[WIPz] The Deep

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:20 pm

Technically Oblivion is an M rated game so unless there is something like uaginal nudity or six. You don't have to put a warning as it would technically be just the same rating as the game itself.
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lacy lake
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:11 pm

Technically Oblivion is an M rated game so unless there is something uaginal nudity or six. You don't have to put a warning as it would technically be just the same rating as the game itself.

I don't think there was any cursing or vulgar language in Vanilla Oblivion though.

But you are wrong about the M rating. Looking at my Oblivion box, I see it has a rating of "T" for Teen.
Blood and Gore
sixual Themes
Use of Alcohol

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:39 pm

ESRB classification changed after the first nvde mod was released which used default textures. The rating on my GOTY which I purchased after my house got broken into and games stolen is M with the same reasons.

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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:12 pm

ESRB classification changed after the first nvde mod was released which used default textures. The rating on my GOTY which I purchased after my house got broken into and games stolen is M with the same reasons.


I'm going to go ahead and put a warning in the OP anyway as I know there are a lot of younger members who frequent the forums. I think it's probably for the best.
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Wane Peters
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:59 pm

OK was just informing you that you didn't really have to. It's your choice anyway.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:26 pm

Whatever the rating...this mod is going to be a BLAST!!!!!!!!!!
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Sista Sila
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:59 pm


One of the services provided by Charm's Adventurers' Hall is a message board. The message board is a great place to pick up quests, odd jobs and contracts. It is also a good place to "learn" things as sometimes people will post news from recent happenings in the Deep (again, The Deep will always be active, even when you're not in it). One day you might check the board and read about a group of Deep Orcs that have taken over Grayquay Outpost, and then you might return to the board a week later and read that a band of adventurers have managed to wipe out the Deep Orcs and return Grayquay Outpost to the control of the Thieves' Guild for a substantial reward. And not only will the news and quests available on the message board change, the actual pictures and posting will graphically change on the board to reflect certain changes.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:22 pm

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Cameron Wood
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:28 pm


That message board is a really good idea, well done Straton! :goodjob: But will the Message Board look just as good in game? I'm curious about how it will look then...
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:46 pm

Looks really, really good so far. Vanilla Oblivion seems so boring compared to this. Bethesda could take a few notes from you :P
Anyways, I have a question or two.

Will the deep elves and orcs really be as tough as you say? What level would you need to be to take 'em on, roughly?
Will you release a demo of the mod? Say, a small section of the dungeon made in a worldspace only accessible by using console commands.

Thanks. Keep up the great work. Hope you manage to finish it.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:04 pm

Awesome work, keeping an eye on this mod, too :)
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:13 pm

Looks really, really good so far. Vanilla Oblivion seems so boring compared to this. Bethesda could take a few notes from you :P
Anyways, I have a question or two.

Will the deep elves and orcs really be as tough as you say? What level would you need to be to take 'em on, roughly?
Will you release a demo of the mod? Say, a small section of the dungeon made in a worldspace only accessible by using console commands.

Thanks. Keep up the great work. Hope you manage to finish it.

Yes, they will be tough. But to give you an idea of exactly "how" tough would be, well, tough. ;) Seriously, some of the Deep Elves and Deep Orcs you encounter will be higher level than others. Also consider that you will rarely encounter them by themselves, they will almost always be part of a medium to large sized group. Both races often send raiding parties to the surface to cause murder and mayhem. If you encounter one of these groups on their way up, or encounter them on the surface, you'll need companions with you if you hope to survive a battle with them, especially if most in the group are high level. Otherwise it might be best to just hide until the party has passed you by. It would also probably not be a good idea to go marching straight into the heart of the main Deep Elf city of Mala Nagasel or the Deep Orc's main city of Bag?rz Maugoth, although SNEAKING about those cities would ensure you a better chance of survival. And of course attacking one of their outposts within the deep (of which they will have many) could very much be possible without the loss of life (yours and your companions anyway). ;)

As far as a demo, I don't know, I doubt it. It would end up being too much time and effort trying to break up and isolate certain parts of the mod from the rest of the "main" mod. What I DO plan on, however, is asking for beta testers before I release it to make sure all is running well.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:29 pm

As far as a demo, I don't know, I doubt it. It would end up being too much time and effort trying to break up and isolate certain parts of the mod from the rest of the "main" mod. What I DO plan on, however, is asking for beta testers before I release it to make sure all is running well.

I've never really been a fan of Demo's, and I think that most of the people will be able to wait for the complete and finished mod :P So a demo wouldn't be that important, focus on just making the mod as good as possible, demo's are a waste of time... :talk:

It would also probably not be a good idea to go marching straight into the heart of the main Deep Elf city of Mala Nagasel or the Deep Orc's main city of Bag?rz Maugoth, although SNEAKING about those cities would ensure you a better chance of survival. And of course attacking one of their outposts within the deep (of which they will have many) could very much be possible without the loss of life (yours and your companions anyway).

Will it be possible to gain favor with the Deep Orcs and Deep Elves? Like, by doing some errands for them, or helping them, they will after a while not attack you anymore. Of course the ability to gain favor with the Deep Orcs and Elves would also depend on your race, maybe they dislike one race more then another race.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:37 am

Will it be possible to gain favor with the Deep Orcs and Deep Elves? Like, by doing some errands for them, or helping them, they will after a while not attack you anymore. Of course the ability to gain favor with the Deep Orcs and Elves would also depend on your race, maybe they dislike one race more then another race.

