[Idea] The Dissenters {RP}[Working Title]

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:40 am


Now taking Character sheets via PM! Once approved post on this thread!

Here it goes...

Please just hear me out, the beginning paragraphs are a little crazy, I know, but I hope to include some comedy, even if it is stupid.


Imagine a group of incredibly, perhaps even cornily, more than likely over exaggerated, EVIL people. Moving to displace the center of the Empire, The Dissenters, if you would. They do MANIACAL things, EVIL things. They arrange assassinations, they fund gangs all over Tamriel, and send bandit raids to hit caravans with valuable goods.


Well, all Evil people plan to, eventually, do something nice and evil that plunges the world (or at least their immediate surroundings) into total anarchy or something very close to it, until THEY instill a new order under THEIR RULE. Pretty freaking evil, huh?

Well, these Dissenters have been working their fingers through the fabric of The Empire for quite some time now. But, as they near their goal, the forces of good (a random group of people assembled by a crazy old man living near Skingrad on an old farm), are about to make their move. Mordereth, a Dunmer Assassin, leading agent of The Dissenters, is going to assassinate the Count of Skingrad.

If they move quickly, they may be able to capture Mordereth or kill Mordereth. Either way it would be a blow right to the Dissenters groin. Perhaps even be able to keep the region, which has recently fallen into chaos over a long friendly-feud between the cities two vineyards turned nasty, from falling into complete anarchy and chaos. Now, houses are burned, smashed graqe barrels turned over, necks cracked. Life in Skingrad is violent now.

In fact, the Dissenters have focused many resources in the Colovian West. From Anvil, to Kvatch(never destroyed, no Oblivion crisis makes life easier), to Skingrad, bandits raid and pillage road-side taverns. The only ones that have survived are new, 'The Rusty Spoon' (located half-way between Anvil and Kvatch) and 'The Crotchety Coot' (half-way between Kvatch and Skingrad). Both are guarded by mercenaries and locked at night.

Amontillado-naughts/Amon's Heroes/*Whatever the crazy dude starts calling you* (The Good Guys)

You have no backing by The Empire or any other government, just a crazy old Imperial man, Amontillado. Probably the only person outside of The Dissenters who realizes they exist.

You start in 'The Crotchety Coot', your weapons shouldn't be too amazing. No Flaming Silver swords. But that doesn't mean you are left with only your faithful spork. You are there for any of the following reasons:

-You got a message from Amontillado promising you riches if you help his 'Assembled host of heroes, including yourself' defeat The Dissenters. He explains what Mordereth is doing and everything he knows about The Dissenters, which is everything you can glean from the 'Idea' section.

-You just happen to be there, no knowledge of The Dissenters.

-You are a bandit/ex-bandit who finds this odd funding you get (you don't know the name of the group) to be dis settling/you think you could profit from taking them down and have heard about this old man's assembly for some reason.

-Any other reason you can think of, just PM me for approval.

The Dissenters (Bad Guys)

ONLY apply if you are REALLY good at RPing.

I'll explain many of the aspects of being a 'Bad Guy' to you. You will gain prestige levels and have the option to kill other members (probably controlled by me) of The Dissenters. With more Prestige levels (more will be revealed if you become a 'bad guy').

Your options of weapons are... Hell, anything. But be modest, would you? I'm hoping you only try for this if your good at RPing. I'm cool with you being BAMF if you understand that the good guys need to have a chance at winning. No swooping in with your undead hordes (well, not in the first post at least).

You will be a key part of the plot. Feel free to PM me with ideas about situations and other things to do to the good guys.

I want at least 1 of these, to be my compatriot in crime and make things more interesting =)



Yea, he's named after a wine. He's got some nice clothes, looks like he picked them right off an aristocrat. He seems to live a life of cumfort in his good-sized farm estate. He's not REALLY rich. But he has enough form inheritance to live well. He has a man servant who is keeping the farm while he is away. He probably won't join in the fighting unless attacked.

*Note To Bad Guys* Don't just decide to kill him. His fate may vary depending on what you do and what the so-called 'heroes' do, but at most just kidnap him, alright?

Rule (More of guidelines, really)

1) PvP- Only with my or the other player's consent may you kill/dismember/fatally or morbidly wound them

2) Don't flame. You died? It's not to easy to die, unless your a frenzied berserker Nord, in which case you don't (or shouldn't) fear death anyway. Make another character, I'll let you rejoin, no swet.
3) Being a 'Hero' doesn't necessarily make you a BAMF, you might be, you could be an Arena champion or someone else with renoun, or a famous cook, or someone whose kind of stupid and worthless but willing to tag along. Be a goodie-two-shoes, or an evil guy in it for the kicks and/or selfish reason.
4) Being a Bad Guy, well, you could go soft, or be intermediate, or be VERY evil.

