I'm all for gameplay affecting blizzards, although I don't know how I feel about cannibalism. Anywhere, here are some ideas to make blizzards dangerous ingame.
When a blizzard occurs, you cannot use the map to fast-travel elsewhere. This roots you in your current location until the blizzard is over. You cannot just press T and wait until it's over; if we want to portray it realistically, standing in the middle of a blizzard waiting for it to die down is foolish and equates to death. These two little limitations encourage you to do two things: try and find some natural shelter (e.g. a cave or overhang), where you can wait out the storm (or sleep it if there's a bed to be found there), or if not set up a portable encampment from your inventory which has a tent with a bedroll. You may also sleep/wait out the blizzard inside the tent. If you neither have a tent nor can find natural shelter, your only option is to slowly make your way downhill, trying to get to a lower altitude at which the blizzard is not so potent.
Before many start moaning about the gameplay limiting aspects of such an interesting mechanic, I'd suggest that this be included but optional, probably in a hardcoe mode, so as to sate the appetites of some of us for real roleplaying