The Deep Orcs view other races as races to either be exterminated or enslaved. And they go forward with this mindset very brutally, as the great depths require cunning and brutality to survive and prosper. The Deep Elves share this mindset, but they WILL cooperate with other races if it is in their best interests or they can "gain" from the partnership, or the other race or other being is vastly superior in power. The Deep Orcs would NEVER see this as an option.

And while you may get the opportunity to work or quest alongside some Deep Elves, never kid yourself, you are not their friend and they are not yours. You will NEVER be truly accepted as an equal or "friend" of a Deep Elf (the one exception being Zanben). They will always see you as an outsider, as an inferior being, and they will always be looking for an opportunity to turn on you.

There are also parallels in the Snow Elven culture. They share the same distrust of "outsiders," those that are not of their own race. But the good thing about the Snow Elves is that if you really PROVE yourself a trusted ally, PROVE yourself of worth to the Clan, PROVE that you truly care about the Clan, then, after enough time, you might actually be accepted as "family." That means they will do anything they can to help you; it means they would DIE for you if necessary. Such is the bond of family, of the "Clan."

You are what you do when it counts. ;)

I'll more fully detail the races and cultures of the Deep Elves, Deep Orcs and the Snow Elves when I am ready to release their corresponding videos.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:43 am

Can't wait to play this mod :)
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:21 pm

Okay, thanks for the explanation Straton. It sounds really good :celebration:

Can't wait to play this mod :)

Me 2 :shocking:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:24 pm

I'l figure I'd post a friendly bump, just to see if there's been any progress. No rush mind you, just curious :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:07 pm

Double Bump
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:09 pm

One word: INSANE :mohawk:
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JD bernal
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:04 pm

I read in the description that this will need midas magic and the telekinetic spells, but I was wondering if you will be making a version that has the effects already packaged into the mod. I don't use them personally and from the videos it only seemed like a few weapons were using the spells so I'd rather not download them for one or two things. Everything looks great though. Keep up the good work :foodndrink:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:34 pm

Just an update to let you all know that YES, I'm still working on the mod. But NO, I'm not willing to show off any new videos or anything yet. When I DO release the next video, I want it to be really special.

Currently I've been slowly hammering away at getting the general layout of the dungeon levels set into place. There's a LOT of ground to cover and just a TON of cells. ;)
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:21 am

I read in the description that this will need midas magic and the telekinetic spells, but I was wondering if you will be making a version that has the effects already packaged into the mod. I don't use them personally and from the videos it only seemed like a few weapons were using the spells so I'd rather not download them for one or two things. Everything looks great though. Keep up the good work :foodndrink:

Yes, both will be required. I had originally hoped to get permission to incorporate them directly into the mod, but the authors of those magic systems were not comfortable with that (which is understandable), but they did give me permission to have my NPCs using those spells. So again, yes, you'll need them both installed. I just HOPE that the ID names of the spells do not change in any future updates to those mods. If that happens, you will probably have to use an earlier version of them, that being the version I use at the time of the NPC creation. Although I doubt that will happen as it seems that the names of the spells in both mods has stayed constant throughout their updates.

And for the record, it's not the weapons that use the spells (all the weapons spells and effects are my own creations), but rather it will be the NPCs who use the spells. In the Battles 01 video, you can see all the NPCs using spells from both Midas Magic AND Telekinetic Mastery.
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:12 pm

Just an update to let you all know that YES, I'm still working on the mod. But NO, I'm not willing to show off any new videos or anything yet. When I DO release the next video, I want it to be really special.

Currently I've been slowly hammering away at getting the general layout of the dungeon levels set into place. There's a LOT of ground to cover and just a TON of cells. ;)

Was waiting to hear something about The Deep :)
Thanks for the update. Don't overload on the tedious stuff :P

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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:36 am

Yes, both will be required. I had originally hoped to get permission to incorporate them directly into the mod, but the authors of those magic systems were not comfortable with that (which is understandable), but they did give me permission to have my NPCs using those spells. So again, yes, you'll need them both installed. I just HOPE that the ID names of the spells do not change in any future updates to those mods. If that happens, you will probably have to use an earlier version of them, that being the version I use at the time of the NPC creation. Although I doubt that will happen as it seems that the names of the spells in both mods has stayed constant throughout their updates.

And for the record, it's not the weapons that use the spells (all the weapons spells and effects are my own creations), but rather it will be the NPCs who use the spells. In the Battles 01 video, you can see all the NPCs using spells from both Midas Magic AND Telekinetic Mastery.

aww well as long as i can use Less Annoying Magic Experience (LAME) & both Midas Magic & Telekinetic Mastery & of couse FCOM ill be happy :P
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:59 pm

Just an update to let you all know that YES, I'm still working on the mod. But NO, I'm not willing to show off any new videos or anything yet. When I DO release the next video, I want it to be really special.

Currently I've been slowly hammering away at getting the general layout of the dungeon levels set into place. There's a LOT of ground to cover and just a TON of cells. ;)

Thanks for the update Straton. I have been checking this thread every day for updates, so I'm happy to hear something from you :foodndrink:
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