5) Be smart, you know how to RP, read Illusinaries guide if you think you might need a little refresher (or skim, it's pretty long)

6) Romance is fine, but you know that this IS a teen rated forum so keep it clean. And please, don't let this be instantaneous, love at first sight doesn't mean you're sleeping with them one thread later.

Character Sheet:
Name: (First and last, unless you have some weird reason for not having a last which should be explained)
Nick Name: (Not at all necessary, but OK if you want it)
six: (No "Yes Please!")

Appearance: (Face etc.)
Misc. Appearance: (Tattoos etc.)
Hight: (I don't really have to know anything)
Apparel Worn Most Often: (You're traveling attire, it might be armor)
Armor: (This may be your apparel)
Other Apparel: (Maybe you have lots of clothes, who knows?)

Eye Color:
Hair Style:
Hair Color:

Skills: (Don't need to be from the games)

Equipment Sack: (Like back-pack, or whatever you use to carry stuff around. No Fanny-pack that carries your 7 battle axes!)
Miscellaneous: (Damn, spelling that word out just seems... special, you know?)

The Heroes or the Dissenters?: (Which faction, you can be an evil person working with the good guys for whatever reason)
Why are you there?: (Only needed for heroes, optional for bad-guys)
Background Information: (Always nice, I want to say optional but I don't want any "Mysterious Past"ers unless your a bad guy!)

(Feel free to tell me if I goofed on that, haven't made a character sheet in a while)

You would PM me a sheet if-and-when I host it.

So yea, that's my idea. Feel free to suggest anything, tare it apart, spit in my eye, suggest comic things (preferably in PM form, so their funny when implemented in RP)

Also, I'm looking for *Environment Mods*. If I can't be on for an extended period of time, or if I leave all together (I am NOT planning on that) you run the show. You talk to any and all 'Bad Guys' to keep things going.

Candidates for Env. Mod



EDIT#1: Added some more to character sheet, added a new rule addressing romance.
EDIT#2: Added Skills to Character sheet
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Mrs. Patton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:24 pm

I'll take over for you when or if you leave or disappear.
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:42 am

I would join...I suppose I could make a neat bad guy :P But aye , you have my vote .
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:11 am

I have the perfect character for this, and he could be on either side, really. I'll need to see how many others want to get this going before I put said character to sheet, but if there's enough interest from enough people, I'm in.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:25 am

Awesome! I hate to say this, but tell your friends! I have great things in mind for this RP, I really want it to at least get enough sign-ups to get off the ground!

If you are one of the people sure of what character sheet you wish to submit, you can go ahead and PM me for approval.

If not? Then we just wait, unless you have any ideas you'd like to put forward.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:11 am

Sounds interesting, I would join
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:41 am

Cool! Well, we need a few more, but if those who are interested would PM me character sheets, that'd be sweet!
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:47 pm

I would probably join once you get the real topic put out there.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:59 am

I could consider joining though the last five RPs I've tried to join turned into [censored] and I kind of lost the urge to RP. But if you think you need an extra player, I could try to do it, maybe even play an evil guy. Though I fear your definition of evil is quite different from my own.

It is the initial goal bothers me. Evil people who want to rule the world. I don't see this as original. It's been done a zillion times and I fear it all started with Star Wars: "I'm evil, therefore I want to rule the galaxy."

What makes you think evil people want nothing else but to rule the world? To create the world in their own vision? So their actions could continue unpunished? I call that cowardice. If you are evil and you know you are evil, then you have to accept that evil actions are NOT appreciated in the world. If they would be, how can your characaters be evil? Evil is defined by the non-evil people, after all.

Being evil you must accept that non-evil people will hate you and try to hunt you down. In my opinion, that's what makes it fun. B)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:31 am

I could consider joining though the last five RPs I've tried to join turned into [censored] and I kind of lost the urge to RP. But if you think you need an extra player, I could try to do it, maybe even play an evil guy. Though I fear your definition of evil is quite different from my own.

It is the initial goal bothers me. Evil people who want to rule the world. I don't see this as original. It's been done a zillion times and I fear it all started with Star Wars: "I'm evil, therefore I want to rule the galaxy."

What makes you think evil people want nothing else but to rule the world? To create the world in their own vision? So their actions could continue unpunished? I call that cowardice. If you are evil and you know you are evil, then you have to accept that evil actions are NOT appreciated in the world. If they would be, how can your characaters be evil? Evil is defined by the non-evil people, after all.

Being evil you must accept that non-evil people will hate you and try to hunt you down. In my opinion, that's what makes it fun. B)

Your point is well made. I just kind of typed and let my fingers do the thinking, and they have very small brains :celebration:

I agree, Evil may be many things, and I'd be glad to have you if you wanted to join.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:29 pm

I could consider joining though the last five RPs I've tried to join turned into [censored] and I kind of lost the urge to RP. But if you think you need an extra player, I could try to do it, maybe even play an evil guy. Though I fear your definition of evil is quite different from my own.

