The DLCs Were Great But I Have One Huge Complaint

Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:01 pm

I really liked the dlc's but the one thing that I love most about the fallout series is that they take place in real world locations but the new Vegas dlc's failed to deliver. In fallout 3 we were in Washington DC, in those dlc's we were in Anchorage, Pittsburgh, Louisiana (I think) and outer space. Then we went to Las Vegas but from there we went to a fictional casino in who knows where, Zion National Park (the only real world location) then a fictional facility in a mountain (which I think should have been area 51 and then to some wrecked place called the divide.

Am I the only one who feels this way? What are your thoughts?
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Jarrett Willis
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:13 pm

I'm not slitting my wrists because of it that's for sure. NV's DLC have a lot of merits and their good sides triumph over any oddities. 'Tis called

However I agree with you enough that plot and setting-wise I like Fallout 3's DLC more. Furthermore, Point Lookout was set in Maryland.
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Liv Staff
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:16 pm

When the Fist Time they Release FNV, i am the one who critics about the location. I understand the need of the location. because it will triger the apocalyptic mood just like in the movie. : The Road, Mad Max, I am Legend. and The Book of Eli.
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:45 pm

For the record if you only played 3 and New Vegas your not a "series fan" or even acquainted with the series. Your just a 3/New Vegas/Both fan.

Also I disliked New Vegas using real world inspired but not actually real world casinos but really that was out of the actual Strip being disappointing and bare especially compared to the comic where it was packed and seemed like a place with tons to do.

To be fair Bethesda Softworks barely gave Obsidian any time to make the game. Combined with Obsidian's svckish programmers it all didn't work out for the best.

It's funny you point out real world locations though. New Vegas from design of the world to enemies and where they are is realistic vs Fallout 3 acting like a dungeon romp with spazzing enemies randomly placed.

New Vegas's 4 DLC locations were just as semi-realistic.

Fallout 3 had 5 DLCs. Outer Space and aliens don't count as realistic. And Point Lookout wasn't in Louisiana but in Point Lookout, Maryland. It's loosely based off the real world PL State Park which is a peninsula.

Dead Money did have a fictional casino (That was being built before the Great War) yes but the funding and creation and all the lore and info about this single location was great. Much more thought than Bethesda Game Studios mustered. I think there is a real world location near the Mojave somewhere in Nevada or its borders the casino is based on but you'd have to ask J.E. Sawyer.

Correct Honest Hearts was based in a loose and recovering Zion National Park.

The Big Empty is a remaining crater of what were originally underground facilities inside a mountain due to a failed experiment. Not Area 51 correct but fine enough without making a terrible alien shooting gallery like Mothership Zeta.

It's hard to pin down the real world location. Joshua Graham gave a hint towards it by stating routes the NCR troops were taking but were blocked by the Big Empty and the Divide.

Those are:
"Big Mountain" in the southwestern US: Arizona's Black Mesa, a peak in Nevada's Black Rock Range, and Big Mountain Ridge, in Los Angeles County, California

It's somewhere near SR 127 and 88 as most have pinned down.

The Divide is one I'm less sure about as I haven't had the oppurtunity to delve far into Lonesome Road yet.
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