First off i would like to let you guys know that i am eagerly waiting along with a milion other people to get our hands on this game! When I bought the 360 years ago one of the first game i got was The Elder scrolls: Oblivion. I saw the game in the retail shop and after looking at it for a while i decided to buy it. And boy oh boy what a game that was and it still is! Never in all my gaming career i came across a game where i have spent so much time on in the sinleplayer. And without doing any research before i was absotuly shocked and awed when i did my first baby steps in the world of Cyrodill. I Never expected there would be so much content in it. I must have spent over 300 hours in it and I never got bored of it.
After years i finally decided to join this forum to talk and discuss about Oblivion and Skyrim because we all share the something in common! A passion for the games that you guys have made. After watching some videos that were about the sounds and artwork i am completely sure about it that this will be a great game! The guys that were talking about their work did it absolutely brilliant.Only by watching their face expressions and the way the talk you can tell that they have put a lot of love attention into this game.
Well done guys, Keep up the good work!
Kind Regards,
Welcome to the forums

I first felt like this when i first played morrowind,that game had a big impact on me. Then oblivion came out,that to svcked me in,both great games in my opinion. The scale and freedom you have is amazing,in fact it feels that good ,that when you play a game that doesn't have the same freedom it just isn't the same. That not to say there isn't any good games because of that though.
Even though it has a main story or quest,we can still do what we like,roleplay a hunter,farmer,whatever....it's great.
I also agree,that they ( bethesda ) seem very confident about the game. I've picked up the same feeling watching interview's etc. I'm really looking forward to skyrim,and although we have way more to know yet,i have a good feeling about this game. From what i've read so far,i've liked the direction they have taken with this game. To me it as it's own flavour/ideas,but i also see hints of oblivion and morrowind in there. Your post proves what bethesda tried to do with oblivion,and that was to get a bigger audience,and boy,did they do that. It's a bold statement,but i said a while ago,this game as epic written all over it. It's maybe too early to state that,but it's rare i get that feeling with games nowadays.Sometimes you just know when a game is going to be good.
But as i've said,you do get the feeling bethesda are excited about this game as much as we are,you get the feeling they have really stepped it up this time.
Once again welcome to the forums,and it's nice to see someone that appreciates oblivion for what it is/was,in the time given.....A great game

*Edit* I take it you've seen the gameplay trailer?
If so,what did you think?