It is the initial goal bothers me. Evil people who want to rule the world. I don't see this as original. It's been done a zillion times and I fear it all started with Star Wars: "I'm evil, therefore I want to rule the galaxy."

What makes you think evil people want nothing else but to rule the world? To create the world in their own vision? So their actions could continue unpunished? I call that cowardice. If you are evil and you know you are evil, then you have to accept that evil actions are NOT appreciated in the world. If they would be, how can your characaters be evil? Evil is defined by the non-evil people, after all.

Being evil you must accept that non-evil people will hate you and try to hunt you down. In my opinion, that's what makes it fun. B)

Well there is not many things evil people want. Either to cause pain, or to achieve power. That's basically it. So for an evil person to want to rule the world, to me that's pretty realistic. I mean it's already been attempted by many evil people so... and yes that might be cowardice, to rule so that your actions can go unpunished, but if your evil that might sound like a pretty darn good idea.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:56 am

I may join up. I am REALLY great at making baddies, (If you play World of Warcraft, come on over to Sisters of Elune realm and I will show you.).

I just need to make sure you all are cool with it. I have never been on a forum roleplay, but I am always roleplaying on WoW, so I know not to go, "I AM THE SON OF MEHRUNES DAGON! ROAR!" or have yours characters do anything I want to.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:15 pm

I may join. I actually prefer to play villain characters, though I dislike using the word evil, as I'm more of a "shades of grey" sort of guy. Still, it would be an interesting experience, and I have more than a few characters who would be suited to the task.

I also quite agree with Peleus's opinion on the goal and antagonists. I'll just have to watch how it goes I suppose, though I'll probably join regardless.
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:40 am

I might have a nuetralish character that works for the people that dont seem like nice guys, but eventaully ends up going to the people working for the weird old man, who I bet is just using those people to remove competition. -stares at the old man- Im watching you!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:46 am

lol, I was hopping there would be mainly good guys, seeing as the bad guys are supposed to be the minority here, but this is fine. It'll be unusualthough...

How can all the bad guys ambush the good guys at once? Sure they can, but it gets kind of awkward when the undead, bandits, nord raiders, and trolls attack you. Or when your hexed by an evil sorcerer, poisoned by an maniacal mad-man, and you then walk across of ground that gives way to land you 20-feet-down on pile of hay in a dungeon/mine filled baddies.

But I guess we could go like that.

If you want to be a bad guy, submit your character sheet early. Early as in ASAP =) Thanks! This RP looks like it's going to have a nice start, once I get some character sheets I'll post 'er up!
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:44 am

If there are plenty of evil characters, I could play a good char. I will wait a bit so I can supply the char needed.
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James Shaw
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:04 am

If there are plenty of evil characters, I could play a good char. I will wait a bit so I can supply the char needed.

I'd say that all 3 sheets I have gotten so far are Dissenter, which is good, but I'd like to see at least as many good guys.

Note: If there aren't? Then we can work around it, but the less bad guys, the more awesome stuff they'll be allowed to do. It just makes sense. Not to discourage anyone from joining if they really want to be a baddie, but if your in the middle, please go good guy. You can always switch sides. It may not be immediate, but I'll wait for a key point in time to do it. I want this RP to be meaningful. "Oh looks like that guys rand off to be a baddie, who gives?" Is not meaningful, to me at least, enough for a dissertion from good to evil, or evil to good.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:34 am

Alright, school starts again tommorow, so I will have to work on organising when I can post. No prolblem :D By the end of the month, I will have my own laptop, so I can pretty much post anytime with the exception of 7:00 AM to 4:00PM and on thursdays, 5:00 PM.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:54 am

I would probably join. I could be evil or good, but evil is definitely the funnest side.

What does BAMF mean?
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Janine Rose
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:17 am

I would probably join. I could be evil or good, but evil is definitely the funnest side.

You hit the hammer on the nail, my friend. If with slightly more appropriate speech.
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:17 am

I'll submit my char sheet in a few minutes. Along with a couple questions. I'll prob be a bad guy, I've never really been one before... hehehe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:49 pm

I'll join. This looks interesting.
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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:15 am

I'll join. This looks interesting.

Alright, a good guy would be preferable as we have all bad-guys as far as those who've submitted character sheets.

Making and submitting a sheet soon is a good idea.
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Rach B
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:43 pm

I submitted mine just a minute ago and I am a good guy.
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Hella Beast
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:25 pm

I submitted mine just a minute ago and I am a good guy.

Very good, I just now got it.
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