I can't get anything past you guys, and girls, can I? Yeah, I love reading about other cultures and I am a big history buff to boot, and I felt that Ahuramazda had a certain "ring" to it.
Eh. I'm an English major, and I have a knack for wordgames. And, like you, I have an interest in various mythologies.
I have to agree with the other folks: the Azura Marta video is awesome, but there's a bit too much slow-mo. At first I thought it was some time-slowing spell; it took a couple times before I realized it was just a Matrix effect.
I think the bits I've seen have done nothing to spoil this. On the contrary - all they've done is whet my appetite. I had no idea who that guy was on the bridge until you mentioned his name (and I still know nothing else about him), so it's hardly a spoiler. I think the voices for that part were really well done - it makes me want to go there and experience it for myself.
Lastly, one thing: You might want to warn people about the language in the videos - maybe slap a "NSFW" or "Mature" tag on them. I'm not offended by foul language, but other people might be (and kids DO play Oblivion). Just a thought.