Will it be possible to gain favor with the Deep Orcs and Deep Elves? Like, by doing some errands for them, or helping them, they will after a while not attack you anymore. Of course the ability to gain favor with the Deep Orcs and Elves would also depend on your race, maybe they dislike one race more then another race.
The Deep Orcs view other races as races to either be exterminated or enslaved. And they go forward with this mindset very brutally, as the great depths require cunning and brutality to survive and prosper. The Deep Elves share this mindset, but they
WILL cooperate with other races if it is in their best interests or they can "
gain" from the partnership, or the other race or other being is vastly superior in power. The Deep Orcs would
NEVER see this as an option.
And while you may get the opportunity to work or quest alongside some Deep Elves, never kid yourself, you are not their friend and they are not yours. You will NEVER be truly accepted as an equal or "
friend" of a Deep Elf (
the one exception being Zanben). They will always see you as an outsider, as an inferior being, and they will always be looking for an opportunity to turn on you.
There are also parallels in the Snow Elven culture. They share the same distrust of "
outsiders," those that are not of their own race. But the good thing about the Snow Elves is that if you really PROVE yourself a trusted ally, PROVE yourself of worth to the Clan, PROVE that you truly care about the Clan, then, after enough time, you might actually be accepted as "
family." That means they will do anything they can to help you; it means they would DIE for you if necessary. Such is the bond of family, of the "Clan."
You are what you do when it counts.

I'll more fully detail the races and cultures of the Deep Elves, Deep Orcs and the Snow Elves when I am ready to release their corresponding videos.