Is the dlc good?

Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:41 am

Yeah, probably get this all the time but I'm just wondering. Had New Vegas for a while and love it but just a little cautious if my money would be well spent and i'm just looking for opinions of other fans.
Also when is the best time in the game to do them. when would it make most sense in the game story wise.
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:50 am

1. Dead Money (loved the athmosphere and companions)
2. Old World Blues (liked the setting and overall design, hated that I had no permanent companion with me which do the fighting (diplomat/trader char)
3. Honest Hearts (liked the openworld, couldn't connect to story and characters, was pretty much forcing me through the dlc)

I generally like that all of the dlc (including the coming one) are somehow connected to the maingame in terms of story/characters/locations. So expect for Honest Hearts I didn't regret buying/playing them.
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Cat Haines
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:47 pm

Thanks, but when would it make the most sense to do these, storyline wise? If you understand what I am saying.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:04 am


If you do them in that order you'll get a steady progression of the arching story..

Not really sure why they weren't released in that order tbh..
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:44 am

This should anwer your question to a degree..... take it how you will.

I like fo3 main game alot more than fo nv, but Obsidians dlc package is destroying fo3 dlc

1. Broken Steel- hey, it told me what happened in fo3, and I like to know.
2. Dead Money- 9.0
3. OWB 8.5
4. MZ 8.0
5. Honest Hearts- 7.5
6. Point Lookout- 7.25
7. OA 6.75
8 The Pitt 5.25 just too short, too easy......

I love listing all the dcl and my IMO ratings, and as you can see all the of fo nv dlc are in the top 5, with 2 in the top 3.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:03 am

Well OP it depends on what you want from each DLC.

Dead Money has a decent amount of new items but by far not as much as the other two.
It on the other hand focuses on giving you a challenge and to give you new gameplay mechanics that you have to figure out (The bomb collar and speakers along with the deadly poison gas).
It has great exploration aspect as you are truly rewarded for exploring in it.
Cause in this DLC your equipment is removed (but not in the other DLC's) so with the deadly enemies and poison gas you're going to have to scavenge for supplies to survive which makes exploration all the more viable.
And finally it's story, characters, choices, endings sliders, writing, atmosphere and quest design is all top class.

I don't like the other two DLC's so much so this might be a bit bias but I'm gonna try to keep it neutral:

Honest Hearts doesn't exactly do much in the quest design department.
It's very short (storywise), doesn't have a lot of choices until the end and it's mostly built up of fetch quests.
It on the other hand has a new area you can go back to any time you want to, a looot of new gear and a ton of new Survival recipes.
It's writing is good enough, Randall's story is amazing, but it has no pacing and everything happens far too fast, can be over before it even starts.
If you're aiming for a DLC with a unique new area, lots of exploration and lots of new enemies to shoot at then this one is for you.
If you are out for a DLC with a long meaningful story with lots of choices and interesting quest design then this one is not for you.

Old World Blues follows HH's design.
It's story seems absent most of the time and it's choices are very linear (I thought so).
It has a greater emphasis on combat and exploration, and while it rewards you for that exploration the combat can get tedious.
See, the enemies scale to your level so you'll fight bullet sponges if at lvl 40 when you enter it. (I did, had to turn the difficulty down to Normal, not cause it was hard, but because it was tedious and my ammo wasn't gonna last through the entire DLC.)
Has lots of new items though I didn't find any to be spectacular enough to be useful.
Oh and it has a completely overpowered new house for you to use with a vendor, bed, book/pen/clipboard/toaster/mug recycling machines, repair NPC, workbench, reloading bench, jukebox, autodoc and a little garden for you to use as well.

If you want a DLC that has a great story then go with Dead Money, if you just want to shoot a bunch of tribals or robot scorpions and explore then go with Old World Blues and Honest Hearts.


Not really sure why they weren't released in that order tbh..

Nah Dead Money came out before Honest Hearts.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:25 am

2 cents: (contains minor spoilers)

1.Dead Money: Interesting idea, good amount of new areas and what not, it makes a decent attempt at being a pseudo survival horror game, but it gets old fast, fairly poorly handled questing and navigation throughout, makes most of it feel more like a chore than anything.
Also the companions wont shut up, it's like Lily all over again.

2.Honest Hearts: Again, interesting idea, nice looking areas and brilliant new weather effects, but a colossal missed opportunity with the Burned Man, he's downplayed to the point of being uninteresting,
The story is mostly unengaging and, well dull, fetch quests, the odd tribal enemy encounter, geckos... and an anticlimactic ending to the whole thing.
And as in Dead Money, the pvssyrbox a bullet for each of them is the advice I would give.

3.Old World Blues: Re-skins galore and lame knee-jerk humor, unless your idea of fun is sitting through endless dialogue riddled with the most basic forms of humor and cringe inducing sc-fi pop-culture references, this will most likely be another laborious chore.
On the plus side, no annoying companions (except for that stealth suit) and you can turn off those insufferable appliances back at your base.

As far as when to do them? It hardly matters, the game is already flawed in having no post-ending game play making things like DLC and player house/base awkward to handle.
Don't get me wrong, as harsh as I am on the DLCs I absolutely LOVE the main FONV game (except for the failed handling of the ending) but these DLCs are generally a mess, and could just as easily be avoided.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:42 am

They are, all of them, excellent.

Here're two tips: First, set aside all your expectations (and I mean *all* of them) before you play *any* of them; second, if you don't like something then don't use it.

If you like gaming for the sake of gaming and you take my advice, you should really enjoy the DLC for NV.
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:02 am


That helps alot thanks. when do you think is the best time in game to do them. As i keep asking, when would it make most sense in the the main game?

They are, all of them, excellent.

Here're two tips: First, set aside all your expectations (and I mean *all* of them) before you play *any* of them; second, if you don't like something then don't use it.

If you like gaming for the sake of gaming and you take my advice, you should really enjoy the DLC for NV.

Yeah, I always take a game for what it is. and noted, no expectations.
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Roy Harris
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:48 am

Dead Money is the best (I give it a 9.5/10) with Old World Blues closely behind (9.2/10). Honest Hearts is also good and it has cool weapons but it has some flaws. Dead Money is mostly linear, story focused, dlc that focuses more on the characters in the story than really anything else. Dead Money also has the longest story of any of the previous Fallout DLC, including FO3 DLC, and it should take you 5-8 hours to complete. Dead Money and Old World Blues are must buys and you should probably buy both together because their stories somewhat intertwine.
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