Its ashame nobody signs on anymore. I just went into a default channel where some guy was looking for an enigma. I ended up giving my enigma for free. I also gave him my harelquin crest, my zod socketed etheral HoZ, my Heart of the Oak, my archanid mesh belt, both my SoJ's and my mara's amulet.
I figured i probably won't be playing this game ever again...and I wanted to see someones reaction when I did something ridiculously generous.
What was his reaction?
You shoulda told me!!!!!!!! I would want that eth Hoz. Im assuming this is on US East (Non-ladder)? The eth hoz was the only valuable item, unless your enigma was 15ed/15dura +775 roll, 141 shako, eth 40res hoto, 120ed arach. That would have been valuable items.
Not that Im sayin the items arent great, its just non ladder. I have a bunch of Death runewords, Destruction runewords, Obidience runewords, Dream, Last Wish's, Grienfs, Insights, Forts, eth Andariels visage, etc that is hard to get rid of on non ladder
Ha, when I stopped playing shortly after you, I gave away 3 enigmas, 4 soj's, two HOTOs, two of those crazy phase blade rune words, I dont remember the names. Arachs, Stormwalkers, Draculs, a full set of trangs, two amazing claw rune words whose name i cant remember, 4 bartucs, a few HR's, Chains of honour, some tiara thing that every one got hard over, and and inventory full of 290's.
Every one loved me :')
A week later I felt like playing again

Thanks again for the items! You should get back on it. Its a new season

Most likely 290 poison damage scs.
Max ones are 451 psn damage scs. I got lucky once and someone from d2jsp gave me 5 or 6 451 psn scs, traded them of course.