If you don't, some of the clothing/armor sets won't fit properly on you, that's all.
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Kevin S
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:12 pm

I've only looked through part of the first post but what mods do I need in order for this to work when it's released? This mod looks so awesome and epic that I have to get this when it's finally released.

EDIT: Now back to watching more videos and looking at the screenshots.
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Elena Alina
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:27 am

I'm not a big fan of Midas Magic either (I use LAME), but if it's just the resources, I can live with that. I have SI installed for much the same reason - after playing through the main quest once, I have no interest in doing so again, but I keep it there for other mods that use its resources.

As for the body replacers... you don't *have* to use them. If you don't, some of the clothing/armor sets won't fit properly on you, that's all.

Midas Magic has nothing to do with LAME; you can use both with zero consequences...not quite sure where all this Midas hate is coming from :confused:
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gemma king
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:48 am

Midas Magic has nothing to do with LAME; you can use both with zero consequences...not quite sure where all this Midas hate is coming from

He meant he doesn't use Midas, but he does however use LAME. Not that he tried to use both together and they didn't work.
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:28 pm

I hereby cast a +10 MIDAS LOVES spell onto all the haters...thereby changing their attitudes....they now LOVE Midas!
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:52 pm

He meant he doesn't use Midas, but he does however use LAME. Not that he tried to use both together and they didn't work.

I understand that, that's not what I referred to, I was referring to the statement that "I'm not a big fan of Midas" was immediately followed by "I use LAME". They have nothing to do with each other.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:53 am

I'll be incorporating/using Midas Magic and Telekinetic Mastery with/for The Deep for many reasons. The biggest initial reason was that seeing NPCs using the cooler looking Midas spells AGAINST you was, well, simply awesome. Xilver has made some amazing activators for the spell effects and has done some INSANE scripting there. Pretty much the same for Talkie's Telekinetic Mastery. Could I come up with a ton of spells and such to mimic the spells in Midas and TM? I guess, maybe, if I had the time. But, this mod has already taken almost 3 years now, and I see no need for me to spend another large chunk of time trying to add the spells that are already available in the aforementioned spell packages.

For those who do not wish to use them, that's fine, I'm not forcing you... you don't HAVE to play this mod. I started this mod way back when for MYSELF, and it turned out to be so damn much fun, I thought others might get some enjoyment out of it too. Yes, it will demand that you use certain other mods, and yes it will pretty much require you to traverse the depths of the dungeons with companions (whether that be the companions I provide, or from another mod, that's up to you), and yes it will require a pretty decent computer to run. Those are the facts, as I'm STILL making this mod for ME... again, I'm just willing to SHARE for those who might be interested. But I can pretty much promise that those of you who do play it will have a hell of a fun experience. Or at least I HOPE you will enjoy it as much as I do. :laugh:

In the end, I imagine this mod will have the biggest footprint of any Oblivion mod out there. In other words, it will be one HELL of a massive download, so you better be ready for that too. Speaking of which, I might had better starting thinking about places that can host this massive beast.

Anyway. :blush:
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:18 pm

anyway you can list the mods that are needed? I am REALLY interested in playing this ASAP. I just hope my computer can handle it.
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:13 pm

anyway you can list the mods that are needed? I am REALLY interested in playing this ASAP. I just hope my computer can handle it.

Q: Will any other mods be required to play The Deep?

A: Yes. So far, the REQUIRED mods you'll need to play are: Oblivion Script Extender, Akatosh Mount By Saiden Storm, Midas Magic, Telekinetic Mastery, Any of the many Custom Race Fix mods, Robert's Male Body Replacer, Female EyeCandy Body Replacer (or any of its variants like HGEC) and a Cyrodiil Border Remover (or the removal of the border region yourself by way of editing the .ini file.

The RECOMMENDED mods (but not REQUIRED) are: Any partner mod (I myself recommend CM Partners and I will be supporting this one in The Deep's scripting system), Visually Enchanted Weapons, Dungeon Actors Have Torches, Enchantment Restore Over Time, No Psychic Guards or Reneers Guard Overhaul, Realistic Ragdolls and Force v3, Stealth Overhaul and Any LOD replacement for Border Regions.

There you go, took it straight out of the OP :P
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Austin England
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:56 pm

I understand that, that's not what I referred to, I was referring to the statement that "I'm not a big fan of Midas" was immediately followed by "I use LAME". They have nothing to do with each other.

They're both magic overhaul mods. My statement was geared toward that point.

For those who do not wish to use them, that's fine, I'm not forcing you... you don't HAVE to play this mod. I started this mod way back when for MYSELF, and it turned out to be so damn much fun, I thought others might get some enjoyment out of it too. Yes, it will demand that you use certain other mods, and yes it will pretty much require you to traverse the depths of the dungeons with companions (whether that be the companions I provide, or from another mod, that's up to you), and yes it will require a pretty decent computer to run. Those are the facts, as I'm STILL making this mod for ME... again, I'm just willing to SHARE for those who might be interested. But I can pretty much promise that those of you who do play it will have a hell of a fun experience. Or at least I HOPE you will enjoy it as much as I do. :laugh:

Despite my gripes, I'll give it a shot. I'm not much for companions either (their AI is stupid, more often than not), but this is such an epic mod that I simply can't pass it up.
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jessica sonny
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:31 pm

There you go, took it straight out of the OP :P

hmm iam useing the quest Mod The Heart of the Dead it has the CM Partners.esm wood that do ?
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:26 am

There you go, took it straight out of the OP :P

DERP! Like I said I didn't read the whole first post before I knew I had to have this. Then I saw the comments about Midas and wondered what other mods I needed. Looks like I only need the body mods and the telekinetic mod. I'm using all the other ones.
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